It's now bigoted to ask Muslims to condemn Islamic terrorists


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
If you thought it couldn't possibly get any zanier, there's now this.

This ritual, in which Muslim leaders and regular Muslims alike are expected to repeatedly denounce terrorism, is bigoted.

A very simple explanation of why it's wrong to demand that Muslims condemn terrorism

One long week after the Paris attacks, as Republican presidential candidates mounted an arms race over who can express the most overt and virulent prejudice toward Muslim Americans, MSNBC's Chuck Todd did something pretty unusual for a cable news host. He invited on an actual Muslim American person, Dalia Mogahed, who also happens to be an expert on Muslim attitudes in the US and globally, to politely ask her about all this.

Their whole exchange is worth watching, but I wanted to pull out one particular moment, at about 4 minutes and 40 seconds, which came as Todd was asking her about American leaders who demand that more Muslim leaders come out to condemn ISIS. Mogahed, rather than pointing out that they already are condemning ISIS, made an important point: this is the wrong question entirely, and we need to stop demanding that Muslims condemn terrorism.

I think we should take a step back and ask a different question, which is: 'Is it justified to demand that Muslims condemn terrorism?' Now that might sound a little radical. The reason I say that is this.

Condoning the killing of civilians is, to me, about the most monstrous thing you can to do. And to be suspected of doing something so monstrous, simply because of your faith, seems very unfair. Now when you look at the majority of terrorist attacks in the United States, according to the FBI, the majority of domestic terror attacks are actually committed by white, male Christians.

Now that's just the facts. When those things occur, we don't suspect other people who share their faith and ethnicity of condoning them. We assume that these things outrage them just as much as they do anyone else. And we have to afford this same assumption of innocence to Muslims.

She's absolutely right. This ritual, in which Muslim leaders and regular Muslims alike are expected to repeatedly denounce terrorism, is bigoted. (Will McCants, a scholar of jihadist ideology at Brookings, thinks it might also be counterproductive.) It implies that every Muslim is under suspicion of being sympathetic to terrorism unless he or she explicitly says otherwise. The implication is also that any crime committed by a Muslim is the responsibility of all Muslims simply by virtue of their shared religion.

A very simple explanation of why it's wrong to demand that Muslims condemn terrorism
Well of course it is. It's bigoted of us to even talk about Islamic terrorism.

I'm telling you, the progressives will just keep backing Muslims the more Islamists help destroy the West. Common goals bring Muslim terrorists and progressives together like peas in a pod.
And according to a certain university in Minnesota it's even offensive to Muslim students to ask for a moment of silence to commemorate 9/11.
The left never ceases to amaze.
There are plenty of polls from the last few years that show significant numbers of Muslims from all around the world support terrorism, want shariah law, think cartoonists had it coming, and think women should be covered in black sacks and so on. Under the circumstances I think it's perfectly natural for people to want to hear genuine condemnations from them, particularly since terrorists often quote from the Quran too. It is just typically arrogant that even asking them to say they condemn the butchery carried out by Islamists 'offends' them. What doesn't?
This is how the left works. It's the standard, "racism", "sexism", "homophobe", "bigot", etc. Words they use to silence anyone who thinks differently than they.
The best thing we can do is to simply ignore their charges.

Some guy writing an op/ed 11 months ago is now the spokesman for all liberals? Can we assume that any conservative is your personal spokesman and accept his thoughts as yours?
It's messed up. Think of all the people who just have no desire to get involved with politics or world affairs and prefer to just keep to themselves and live in peace. A great many of those people are Muslims, and you expect them to come out and participate in protests and get emotional on TV or the Internet and speak out about affairs that have nothing to do with them personally. No... I would rather see them live in peace away from any drama that they have no desire to become a part of.
Stuff the left PC assholes. Only gullible idiots even bother with what they say.

This is how the left works. It's the standard, "racism", "sexism", "homophobe", "bigot", etc. Words they use to silence anyone who thinks differently than they. The best thing we can do is to simply ignore their charges.
Precisely. The Regressive Left are cowards and don't want to engage, so they put people on the defensive with those terms as their deflection/escape mechanism. A hopeful sign is that more and more people are catching on, including honest liberals.

They have willingly put themselves in the position of looking like they're defending and spinning for the most dangerous ideology on the planet right now. That's up to them, but they'll have to live with the consequences - political or otherwise.

What concerns me personally is this disturbing behavior could usher in right wing knee-jerkism by being repulsive to too many voters.
And according to a certain university in Minnesota it's even offensive to Muslim students to ask for a moment of silence to commemorate 9/11.
The left never ceases to DISGUST...(edited by Greg).
We are good people and would not set out to offend anyone deliberately. But if being a yank and holding dear American values offends then frankly one should not give a damn!! ( coming from an Oz right wing redneck conservative).

The Vox article was written a year ago, was wrong then, and is wrong now.
"It's now bigoted to ask Muslims to condemn Islamic terrorists"

No, it's ignorant, ridiculous, and fails as a composition fallacy.

No one demands Christians condemn acts of terror by Christians.
Well of course it is. It's bigoted of us to even talk about Islamic terrorism.

I'm telling you, the progressives will just keep backing Muslims the more Islamists help destroy the West. Common goals bring Muslim terrorists and progressives together like peas in a pod.
There is nothing that libtards hate more than Western civilization
I've witnessed every influential liberal politician and pundit suggest that Muslims condemn Islamic terrorists.

This thread is a born loser.
Well you would be the one to know about being a born loser, as that is your life's motto.
This is how the left works. It's the standard, "racism", "sexism", "homophobe", "bigot", etc. Words they use to silence anyone who thinks differently than they. The best thing we can do is to simply ignore their charges.
Precisely. The Regressive Left are cowards and don't want to engage, so they put people on the defensive with those terms as their deflection/escape mechanism. A hopeful sign is that more and more people are catching on, including honest liberals.

They have willingly put themselves in the position of looking like they're defending and spinning for the most dangerous ideology on the planet right now. That's up to them, but they'll have to live with the consequences - political or otherwise.

What concerns me personally is this disturbing behavior could usher in right wing knee-jerkism by being repulsive to too many voters.

Oh! That's like how liberals have created more racists and bigots by not welcoming them with open arms. You've redesigned logic once again.

If right wing extremism becomes more accepted in this would be the fault of liberals for suggesting that we treat people of all faiths equally in this nation.

the people in this country better WAKE up to this PC speak/word bullying. It's just another way to try and shut people up and step on your Freedom of speech

Precisely. The Regressive Left are cowards and don't want to engage, so they put people on the defensive with those terms as their deflection/escape mechanism. A hopeful sign is that more and more people are catching on, including honest liberals.

They have willingly put themselves in the position of looking like they're defending and spinning for the most dangerous ideology on the planet right now. That's up to them, but they'll have to live with the consequences - political or otherwise.

What concerns me personally is this disturbing behavior could usher in right wing knee-jerkism by being repulsive to too many voters.

The left has discredited the word 'racism' so badly it has no sting at all any more to people I talk to, except one Millennial I know.

One day pro-white racism will make a comeback and it will be inside the same party that pushes discrimination against whites today; the Dimmicratic PArty.

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