It's now bigoted to ask Muslims to condemn Islamic terrorists

Oh! That's like how liberals have created more racists and bigots by not welcoming them with open arms. You've redesigned logic once again.

If right wing extremism becomes more accepted in this would be the fault of liberals for suggesting that we treat people of all faiths equally in this nation.


No one says that you stupid liar.
I am not too sure what the author of the article linked is talking about.

I do not expect any Muslims to apologize. If they did I would think it was not sincere or just a defense mechanism so why bother. What I would prefer is those who do terrorist things would stand up and wave and yell hey I did it.

I don't expect or want an apology.

Here is a short rant that is hits the mark. Remember, this isn't the first time the Muslims invaded Europe.

Watch BBC Host Completely Destroy 'Islamist Scumbags' in What Just May Be the 'Rant of the Year'
The Muslims will be welcomed as a part of America more than the far righties are. Simple fact.
What the Press failed to tell us about the terrorist attacks tells us more about the press and their craven desire to protect the reputation of Muslim extremists.

An eyewitness who hid in a cellar for three hours as the armed murderers rampaged through the packed Bataclan Theatre in Paris said she knew people were being tortured because she could hear their screams.
Mariesha Payne, from Perthshire, told the Daily Mail: “We knew people were being tortured in the theatre because we heard people screaming, but they were not being shot and these were singular screams.
“When we escaped a man trapped on the level where it happened said to us the terrorists were stabbing people in the stomach. We were told they were throwing explosives at people. It was a horrendous ordeal.”

Oh! That's like how liberals have created more racists and bigots by not welcoming them with open arms. You've redesigned logic once again.

If right wing extremism becomes more accepted in this would be the fault of liberals for suggesting that we treat people of all faiths equally in this nation.


No one says that you stupid liar.

Mac just did. Read his words.
You know what? The left can take their PC terms, wants and needs and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Sick of it all. They are a bunch of whiny, bed wetting, bawl babies. Grow up

Hey....genius....say something crazy. It's the top of the hour.
Obamy is a great President.....gah! Ptewptew! Had to go wash my mouth out with soap after that one.

I did too just reading that. LOL
Obama is a soulless, heartless and despicable human being and the worst Person we could have put there as a President of our country. I believe the majority are seeing that finally, but too late for all the damage he has brought down on us.

Hey....genius....say something crazy. It's the top of the hour.
Obamy is a great President.....gah! Ptewptew! Had to go wash my mouth out with soap after that one.

I did too just reading that. LOL
Obama is a soulless, heartless and despicable human being and the worst Person we could have put there as a President of our country. I believe the majority are seeing that finally, but too late for all the damage he has brought down on us.

Was Voltaire thinking of you when he said what you quoted. It looks like you are allowed to say whatever you want.
You know what? The left can take their PC terms, wants and needs and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Sick of it all. They are a bunch of whiny, bed wetting, bawl babies. Grow up

exactly. I think the people have finally had enough of them and they (far left/progressive democrats) see the writing on wall coming at them. they are about to lose any power they had over us and they will get worse: though it's had to see how they can go any lower than they already have. but
The Muslims will be welcomed as a part of America more than the far righties are. Simple fact.

jake, RWer or whomever you will be posting as next. You do what all liberals do and it is disgusting. Everything about you has to be about race, religion or something. I said not one bad word about Muslims but your knee jerk reaction sure indicates to me your inner feelings.

Go away jake no one on either side trusts a fake. The left wing across the world is losing and you are in denial.
The Muslims will be welcomed as a part of America more than the far righties are. Simple fact.

jake, RWer or whomever you will be posting as next. You do what all liberals do and it is disgusting. Everything about you has to be about race, religion or something. I said not one bad word about Muslims but your knee jerk reaction sure indicates to me your inner feelings.

Go away jake no one on either side trusts a fake. The left wing across the world is losing and you are in denial.
The reverse, old buddy. You want to discriminate based on race, religion or something. You will not be allowed to do so. Your knee jerk reactions show that you know your mask has slipped and we can see you for what you are: a loser.
Let me elaborate why I don't expect Muslims to apologize. The same reason I don't expect Christians to apologize when a white IDIOT kills a lot of folks and the left wing expects some sort of apology. To apologize is to accept blame. If what I believe about Muslims is true then the majority actually do have no direct involvement in terrorist acts. So why would they apologize? It is not like the history of the Democrat party that was deeply rooted in slavery and suppression of human rights. Now that is something that the Democrat party should have apologized for YEARS ago.

BUT, that does not change the fact that the vast majority of terrorism today is being conducted by those who practice Islam. It is beyond doubt that there are Imams that preach hate in Mosques. We see it every day.

So what I don't want or need is an apology from Muslims, I would much rather see them DO something about the cancer within their religion. Until they do I have little use for their whining about why people think badly of them.
If you thought it couldn't possibly get any zanier, there's now this.

This ritual, in which Muslim leaders and regular Muslims alike are expected to repeatedly denounce terrorism, is bigoted.

A very simple explanation of why it's wrong to demand that Muslims condemn terrorism

One long week after the Paris attacks, as Republican presidential candidates mounted an arms race over who can express the most overt and virulent prejudice toward Muslim Americans, MSNBC's Chuck Todd did something pretty unusual for a cable news host. He invited on an actual Muslim American person, Dalia Mogahed, who also happens to be an expert on Muslim attitudes in the US and globally, to politely ask her about all this.

Their whole exchange is worth watching, but I wanted to pull out one particular moment, at about 4 minutes and 40 seconds, which came as Todd was asking her about American leaders who demand that more Muslim leaders come out to condemn ISIS. Mogahed, rather than pointing out that they already are condemning ISIS, made an important point: this is the wrong question entirely, and we need to stop demanding that Muslims condemn terrorism.

I think we should take a step back and ask a different question, which is: 'Is it justified to demand that Muslims condemn terrorism?' Now that might sound a little radical. The reason I say that is this.

Condoning the killing of civilians is, to me, about the most monstrous thing you can to do. And to be suspected of doing something so monstrous, simply because of your faith, seems very unfair. Now when you look at the majority of terrorist attacks in the United States, according to the FBI, the majority of domestic terror attacks are actually committed by white, male Christians.

Now that's just the facts. When those things occur, we don't suspect other people who share their faith and ethnicity of condoning them. We assume that these things outrage them just as much as they do anyone else. And we have to afford this same assumption of innocence to Muslims.

She's absolutely right. This ritual, in which Muslim leaders and regular Muslims alike are expected to repeatedly denounce terrorism, is bigoted. (Will McCants, a scholar of jihadist ideology at Brookings, thinks it might also be counterproductive.) It implies that every Muslim is under suspicion of being sympathetic to terrorism unless he or she explicitly says otherwise. The implication is also that any crime committed by a Muslim is the responsibility of all Muslims simply by virtue of their shared religion.

A very simple explanation of why it's wrong to demand that Muslims condemn terrorism

But Muslims manage to condone these attacks on their own. Then get told to condone them AFTER they have condoned them, because people didn't bother to look to see if these people had condoned the attacks in the first place. Bigoted? No, just idiotic.

Some interesting things about Clark, how did a loony democrat rise to such a position as general? My guess he appealed to the war hawks in the DNC

Has his prediction come true?

Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran

Lebanon? Have not heard we are even sending in drones.

Libya? Well on that one I guess he is right we just are not doing it very well.

Somalia, where is that again?

Sudan, no one seems to care about Africa and genocide. Mostly I think because it is against Christians.

Iran, Obama just played nice nice with them.

So as a predictor of the future I would say Clark is about a right as most liberals. Not very right at all.
This is how the left works. It's the standard, "racism", "sexism", "homophobe", "bigot", etc. Words they use to silence anyone who thinks differently than they.

Digital Drifter and anyone else,

Where do you think these words you mention above and the PC culture and PC ideas originate? Be specific if possible and not general as in "liberals, progressives."

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