It's not Muslims; it's white nationalists

Blame White people who love their Country and the President of the United States for a shooting at a garlic festival in California? You need therapy for TDS.

More like a straight jacket and a dark, padded cell in a forgotten asylum.

As has been stated before, repeatedly, there is no reasoning with Leftist fanatics.
They are mentally defunct.

Leftist policies have bred an entire generation of their defective DNA unfortunately.
This cannot end well no matter how you slice it.
By Ben Collins

An Instagram post connected to the 19-year-old who killed three people at a food festival in Northern California points to literature that is part of an ecosystem of white nationalist literature, according to extremism researchers.

On Sunday, police officers shot and killed Santino William Legan at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California, after he opened fire at the event. Earlier the same day, a post appeared on an Instagram page attributed to him referring to a proto-fascist white supremacist manifesto by a pseudonymous 19th-century author.

NBC News has declined to identify the literature by name in order to limit its spread.

According to extremism researchers, the manifesto is part of a collection of white nationalist literature that’s been pirated and distributed for free on far-right websites. The material is part of a yearslong recruiting technique by white nationalists to target those vulnerable to their message on forums frequently populated by teenagers.

The book strongly advocates combat, violence and death along racial lines, and is filled with anti-Semitic rhetoric. It is a staple among neo-Nazis and white supremacists on extremist sites such as 4chan’s /pol/ board, National Vanguard, Stormfront and The Daily Stormer. Links to the PDF version of the book have been posted hundreds of times on 4chan in the last several years, including as recently as last month.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins, the founder and executive director of the anti-racist One People's Project organization, said this specific sort of propaganda circulation has been a strategy by white supremacists for 30 years.

“It goes back as far as the ‘80s,” Jenkins said. “I remember Aryan Nations was some of the first to start using the internet ... then the general public came on in ’95. White supremacists have been using the internet to disseminate their views for that long.”

“The people who are reading it — they’re not going to the bookstore to get Mein Kampf.”

The connection adds to other young men who have also posted racist and nationalist propaganda to social media just before perpetrating violent attacks.

Last week, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress that in the last nine months, a “majority of the domestic terrorism cases we’ve investigated (with a racial motive) are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence.”

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970."

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

White supremacy is baked into the fabric of the US State.

Today, with an ignorant racist in the White House, bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority; they're not and they never will be again.
Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.

Anyone think this sounds familiar?
bigoted loons in the heartland think they are in the majority;
Please keep up the language, it went over real well when Hitlery Rotten Clinton use it.
I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, and I still believe it's possible 90% of Americans will be better off with four years of Trump compared to eight years of Clinton.

However, there is one very big issue in 2020 that wasn't there in 2016:

Opinion | The Rot You Smell Is a Racist Potus

"The core of this man is racist in a way that is so fused to his sense of the world that he is incapable of seeing it as racist.

"It is instinctual for him to attack people of color.

"It is instinctual for him to denigrate the places they live and the countries to which they trace their heritage.

"He has so bought into the white supremacist narrative that his ideology no longer requires, in his own thinking, a label.

"For him, this lie of it is just the truth of it, and what is 'right' can’t be racist.

"This is a means by which racists have operated throughout history, to rescue themselves from association with those who flayed the flesh of the enslaved, who raped the women and sold the children, who released the dogs and aimed the water cannons, who noosed the necks and set ablaze the crosses."

Wow, an opinion from the New York this all you got? Yeah, Mueller's raiders didnt go over very well with fat one Nadler and then the failed congressman from Baltimore. So as typical of any sorry ass liberal, I bring you the liberal playbook again.

View attachment 271855

Wow, an opinion from the New York this all you got? Yeah, Mueller's raiders didnt go over very well with fat one Nadler and then the failed congressman from Baltimore. So as typical of any sorry ass liberal, I bring you the liberal playbook again.
Is this your source for credible information?

An inconvenient truth: how lies can lead to mental health problems
  • "Pathological lying can be a symptom of mental illnesses such as narcissistic personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and depression
  • US President Donald Trump and novelist Dan Mallory are among public figures to have been accused of it."

I am very sorry that you are a pathetic, low IQ, whiney ass bitch who has PTDS. You suck in, every liberal talking point and repeat it as if it was true. That is definately the definition of someone with a mental illness. Please seek professional help with Obama's Healthcare system, you know where you can keep your plan if you like your plan, keep your doctor if you like your doctor, and it will save everyone $2,500 a year.

I am very sorry that you are a pathetic, low IQ, whiney ass bitch who has PTDS. You suck in, every liberal talking point and repeat it as if it was true. That is definately the definition of someone with a mental illness
Why don't you use your superior inbred cracker intellect to disprove any liberal talking point that I've posted

Unless you're as phony as the walking mental defect currently residing in the White House.
You are still conflating all murders committed in the US with murders committed by political terrorists; why do you feel it necessary to apologize for killings committed by white supremacists?
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
Your critical problem is conflating the subject of this thread (Islamic vs white supremacist terror attacks) with total US homicide rates.

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970.

"In its annual assessment of extremist-related killings, the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism found white supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59 percent of all extremist-related fatalities in the U.S. in 2017, up dramatically from 20 percent in 2016."
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
How did white supremacy contribute to 911, Moron?

Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism

"A Confederate flag appeared in an apartment window in Manhattan’s East Village in New York City last week, and the neighbours were outraged. A few pelted it with stones, calling it a hate crime. Many said it did not belong in such a diverse city.

"What few seem to have noticed is that the flag was raised right alongside an Israeli flag, sharing the same window.

"Clearly, the unnamed occupant understood the similar ideologies behind white supremacy and the state of Israel, which hinges on government-sanctioned Jewish supremacy."
Isnt it appropriate that liberal Jews fly the Democrat battle standard of the south where they wanted to keep black people slaves?
Isnt it appropriate that liberal Jews fly the Democrat battle standard of the south where they wanted to keep black people slaves?
Where did you get the idea liberal Jews support apartheid?

Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism

"But the reasoning behind the linking of the two symbols - white supremacy and Zionism - is far from torturous. The two are not strange bedfellows, but rather natural allies.

"Both represent a desire to establish and maintain a homogeneous society that posits itself as superior, more advanced, more civilised than the 'others' who are, unfortunately, within its midst, a 'demographic threat' to be contained through border walls and stricter immigration law.

"American fascism, then, is holding up a mirror to Zionism."
While it is true the white supremacists killings are in the rise and seem to be the leading cause of domestic terrorism currently, we cannot ignore the total death of domestic terrorists over the last 20 years. The death count from Islamic terrorists far surpasses those caused by white supremacists.

The other thing that is missing from the conversation is how many Islamic terrorists plots have been stopped by the FBI or Law Enforcement?

The other point is that while white supremacists attacks are more than Islamic ones right now, the potential for far more more death and destruction is more from the Islamic side.

So far more care is needed to watch those that can kill hundreds to thousands than those that kill just a few.
While it is true the white supremacists killings are in the rise and seem to be the leading cause of domestic terrorism currently, we cannot ignore the total death of domestic terrorists over the last 20 years. The death count from Islamic terrorists far surpasses those caused by white supremacists.

The other thing that is missing from the conversation is how many Islamic terrorists plots have been stopped by the FBI or Law Enforcement?

The other point is that while white supremacists attacks are more than Islamic ones right now, the potential for far more more death and destruction is more from the Islamic side.

So far more care is needed to watch those that can kill hundreds to thousands than those that kill just a few.
The Left Wingers never count the Muslim mass murder attacks as a hate crimes because Jihadist are part of the Democratic Party's coalition of hate.
White supremacists are not part of the Republican Party.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!

Mr. Legan was no Honky. In actuality, he was Iranian, just like Obama advisor Val Jarrett born in Teheran.
While it is true the white supremacists killings are in the rise and seem to be the leading cause of domestic terrorism currently, we cannot ignore the total death of domestic terrorists over the last 20 years. The death count from Islamic terrorists far surpasses those caused by white supremacists.

The other thing that is missing from the conversation is how many Islamic terrorists plots have been stopped by the FBI or Law Enforcement?

The other point is that while white supremacists attacks are more than Islamic ones right now, the potential for far more more death and destruction is more from the Islamic side.

So far more care is needed to watch those that can kill hundreds to thousands than those that kill just a few.
The Left Wingers never count the Muslim mass murder attacks as a hate crimes because Jihadist are part of the Democratic Party's coalition of hate.
White supremacists are not part of the Republican Party.
Yeah they're all liberal Dems Are you fn kidding me ?? They're republicans through and through BUT some of them are good people ?
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".
Talk to us about America pls. All we've seen lately is white males going around shooting civilians.

I already did. Did you miss the post, or just conveniently ignore it?

Here, I'll share it again:

.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
Statistics Lesson: Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons
so, have you graduated from grade school, or not?
.....anyone that has graduated from grade school knows you compare with per capita
You are still conflating all murders committed in the US with murders committed by political terrorists; why do you feel it necessary to apologize for killings committed by white supremacists?
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
Your critical problem is conflating the subject of this thread (Islamic vs white supremacist terror attacks) with total US homicide rates.

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970.

"In its annual assessment of extremist-related killings, the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism found white supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59 percent of all extremist-related fatalities in the U.S. in 2017, up dramatically from 20 percent in 2016."
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
How did white supremacy contribute to 911, Moron?

Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism

"A Confederate flag appeared in an apartment window in Manhattan’s East Village in New York City last week, and the neighbours were outraged. A few pelted it with stones, calling it a hate crime. Many said it did not belong in such a diverse city.

"What few seem to have noticed is that the flag was raised right alongside an Israeli flag, sharing the same window.

"Clearly, the unnamed occupant understood the similar ideologies behind white supremacy and the state of Israel, which hinges on government-sanctioned Jewish supremacy."
as usual, you post crap--I post facts
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".
Talk to us about America pls. All we've seen lately is white males going around shooting civilians.

I already did. Did you miss the post, or just conveniently ignore it?

Here, I'll share it again:

View attachment 271960
Hummm since then l I see is white males shooting American citizens in churches, schools, concerts, work places, garlic fairs, you name it.
You are still conflating all murders committed in the US with murders committed by political terrorists; why do you feel it necessary to apologize for killings committed by white supremacists?
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
it shows that the murders of White nationalists are very, very inconsequential
and the black murders are the critical problem
Your critical problem is conflating the subject of this thread (Islamic vs white supremacist terror attacks) with total US homicide rates.

ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017

"New York, NY, January 17, 2018… The number of white supremacist murders in the United States more than doubled in 2017 compared to the previous year, far surpassing murders committed by domestic Islamic extremists and making 2017 the fifth deadliest year on record for extremist violence since 1970.

"In its annual assessment of extremist-related killings, the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism found white supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59 percent of all extremist-related fatalities in the U.S. in 2017, up dramatically from 20 percent in 2016."
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
18 white nationalist murders in 2017
3 THOUSAND islamic/muslim murders in one DAY
Islamic Boston Bombers --5 dead--264 inured in one DAY
you keep getting hammered --why don't you stop?
How did white supremacy contribute to 911, Moron?

Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism

"A Confederate flag appeared in an apartment window in Manhattan’s East Village in New York City last week, and the neighbours were outraged. A few pelted it with stones, calling it a hate crime. Many said it did not belong in such a diverse city.

"What few seem to have noticed is that the flag was raised right alongside an Israeli flag, sharing the same window.

"Clearly, the unnamed occupant understood the similar ideologies behind white supremacy and the state of Israel, which hinges on government-sanctioned Jewish supremacy."
as usual, you post crap--I post facts
as usual, you post crap--I post facts
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!

Its white left wing nazi sheltered white suburbanites who are the real problem
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".
Talk to us about America pls. All we've seen lately is white males going around shooting civilians.

I already did. Did you miss the post, or just conveniently ignore it?

Here, I'll share it again:

View attachment 271960
Hummm since then l I see is white males shooting American citizens in churches, schools, concerts, work places, garlic fairs, you name it.
Tell us when you see this many.
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".
Here's something you can chew on..froth at the mouth and loudly debunk...LOL:

The Facts on White Nationalism -

"The issue of white nationalism came to the forefront after a gunman opened fire at two mosques in New Zealand on March 15, killing at least 50 people. In a manifesto posted by the alleged shooter, he describes himself as an “ordinary white man” whose goal was to “crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on our soil” and “ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.” In it, he answers the question of whether he is a supporter of Trump: “As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no.”"

"Cohen said he prefers to look at the issue from the perspective of an overall threat assessment. In today’s climate, he said, it’s not just a matter of tabulating the number of members of various white nationalist groups. The internet and social media have changed the game. People self-connect with ideologies espoused by hate groups online. They often act independently of those groups, he said, though they may be inspired by their messages.

So while the number of white nationalists could have remained steady, the threat they pose may be increasing, Cohen said. Whereas people with these ideas used to be isolated geographically, they are now able via the web to reach people who are disaffected and mentally unwell, inspiring them to commit violent acts.

A November report called “The Rise of Far-Right Extremism in the United States” from the Center for Strategic and International Studies found that “the number of terrorist attacks by far-right perpetrators rose over the past decade, more than quadrupling between 2016 and 2017. … There has also been a rise in far-right attacks in Europe, jumping 43 percent between 2016 and 2017.”

“The threat from right-wing terrorism in the United States—and Europe—appears to be rising,” wrote the report’s author, Seth G. Jones. “Of particular concern are white supremacists and anti-government extremists, such as militia groups and so-called sovereign citizens interested in plotting attacks against government, racial, religious, and political targets in the United States.”"
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".
Talk to us about America pls. All we've seen lately is white males going around shooting civilians.

I already did. Did you miss the post, or just conveniently ignore it?

Here, I'll share it again:

View attachment 271960
Hummm since then l I see is white males shooting American citizens in churches, schools, concerts, work places, garlic fairs, you name it.
Tell us when you see this many.
In the US?
As of July 29th, 2019 there have been 1,017 Islamic attacks in 44 countries, in which 5948 people have been killed and 6184 injured.

Tell me more about the "dangerous white nationalists".
Talk to us about America pls. All we've seen lately is white males going around shooting civilians.

I already did. Did you miss the post, or just conveniently ignore it?

Here, I'll share it again:

View attachment 271960
Hummm since then l I see is white males shooting American citizens in churches, schools, concerts, work places, garlic fairs, you name it.
Tell us when you see this many.
In the US?
Muslims are currently 1% of our population. Up that to ten and see what happens.

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