It's not Muslims; it's white nationalists


"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.

How many do US whites murder domestically each year?
How does that number compare to the number of civilians killed by the heroic US military on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland?
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
each group's per capita value. This figure helps you compare values among groups of different size.
Statistics Lesson: Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons
so, have you graduated from grade school, or not?
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
You are still conflating all murders committed in the US with murders committed by political terrorists; why do you feel it necessary to apologize for killings committed by white supremacists?
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
Your critical problem is conflating the subject of this thread (Islamic vs white supremacist terror attacks) with total US homicide rates.

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970.

"In its annual assessment of extremist-related killings, the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism found white supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59 percent of all extremist-related fatalities in the U.S. in 2017, up dramatically from 20 percent in 2016."

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.

Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.
I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and I still believe it's possible 90% of Americans will be better off with four years of Trump compared to eight years of Clinton.

However, there is one very big issue in 2020 that wasn't there in 2016:

Opinion | The Rot You Smell Is a Racist Potus

"The core of this man is racist in a way that is so fused to his sense of the world that he is incapable of seeing it as racist.

"It is instinctual for him to attack people of color.

"It is instinctual for him to denigrate the places they live and the countries to which they trace their heritage.

"He has so bought into the white supremacist narrative that his ideology no longer requires, in his own thinking, a label.

"For him, this lie of it is just the truth of it, and what is 'right' can’t be racist.

"This is a means by which racists have operated throughout history, to rescue themselves from association with those who flayed the flesh of the enslaved, who raped the women and sold the children, who released the dogs and aimed the water cannons, who noosed the necks and set ablaze the crosses."

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.

Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.
I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and I still believe it's possible 90% of Americans will be better off with four years of Trump compared to eight years of Clinton.

However, there is one very big issue in 2020 that wasn't there in 2016:

Opinion | The Rot You Smell Is a Racist Potus

"The core of this man is racist in a way that is so fused to his sense of the world that he is incapable of seeing it as racist.

"It is instinctual for him to attack people of color.

"It is instinctual for him to denigrate the places they live and the countries to which they trace their heritage.

"He has so bought into the white supremacist narrative that his ideology no longer requires, in his own thinking, a label.

"For him, this lie of it is just the truth of it, and what is 'right' can’t be racist.

"This is a means by which racists have operated throughout history, to rescue themselves from association with those who flayed the flesh of the enslaved, who raped the women and sold the children, who released the dogs and aimed the water cannons, who noosed the necks and set ablaze the crosses."

Wow, an opinion from the New York this all you got? Yeah, Mueller's raiders didnt go over very well with fat one Nadler and then the failed congressman from Baltimore. So as typical of any sorry ass liberal, I bring you the liberal playbook again.


4 times LESS than blacks per capita
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
each group's per capita value. This figure helps you compare values among groups of different size.
Statistics Lesson: Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons
so, have you graduated from grade school, or not?
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
You are still conflating all murders committed in the US with murders committed by political terrorists; why do you feel it necessary to apologize for killings committed by white supremacists?
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
Your critical problem is conflating the subject of this thread (Islamic vs white supremacist terror attacks) with total US homicide rates.

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970.

"In its annual assessment of extremist-related killings, the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism found white supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59 percent of all extremist-related fatalities in the U.S. in 2017, up dramatically from 20 percent in 2016."
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".
He's talking about the united states only. We shouldn't have to spell that out for you.

Oh, my bad. Let me know when the "white nationalist threat" gets even remotely close to this... k?

Blame White people who love their Country and the President of the United States for a shooting at a garlic festival in California? You need therapy for TDS.
Well, apparently, he's a white supremacist.

What we know about California festival shooter Santino William Legan

Legan posted two photos on Instagram not long before the attack.

One photo depicted Smokey the Bear in front of a "fire danger" sign, with a caption that said to read the 19th century book "Might is Right," a work that claims race determines behavior and is popular among white nationalists and far-right extremist groups.

Legan's since-deleted Instagram account says he is Italian and Iranian. Minutes before the shooting, he had posted a photo from the festival saying, "Ayyy garlic festival time" and "come get wasted on overpriced (stuff)."
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!

You've got to be jerking everyone off. Really? Do they pay you to shoot yourself in the ass? Want to see how quickly civilization exits the building? Remove all white people from it. That's not to say white people or people of any skin tone don't commit crimes or can't be hardcore assholes. Being a jackass knows no race. Trying to paint the entirety of a skin color demographic as one fucking thing is the definition of racism. Myself? I can proudly tell you not all blacks or Middle Easterners or North Africans are predisposed to criminal behavior. However, many cultures within those groups are, as you're already aware. The key problem of your ideology is in finding a large cultural swath of white people to blame for some across the board problem in American society so your ideology invents one. Get back to us once you've tightened your grip on reality.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!
Democrats can't miss an opportunity to say nationalism is a bad thing.

Those Democrats are wrong. We should have pride, we should be nationalists.

Of course these are the same Democrats who side with the Mexicans, Muslims and other minorities.
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".

None of those attacks happened here.

Meanwhile the OP is correct. White nationalists are a big danger. In fact FBI director Wray said just last week that the majority of domestic terrorism is motivated by white supremacist violence. Are you saying that trump's hand picked FBI director is lying?

FBI Director Wray says white supremacist violence is fueling most domestic terrorism
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".
Talk to us about America pls. All we've seen lately is white males going around shooting civilians.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!
Remember that one time that "white nationalist" guy ran over people in Charlottesville? Yeah, thats the only "white nationalist" criminal ive ever heard of too.

When im at a crowded event, im not worried about fucking "white nationalists" setting off bombs.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!

You sure are an idiot.

Its American Nationalists. Not White Nationalists.

Oh and I'd bet the dead in San Bernardino and Orlando would beg to differ on your death cult love post.

Carry on dipshit.

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.

Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.
I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and I still believe it's possible 90% of Americans will be better off with four years of Trump compared to eight years of Clinton.

However, there is one very big issue in 2020 that wasn't there in 2016:

Opinion | The Rot You Smell Is a Racist Potus

"The core of this man is racist in a way that is so fused to his sense of the world that he is incapable of seeing it as racist.

"It is instinctual for him to attack people of color.

"It is instinctual for him to denigrate the places they live and the countries to which they trace their heritage.

"He has so bought into the white supremacist narrative that his ideology no longer requires, in his own thinking, a label.

"For him, this lie of it is just the truth of it, and what is 'right' can’t be racist.

"This is a means by which racists have operated throughout history, to rescue themselves from association with those who flayed the flesh of the enslaved, who raped the women and sold the children, who released the dogs and aimed the water cannons, who noosed the necks and set ablaze the crosses."

Wow, an opinion from the New York this all you got? Yeah, Mueller's raiders didnt go over very well with fat one Nadler and then the failed congressman from Baltimore. So as typical of any sorry ass liberal, I bring you the liberal playbook again.

View attachment 271855

Wow, an opinion from the New York this all you got? Yeah, Mueller's raiders didnt go over very well with fat one Nadler and then the failed congressman from Baltimore. So as typical of any sorry ass liberal, I bring you the liberal playbook again.
Is this your source for credible information?

An inconvenient truth: how lies can lead to mental health problems
  • "Pathological lying can be a symptom of mental illnesses such as narcissistic personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and depression
  • US President Donald Trump and novelist Dan Mallory are among public figures to have been accused of it."
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
each group's per capita value. This figure helps you compare values among groups of different size.
Statistics Lesson: Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons
so, have you graduated from grade school, or not?
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
You are still conflating all murders committed in the US with murders committed by political terrorists; why do you feel it necessary to apologize for killings committed by white supremacists?
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
Your critical problem is conflating the subject of this thread (Islamic vs white supremacist terror attacks) with total US homicide rates.

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970.

"In its annual assessment of extremist-related killings, the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism found white supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59 percent of all extremist-related fatalities in the U.S. in 2017, up dramatically from 20 percent in 2016."
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
How did white supremacy contribute to 911, Moron?

Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism

"A Confederate flag appeared in an apartment window in Manhattan’s East Village in New York City last week, and the neighbours were outraged. A few pelted it with stones, calling it a hate crime. Many said it did not belong in such a diverse city.

"What few seem to have noticed is that the flag was raised right alongside an Israeli flag, sharing the same window.

"Clearly, the unnamed occupant understood the similar ideologies behind white supremacy and the state of Israel, which hinges on government-sanctioned Jewish supremacy."

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.

Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.
I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and I still believe it's possible 90% of Americans will be better off with four years of Trump compared to eight years of Clinton.

However, there is one very big issue in 2020 that wasn't there in 2016:

Opinion | The Rot You Smell Is a Racist Potus

"The core of this man is racist in a way that is so fused to his sense of the world that he is incapable of seeing it as racist.

"It is instinctual for him to attack people of color.

"It is instinctual for him to denigrate the places they live and the countries to which they trace their heritage.

"He has so bought into the white supremacist narrative that his ideology no longer requires, in his own thinking, a label.

"For him, this lie of it is just the truth of it, and what is 'right' can’t be racist.

"This is a means by which racists have operated throughout history, to rescue themselves from association with those who flayed the flesh of the enslaved, who raped the women and sold the children, who released the dogs and aimed the water cannons, who noosed the necks and set ablaze the crosses."

Wow, an opinion from the New York this all you got? Yeah, Mueller's raiders didnt go over very well with fat one Nadler and then the failed congressman from Baltimore. So as typical of any sorry ass liberal, I bring you the liberal playbook again.

View attachment 271855

Wow, an opinion from the New York this all you got? Yeah, Mueller's raiders didnt go over very well with fat one Nadler and then the failed congressman from Baltimore. So as typical of any sorry ass liberal, I bring you the liberal playbook again.
Is this your source for credible information?

An inconvenient truth: how lies can lead to mental health problems
  • "Pathological lying can be a symptom of mental illnesses such as narcissistic personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and depression
  • US President Donald Trump and novelist Dan Mallory are among public figures to have been accused of it."

I am very sorry that you are a pathetic, low IQ, whiney ass bitch who has PTDS. You suck in, every liberal talking point and repeat it as if it was true. That is definately the definition of someone with a mental illness. Please seek professional help with Obama's Healthcare system, you know where you can keep your plan if you like your plan, keep your doctor if you like your doctor, and it will save everyone $2,500 a year.
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
Statistics Lesson: Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons
so, have you graduated from grade school, or not?
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
You are still conflating all murders committed in the US with murders committed by political terrorists; why do you feel it necessary to apologize for killings committed by white supremacists?
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
Your critical problem is conflating the subject of this thread (Islamic vs white supremacist terror attacks) with total US homicide rates.

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970.

"In its annual assessment of extremist-related killings, the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism found white supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59 percent of all extremist-related fatalities in the U.S. in 2017, up dramatically from 20 percent in 2016."
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
How did white supremacy contribute to 911, Moron?

Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism

"A Confederate flag appeared in an apartment window in Manhattan’s East Village in New York City last week, and the neighbours were outraged. A few pelted it with stones, calling it a hate crime. Many said it did not belong in such a diverse city.

"What few seem to have noticed is that the flag was raised right alongside an Israeli flag, sharing the same window.

"Clearly, the unnamed occupant understood the similar ideologies behind white supremacy and the state of Israel, which hinges on government-sanctioned Jewish supremacy."
Isnt it appropriate that liberal Jews fly the Democrat battle standard of the south where they wanted to keep black people slaves?
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!
Most Democrat Voters are bigots and racist cretins.
They make politics about race because they are racist.
But thanks for another reminder.

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