It's Official. Sinema Will Win


Not because it helps the Dems...I am an indy who despises both major parties.

But because it hurts Trump (in a very small way).

As much as I despise both major parties...I despise Trump as POTUS about a hundred times more.
Don't have the link, but she bashed the people of Arizona, and said she hates the state. Open borders, plus the Taliban statement, and even said she hates the people and the state she won in. Why did the people of Arizona do this?
Which leads me to believe that this election was rigged. How in the heck do people vote for a woman that hates Arizona, Hates America, Hates our Sovereign Borders, and thinks The Taliban is super cool bunch of fun guys like a club you can join?

In Fact, I would not be surprised if The DemNazis did not have plans in place and machinery in place in Arizona, Georgia, and Florida to attempt to manufacture votes and attempt to steal elections in those places. They really are a desperate bunch, and that makes them lawless, and unpredictable and willing to do anything to win.

You and your crazy conspiracy theories. You are crazy and need to be locked in a looney bin somewhere in a straitjacket.
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Personally, I wouldn't vote for a person who spent years trying to take health care from millions of Americans, then turns around and lies to say she didn't do that.

It's insulting. People aren't that stupid to believe that. People are sick and tired of politicians lying for their own personal benefit then turn around and say they didn't lie.

I don't blame Arizona for rejecting her.

The people of Arizona have six years to decide what kind of senator Sinema is and will vote accordingly.

Personally, I won't vote for anyone who will vote to take insurance from millions of Americans while not offering an alternative beyond going to the ER or dying.
Once The People of Arizona are dragged from their beds, robbed, raped and beaten by hordes of illegals Sinema will allow in to their state, I am pretty sure she is a one termer. She will be hated more than John McCain. In fact, John McCain is a big reason why people voted for her at all.

Got anymore fairy tales.
If Sinema wins, you can thank John McCain for that. A lot of people I talked to because I have relatives in AZ, voted for Sinema as a protest vote. I think protests votes are stupid.....but it is what it is.

She also lied a lot about her political leanings on the campaign trail, so she is a one term Senator even if she does get in. The People of Arizona are going to really regret voting for her.

You are a liar extraordinaire. She has a moderate voting record so don't bet on her being a one term Senator.
Rush Limbaugh is a cheap sellout. He has thrown his values away in exchange for power. He is more interested in winning than conservative values. Arizona has moved more towards the center as the growth in population has occurred in the suburbs and more educated voters move in. There are also more Hispanics which the GOP has thoroughly alienated. Not as big for Democrats as blacks but solid Democrat. She does have a moderate voting record.

Limbaugh has not sold out he is the same as when I first started listening to him in the 80s, he has always been conservative which is not necessairly Republican. The notion that going to the 'center' is somehow the result of 'more educated voters' is patently ridiculous as we all know that the colleges are now far-left indoctrination centers. I don't see how Hispanics are alienated by the GOP unless you are talking about ILLEGAL ALIEN Hispanics which should have 0 rights to vote. 'Moderate' is a vague term that is meaningless without some kind of solid definition.

Limbaugh was not a defender of any President He focused solely on issues. Now anything Trump says no matter how ludicrous, Rush defends it. I used to be a listener. No it is not. Suburban voters deserted the GOP for the Democrats. A 22 point swing occurred in the suburbs from 2016 to 2018. Trump fanatically attacked Hispanics in the leadup to the election.. Steve King called immigrants dirt.
If it wasn't confirmed before it sure is now. leftists don't care about cheating as long as its the democrat doing...Republicans REALLY need to take the gloves off...
Please Mr President....

we are praying .....

and waiting for justice

It's always been trending democrook. It's the state that kept giving us McCain, which is still worse than taxachusettes giving us a murderer for 40 fuckin years.

Texas gave you Cruz.

You're welcome.


Gerrymandering, and voter suppression gave us Cruz.


You're running out of road son.

Are you secretly Joy Behar?

Gerrymandering? Please explain to the rest of the sane world how you gerrymander a statewide election!

Oh, this should be great! Anyone got some popcorn?

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