It's not Muslims; it's white nationalists

Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!
Gilroy Garlic Festival gunman referred to 'Might is Right' manifesto before shooting

"GILROY, Calif. — The gunman who killed three people and wounded a dozen more at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Northern California was an angry 19-year-old who had recently waded into the world of white supremacy.

"Santino William Legan, who was shot dead by police Sunday before he could do more damage, posted online about an 1890 racist manifesto, 'Might is Right or The Survival of the Fittest,' NBC News confirmed.

"'Read Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard,' Legan posted on his Instagram page.

"He then used a slur against mixed-race people and complained about 'hordes' of them 'overcrowding' towns."
whites about 67% of the population..blacks 13%
white on black murders - 229
black on white murders - 500
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.1

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
it's up around 10 per YEAR
from your link--18 in 2017
White supremacists were directly responsible for 18 of the total 34 extremist-related murders in 2017,
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
18 vs 3 THOUSAND

Math is racist!!!
they actually contradict/etc what they are saying
18 murders in 2017
muslims murdered almost 3 THOUSAND in one DAY!
I don't get it they Muzzys are killing other in their own Nations by the thousands and these are the same people who are moving here. These people think they are going to do this to the white folks here? For some reason that would be a bad idea in my book.
The Media is again whitewashing the shooter before they have the facts. I saw his picture, either "Santino" spends a lot of time in the tanning booth or he is a member of some minority.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!
.....there is no white nationalist problem--if there is, it is a minuscule one compared to the black problem

Hush now. We must not mention that 39 people were shot in Chicago just over the weekend, 22 of them in a 12 hour period. This upsets the NPC narrative. Only white shooters matter.
What was the white on white murder rate this week?

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
it went from 9 to 18 murders ---out of about 13,000 murders
WOW !!!!!!!!! OMG---------------such a HUGE problem
it went from 9 to 18 murders ---out of about 13,000 murders
WOW !!!!!!!!! OMG---------------such a HUGE problem
Why are you conflating political murders with all murders?

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

"The most recent ADL data shows that over the last decade a total of 71 percent of all fatalities have been linked to domestic right-wing extremists, while 26 percent of the killings were committed by Islamic extremists.

"The other 3 percent of deaths were carried out by extremists not falling into either category.

"'These findings are a stark reminder that domestic extremism is a serious threat to our safety and security,' said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO. 'We saw two car-ramming attacks in the U.S. last year-- one from an Islamic terrorist and another from a white supremacist in Charlottesville—and the number of deaths attributed to white supremacists increased substantially. The bottom line is we cannot ignore one form of extremism over another. We must tackle them all.'"
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!
Dont worry. When brown people are the majority, whites will be driven out.
So, then, will God's blessings on this country too.

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.1

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
it's up around 10 per YEAR
from your link--18 in 2017
White supremacists were directly responsible for 18 of the total 34 extremist-related murders in 2017,
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
How many do US whites murder domestically each year?
How does that number compare to the number of civilians killed by the heroic US military on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland?
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.1

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
it's up around 10 per YEAR
from your link--18 in 2017
White supremacists were directly responsible for 18 of the total 34 extremist-related murders in 2017,
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
How many do US whites murder domestically each year?
How does that number compare to the number of civilians killed by the heroic US military on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland?
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
each group's per capita value. This figure helps you compare values among groups of different size.
Statistics Lesson: Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons
so, have you graduated from grade school, or not?

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.1

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
it's up around 10 per YEAR
from your link--18 in 2017
White supremacists were directly responsible for 18 of the total 34 extremist-related murders in 2017,
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
How many do US whites murder domestically each year?
How does that number compare to the number of civilians killed by the heroic US military on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland?
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
each group's per capita value. This figure helps you compare values among groups of different size.
Statistics Lesson: Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons
so, have you graduated from grade school, or not?
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
You are still conflating all murders committed in the US with murders committed by political terrorists; why do you feel it necessary to apologize for killings committed by white supremacists?
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".
He's talking about the united states only. We shouldn't have to spell that out for you.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!
most mass shooters are leftist !!
Nope...far right INCELs and crazy religious fundies.
it's up around 10 per YEAR
from your link--18 in 2017
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
How many do US whites murder domestically each year?
How does that number compare to the number of civilians killed by the heroic US military on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland?
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
each group's per capita value. This figure helps you compare values among groups of different size.
Statistics Lesson: Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons
so, have you graduated from grade school, or not?
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
You are still conflating all murders committed in the US with murders committed by political terrorists; why do you feel it necessary to apologize for killings committed by white supremacists?
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.1

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
it's up around 10 per YEAR
from your link--18 in 2017
White supremacists were directly responsible for 18 of the total 34 extremist-related murders in 2017,
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
blacks murder 3 THOUSAND per YEAR
How many do US whites murder domestically each year?
How does that number compare to the number of civilians killed by the heroic US military on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland?
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
each group's per capita value. This figure helps you compare values among groups of different size.
Statistics Lesson: Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons
so, have you graduated from grade school, or not?
But criminals killing other criminals in gang wars is a different subject than idealogues targeting innocents.

We really shouldn't have to spell this out for you. Do better.
Gilroy Shooter Identified as Iranian-American With Islamic Imagery on Instagram...

Laura Loomer ^ | 07-29-2019 | Peter M. D'Abroska

The shooter who killed three people and wounded at least 11 more has been identified as Santino Willian Legan, a described Iranian American.

Legan had an Instagram account on which he shared only three photos. One of the photos depicted Ali Asghar Vahabzadeh, Legan’s maternal grandfather.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!
. Since Muslims are not the problem
Read the Koran. Islam is a very serious problem. Hating white people will not stop Islam.

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
So when 1 white nationalist killed, then 2 this year, yeah that doubled...Oh my...

The link doesnt work, by my calculations do.

ADL Report: 1 White Supremacist Murdered Someone In 2016, Doubled that in 2017 with 2 killed.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!
. Since Muslims are not the problem
Read the Koran. Islam is a very serious problem. Hating white people will not stop Islam.

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