It's Official--Romney and Ryan for 2012!!!

What do you think of Paul Ryan as the Vice President pick?

  • A good choice.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • I’m disappointed but will support the ticket.

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • A poor choice.

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Ryan is a good man but will make it more difficult for Romney to win.

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • Barack Obama just won the election.

    Votes: 18 28.6%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 7.9%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Gentle Reminder - this thread is in the CDZ

The news was obviously officially 'leaked' yesterday evening (Friday) that Mitt Romney would announce his VP pick today. And that pick would be Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. In the last hour, Romney and Ryan made that official with a formal announcement.

So I would have lost a bet that it would be Marco Rubio. I did not think it would be Ryan. In truth, last night I was disappointed mostly because I really wanted Rubio.

But now that I've had some time to think about it, the only conclusion I can come up with is that Mitt Romeny is 100% serious about economic reform and he picked the most logical person to help do that. And, if they are elected, I am optimistic that they will make a difference.

So we have Mr. Businessman plus Mr. Economics as the official ticket. What do you think? A good one? Or not?
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I hope so but as a 70 year old on medicare I am concerned about his remark this morning about taking it away.; As a congressman he has the typical govt sweetheart deal for he and his family but wants to strip me of the only thing I have for medical care. I need details.
I hope so but as a 70 year old on medicare I am concerned about his remark this morning about taking it away.; As a congressman he has the typical govt sweetheart deal for he and his family but wants to strip me of the only thing I have for medical care. I need details.

The Ryan plan of course will probably be adjusted to accomodate Romney's point of view but I am not the least bit worried about that either way. The Ryan Plan did not touch Medicare benefits for anybody over Age 55 but would start phasing younger folks into a different and more sustainable system.

We all know Medicare as it currently exists is not sustainable and will eventually become a huge drag on the economy if it doesnt in fact bankrupt the country. But I sure want the reform done by those who understand how the economy works so that we won't wind up with good intentions producing a whole bunch of unintended bad consequences. I trust both Romney and Ryan to do no harm.
Could I ask a kind Mod to please correct the spelling of Romney's name in the title of the thread? Pretty please?
The news wasn't really leaked because Romney said he would notify anyone early who signed up. That's what he did. He notified people in advance of his announcement.

While I would have preferred Marco Rubio myself, this is not his time. He knew it when he kept saying that he didn't want the job.

No one is going to take away anyone's medicare. Although there might be changes to how medicare is treated to future generations. What Ryan might do to medicare is not nearly as troubling as the 500 billion dollars obama has already taken from medicare to fund obamacare.
the tea party is not the people robmoney needed to win this.

The tea party make it impossible for the republicans to win elections
Romney had a very slim chance of winning this election, now he had even less. I like Ryan, I think Ryan has the right ideas but he's so easily vilified by the left and the left wing media that it was a poor choice.

the Obama campaign must be pleased as punch over this.
Romney had a very slim chance of winning this election, now he had even less. I like Ryan, I think Ryan has the right ideas but he's so easily vilified by the left and the left wing media that it was a poor choice.

the Obama campaign must be pleased as punch over this.

Do you think Romney won't get points for having the strength of his convictions? For picking the right candidate instead of the safe candidate or the politically expedient candidate?
Romney had a very slim chance of winning this election, now he had even less. I like Ryan, I think Ryan has the right ideas but he's so easily vilified by the left and the left wing media that it was a poor choice.

the Obama campaign must be pleased as punch over this.

Do you think Romney won't get points for having the strength of his convictions? For picking the right candidate instead of the safe candidate or the politically expedient candidate?

I think he went outside himself, everyone said he would be very cautious becasue well, so far he has been. this is a sea change, picking ryan has really thrown down the gauntlet,.

Ryan is a lightening rod, its the first thing with real spine I have seen Romney do, I am glad he did....I would rather go down fighting if thats what fate holds in store for us, for what I believe is right, than just play the game and lose like McCain did....
Romney had a very slim chance of winning this election, now he had even less. I like Ryan, I think Ryan has the right ideas but he's so easily vilified by the left and the left wing media that it was a poor choice.

the Obama campaign must be pleased as punch over this.

There is no republican that democrats wouldn't already have their talking points created. It wouldn't matter who it was, they will all be villified by the left. Not only villified, but easily villified.
Despite the uncomfortable truths he had the guts to air when visiting the UK re. the Olympics, I'm warming to Romney. He puts a lot of faith in traditional Saxon values (perhaps that's why he's proved to be such a successful businessman). I've no idea who this Ryan character is, though.
Romney had a very slim chance of winning this election, now he had even less. I like Ryan, I think Ryan has the right ideas but he's so easily vilified by the left and the left wing media that it was a poor choice.

the Obama campaign must be pleased as punch over this.

There is no republican that democrats wouldn't already have their talking points created. It wouldn't matter who it was, they will all be villified by the left. Not only villified, but easily villified.

Exactly. They're going to belittle, trash, ridicule, villify, and otherwise try to marginalize and turn into a negative ANYBODY Romney picked, so that part of it doesn't bother me.

But they will use the "Ryan Plan" to scare seniors as Signelect up there has already indicated so Romney and Ryan really need to hit that hard early on with reassurance that the GOP is not about to gut their medicare benefits. The Democrats will almost certainly accuse them of that, probably already have ads ready to go, and we already know that neither they nor the President have any conscience whatsoever re putting out manufactured and false information.
Gentle Reminder - this thread is in the CDZ

The news was obviously officially 'leaked' yesterday evening (Friday) that Mitt Romney would announce his VP pick today. And that pick would be Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. In the last hour, Romney and Ryan made that official with a formal announcement.

So I would have lost a bet that it would be Marco Rubio. I did not think it would be Ryan. In truth, last night I was disappointed mostly because I really wanted Rubio.

But now that I've had some time to think about it, the only conclusion I can come up with is that Mitt Romeny is 100% serious about economic reform and he picked the most logical person to help do that. And, if they are elected, I am optimistic that they will make a difference.

So we have Mr. Businessman plus Mr. Economics as the official ticket. What do you think? A good one? Or not?

A terrible ticket politically. The pair may have made a good Secretary of Commerce and OBM Director but the game here is to get a plurality of voters in each state to pull a lever next to your name. That wasn't going to happen in the Governor's case before this and certainly won't happen after this.

Florida is obviously one of the most important states in every election. The GOP knew (or at least it should have) that their baggage from AZ and AL immigration policies would hurt them in Florida with the large Hispanic population. Now the GOP has alienated many (if not most) of the retiree population in the State. Both in FL and AZ.

One could contest that Clinton could have done better with Gore but at least Gore ran for President so HE thought he was ready.

One could contest that GWB could have done better than Cheney but there wasn't a whole lot of people with more West Wing experience than Cheney.

One could argue that Obama could have done better than Biden but Biden had solid credentials and strong foreign policy experience.

Ryan didn't run for President after 13 years in the House. It's hard to find any evidence that HE believes he is ready to be President. No objective evidence otherwise would make such a suggestion either.

One could argue that Romney could have done better than Ryan but there are plenty of ways he could have done worse. The ship sailed on Romney becoming President long ago so it's a matter destined for the trivia bin.
Romney had a very slim chance of winning this election, now he had even less. I like Ryan, I think Ryan has the right ideas but he's so easily vilified by the left and the left wing media that it was a poor choice.

the Obama campaign must be pleased as punch over this.

Do you think Romney won't get points for having the strength of his convictions? For picking the right candidate instead of the safe candidate or the politically expedient candidate?

He will get points from people who are already going to vote for him. He won't get new people, undecideds, with this pick and he might even lose some independants with it. Obama and his crew of lying scumbags will have a field day with Ryan.
Romney had a very slim chance of winning this election, now he had even less. I like Ryan, I think Ryan has the right ideas but he's so easily vilified by the left and the left wing media that it was a poor choice.

the Obama campaign must be pleased as punch over this.

There is no republican that democrats wouldn't already have their talking points created. It wouldn't matter who it was, they will all be villified by the left. Not only villified, but easily villified.

I disagree. Ryan will be nore easily vilified simply because they've has so much practice doing it already. the key is not keeping conservatives, who won't vote for Obama anyway, but in getting undecideds and independants. This pick will not do that.
Romney had a very slim chance of winning this election, now he had even less. I like Ryan, I think Ryan has the right ideas but he's so easily vilified by the left and the left wing media that it was a poor choice.

the Obama campaign must be pleased as punch over this.

There is no republican that democrats wouldn't already have their talking points created. It wouldn't matter who it was, they will all be villified by the left. Not only villified, but easily villified.

I disagree. Ryan will be nore easily vilified simply because they've has so much practice doing it already. the key is not keeping conservatives, who won't vote for Obama anyway, but in getting undecideds and independants. This pick will not do that.

There is no republican that democrats wouldn't already have their talking points created. It wouldn't matter who it was, they will all be villified by the left. Not only villified, but easily villified.

I disagree. Ryan will be nore easily vilified simply because they've has so much practice doing it already. the key is not keeping conservatives, who won't vote for Obama anyway, but in getting undecideds and independants. This pick will not do that.


Because it will be so easy for the Obama campaign and the left wing media to vilify Ryan. The Obama campaign is probably pleased as punch over this pick.
Despite the uncomfortable truths he had the guts to air when visiting the UK re. the Olympics, I'm warming to Romney. He puts a lot of faith in traditional Saxon values (perhaps that's why he's proved to be such a successful businessman). I've no idea who this Ryan character is, though.

An interesting perspective. Romney has played politics of course but always seems uncomfortable and outside himself when he does. But his greatest strength to me is in his very obvious discomfort in playing politics and his propensity to tell the truth even when it is politically unpopular or unexpedient. (Is that a word?)

So yes, picking Ryan I see as a strength of conviction instead of a calculated political choice. And that is why even though I wanted another candidate, I am impressed with the choice.

As for Ryan, his greatest strength I think is now serving seventh term in a mostly blue state and enjoying approval ratings mostly in the low to mid sixty percentile range. That suggests he is impressing a lot of folks who aren't necessarily hard core Republicans.

The Fox News bio raised my eyebrows but is kind of fun:

Paul Ryan Bio

* Currently serving seventh term as a member of Congress.
* Ryan was little known outside Janesville when he ran for
Congress in 1998 at age 28. He captured 57 percent of the vote.
* Ryan's first budget plan, which he called "Roadmap for
America's Future," was released in 2010.
* Early in his career as a representative to Congress, Ryan
held office hours in an old truck he converted into an office.
* Ryan was the legislative director for Sen. Sam Brownback
of Kansas, 1995-1997.


* Born and raised in the community of Janesville; Ryan is a
fifth-generation Wisconsin native.
* Ryan moonlighted on Capitol Hill as a waiter at the Tortilla Coast
restaurant and as a fitness trainer at Washington Sport and Health
* One of Ryan's summer jobs in college was as an Oscar Mayer
salesman in Minnesota, peddling turkey bacon and a new line
called "Lunchables" to supermarkets.
* Ryan worked as a marketing consultant for his family's construction business before being elected to Congress. The company -- Ryan Incorporated Central -- began as an earthmoving business created by his great-grandfather in 1884.
* Ryan's hobbies include hunting and fishing. He is a bowhunter and belongs to his hometown's archery association - the Janesville Bowmen.
* For fun, Ryan noodles catfish, catching them barehanded with a fist down their throats.
* Ryan listens to Rage Against the Machine and Led Zeppelin

Read more: Biography: Rep. Paul Ryan | Fox News
I disagree. Ryan will be nore easily vilified simply because they've has so much practice doing it already. the key is not keeping conservatives, who won't vote for Obama anyway, but in getting undecideds and independants. This pick will not do that.


Because it will be so easy for the Obama campaign and the left wing media to vilify Ryan. The Obama campaign is probably pleased as punch over this pick.

Ryan self-vilifies. He's free advertising for the Obama/Biden campaign.

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