It's Not Really A Secret, Jason


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Same-same, both sides. Another brick in the wall.

Washington’s dirty little secret is that unauthorized spending is not even uncommon anymore. As a freshman member of Congress, this truth stunned me – and I was not alone. By my estimation, there were many in the body who disapproved of the practice. But to our disappointment, the body as a whole was not inclined to address the issue.

The Democrats may feign exasperation with the president potentially spending “unauthorized” money on the wall, but they have enthusiastically participated in the budgetary games that will make it possible. During the Obama administration, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated $310 billion was spent on unauthorized appropriations in FY 2016 – the last fiscal year of his presidency.

Jason Chaffetz: Trump's border wall may get funding after all (thanks to this dirty little Washington secret)
Nope, not a secret at all. That is why the budget shortfall for FY18 was 800 billion but 1.27 trillion was added to the debt.

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This is the post 1998 US, where the Dems and the GOP colluded to steal and sell us out, and SUBS from both sides applauded as our national debt quadrupled....

1998 was also the last time spending was under control....

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