It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record In news that will surprise exactly

But you people still cling to the old tech

I believe I mentioned the constant stories about how the new miracle nuclear technology will make things different. Yet it never does. The new nuclear plants lose just as much money as the old plants.

The fact is renewables will never meet even our current needs never mind those of the future

An irrational statement, not based on any facts, and not particularly relevant, since nobody said it would be meeting all of our needs anytime soon. We're looking long-term here, and we are especially looking at the economics of it.

Currently the government is slating billions for wind and solar subsidies while completely ignoring the possibility of nuclear because all out idiot politicians think like you people and think that the China Syndrome was a true story

I've run nuclear reactors. What's your experience in the field?
Our planet has had much higher aggregate temperatures as well as some really low ones. The geological record confirms this. Guess what? The planet has always managed to adjust and not self destruct.
The "PLANET" yes, various living species, NO.
Spoken like a true party line advocate.

Speaking of party lines, your denialist beliefs are spouted exclusively by right-wing-extremists. That is, denialism is purely a political movement, one that cares nothing about the sceince. In contrast, the rational beliefs cross all political lines all across the world, because real climate science is actually science, and not politics.

And because we reject your claims we are conspiracy nuts. Such a tidy response

You're conspiracy nuts because you say things that aren't true, and then declare you're ignored because of a vast conspiracy directed against you.

The underlying message here is that scientists are too afraid to admit there is a God because their fellow atheist scientists will destroy them. So science conveniently says "we are not in the business of proving God." Oh that may very well be, but I will dare say science is definitely in the business of trying to DISPROVE God.

See? Now you're declaring it's an atheist conspiracy, when in reality it's simply that your science stinks.
Deniers use inaccurate satellite data for that lie, ground station data, which history has proven to be more accurate than satellite data, shows continued warming over the past 17 years, only at a slower rate, but warming non the less.

The fact that you've had to create a special "label" to call those who reject your nonsense is telling on of itself. Again, there is a valid reason you were forced to stop using the term "global warming" and replaced that with "climate change." The clearest and most accurate scientific data reveals there has been no significant warming for the past 17 years. Unfortunately, we do not live on a planet where the temperature remains constant year after year... some years it is up, some years it is down. Much of it has to do with the sun and activity on the sun that we have nothing to do with.

Again... for the mental retards.... this planet has been much hotter than today.... it has been much colder than today... and these extremes lasted for years and decades sometimes. Volcanic eruptions, meteorites, solar flares and sun spots... years and years before human industrialization, before humans even existed... this planet has undergone crazy radical extremes in temperature AND SURVIVED!

So all of a sudden.. in the 21st century, we have to soak capitalists for trillions and trillions of dollars in some "carbon offset scheme" and that is supposed to somehow "fix" this problem and correct the ever-so-delicate balance of nature? I guess we're supposed to show Mother Nature our carbon offset certificates and she will be so impressed with our efforts she will thank us by mediating the global temperature?

It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.
Yeah it's been awesome

I'll take another winter just like this one any time

And then it gets warmer and warmer and then the amount of oxygen starts to drop and then....... no more us.

Oh, but before that happens the PH levels in the sea will change so much many creatures there will die of before we do.

You and I will both be dead long before that happens

Perhaps, but that's not a good reason for ignoring it. Maybe you're putting our grandchildren or great grand children right in the shit.
LOL, what are you going to do?
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.

Wow... and it still doesn't change the aggregate average global temperatures which show no increase for the past 17 years. Isn't Mother Nature impressive?
Stupid is as stupid does. It ain't Ma Nature that has added over 120 ppm CO2 to the atmosphere. And the last 17 years have warmed significantly. All but 1 of the 10 warmest years have been in the last 17 years.
you can prove that?
How is it that any American still believes anything the government says about global warming?

One would have to be utterly stupid.
Why would anyone believe what an utterly ignorant person like yourself said on any subject?. Every Scientific Society, every National academy of Sceince, and every major University in the world states that global warming is a fact, and the the burning of fossil fuel is the cause.
Deniers use inaccurate satellite data for that lie, ground station data, which history has proven to be more accurate than satellite data, shows continued warming over the past 17 years, only at a slower rate, but warming non the less.

The fact that you've had to create a special "label" to call those who reject your nonsense is telling on of itself. Again, there is a valid reason you were forced to stop using the term "global warming" and replaced that with "climate change." The clearest and most accurate scientific data reveals there has been no significant warming for the past 17 years.
Repeating those two lies does not make those lies any less of a lie!

"Climate Change" has been in publication since at least 1956.
The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change - PLASS - 2010 - Tellus - Wiley Online Library

And the last time satellite data conflicted with the ground station data it was the ground station data that was proven to be the "clearest and most accurate."
Yeah it's been awesome

I'll take another winter just like this one any time

And then it gets warmer and warmer and then the amount of oxygen starts to drop and then....... no more us.

Oh, but before that happens the PH levels in the sea will change so much many creatures there will die of before we do.

You and I will both be dead long before that happens

Perhaps, but that's not a good reason for ignoring it. Maybe you're putting our grandchildren or great grand children right in the shit.

Actually it's the wacko environmentalists doing that by blocking all attempts to build a nuclear power infrastructure that could provide enough abundant emission free power that would meet our current needs and those for centuries to come
Skull, you are a real bullshitter. The primary factor in nuclear power not being built in this nation is the cost and risk. And, with both solar and wind getting cheaper every day, economic factors are the reason that both are booming.
where? Post up the statistics of how much use is solar and wind. And what are the subsidies? come on now, post up a comment let's see the data. Prove your point.
Being from the Pacific Northwest, it is not a Jane Fonda movie that has influenced me, it is a project called WHOOPS. And Fukushima. And Three Mile Island. And the fact that no private insurer will insure a nuclear plant, the government has to do that.
and of course you didn't read what skull posted. I love to read posts ignoring the previous one and just spouting off a cliche response. LOL. thanks socks.
Deniers use inaccurate satellite data for that lie, ground station data, which history has proven to be more accurate than satellite data, shows continued warming over the past 17 years, only at a slower rate, but warming non the less.

The fact that you've had to create a special "label" to call those who reject your nonsense is telling on of itself. Again, there is a valid reason you were forced to stop using the term "global warming" and replaced that with "climate change." The clearest and most accurate scientific data reveals there has been no significant warming for the past 17 years.
Repeating those two lies does not make those lies any less of a lie!

"Climate Change" has been in publication since at least 1956.
The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change - PLASS - 2010 - Tellus - Wiley Online Library

And the last time satellite data conflicted with the ground station data it was the ground station data that was proven to be the "clearest and most accurate."
have you read the IPCC AR5 report? hmmmmmm see, you all want this cut and dry and your team let you down by stating a pause in their report based off of .................scientists on your side.
In a related story: If any scientist or science teacher questions any of the claims of evolution (especially the claim there is no evidence for Intelligent Design) they can kiss their careers good-bye. (Note: I bet that means there is a huge consensus on the science community in that arena too.)

In a related story, this is yet more evidence that those who get hoodwinked by the conspiracy cult of denialism tend to fall for all sorts of bizarre conspiracy theories. The irrational thinking and hysterical emotionalism which form the basis of denialism are almost never compartmentalized to that single area.
well the scientists have told us this. It isn't fiction like your stories. Ask Judith Curry. Let's see, you going to bash her again? LOL, you are just full of .......
the aggregate average global temperatures which show no increase for the past 17 years
Deniers use inaccurate satellite data for that lie, ground station data, which history has proven to be more accurate than satellite data, shows continued warming over the past 17 years, only at a slower rate, but warming non the less.
again, just read the IPCC AR5 summary report, not even the entire document. they agree there was a pause. Sorry, but you can't make a post that states it isn't when your scientist already stated it was.
. this planet has undergone crazy radical extremes in temperature AND SURVIVED!

Of course, nobody ever claimed the earth itself would not survive. Yet oddly, you keep implying over and over that people did say such a thing. So, congratulations on so ably refuting a point that nobody ever tried to make. Too bad that you're so incapable of addressing anything anyone did say. But then, when all the data contradicts you, red herrings and fraudulent claims are all you've got.

So all of a sudden.. in the 21st century, we have to soak capitalists for trillions and trillions of dollars in some "carbon offset scheme" and that is supposed to somehow "fix" this problem and correct the ever-so-delicate balance of nature? I guess we're supposed to show Mother Nature our carbon offset certificates and she will be so impressed with our efforts she will thank us by mediating the global temperature?


I thank you for so convincingly illustrating my ongoing point concerning the conspiratorial nature of denier cultists.

However, compared to the other deniers, your rants are kind of boring. There's little entertainment value in them. Considering that people now only pay attention to deniers for the entertainment that their insane cult ravings provide, you need to up your game.
. this planet has undergone crazy radical extremes in temperature AND SURVIVED!

Of course, nobody ever claimed the earth itself would not survive. Yet oddly, you keep implying over and over that people did say such a thing. So, congratulations on so ably refuting a point that nobody ever tried to make. Too bad that you're so incapable of addressing anything anyone did say. But then, when all the data contradicts you, red herrings and fraudulent claims are all you've got.

So all of a sudden.. in the 21st century, we have to soak capitalists for trillions and trillions of dollars in some "carbon offset scheme" and that is supposed to somehow "fix" this problem and correct the ever-so-delicate balance of nature? I guess we're supposed to show Mother Nature our carbon offset certificates and she will be so impressed with our efforts she will thank us by mediating the global temperature?


I thank you for so convincingly illustrating my ongoing point concerning the conspiratorial nature of denier cultists.

However, compared to the other deniers, your rants are kind of boring. There's little entertainment value in them. Considering that people now only pay attention to deniers for the entertainment that their insane cult ravings provide, you need to up your game.

The "cult" is YOU, jack! You are part of a Socialist network who are actively trying to shake down capitalists worldwide. Most rational people simply think you are kooky and crazy but you really need to be exposed as the Socialists you are.

The scientific facts are simple... nothing man is doing will cause any sort of catastrophic consequence to our climate that nature hasn't endured before and overcome. Increased CO2 in our atmosphere merely means there is more nutrition for plant life. More plant life means more oxygen. Humans and all animal life flourishes on oxygen.

Up until about 600 years ago, our plant life was actually starving for CO2. We have only, within the past 600 years, reached levels that are sufficient to sustain vibrant growth in plants and trees. Of course, none of your Socialist propagandist brainwashers are going to tell you this.
The "cult" is YOU, jack! You are part of a Socialist network who are actively trying to shake down capitalists worldwide. Most rational people simply think you are kooky and crazy but you really need to be exposed as the Socialists you are.

That's right. The whole world is composed of socialists, and they're all coming after you. Nothing at all conspiratorial about that.

The scientific facts are simple... nothing man is doing will cause any sort of catastrophic consequence to our climate that nature hasn't endured before and overcome.

Nah, that's more unsupported PC feelgood nonsense on your part.

Increased CO2 in our atmosphere merely means there is more nutrition for plant life. More plant life means more oxygen. Humans and all animal life flourishes on oxygen.

That defies common sense. When you burn carbon, attaching an O2 to a C, it makes CO2. That takes O2 out of the air, and decreases oxygen levels. If CO2 goes up by 120ppm in the short term (short enough for geological carbon and oxygen fixing to not come into play), O2 has to drop by 120ppm. Not significant, though, when the oxygen levels started around 200,000 ppm.

Up until about 600 years ago, our plant life was actually starving for CO2. We have only, within the past 600 years, reached levels that are sufficient to sustain vibrant growth in plants and trees. Of course, none of your Socialist propagandist brainwashers are going to tell you this.

That's right, forests and jungles were all in poor health prior to 600 years ago, because plants were so CO2-starved, and only a socialist plot says otherwise.
That defies common sense. When you burn carbon, attaching an O2 to a C, it makes CO2. That takes O2 out of the air, and decreases oxygen levels. If CO2 goes up by 120ppm in the short term (short enough for geological carbon and oxygen fixing to not come into play), O2 has to drop by 120ppm. Not significant, though, when the oxygen levels started around 200,000 ppm.

No, it doesn't defy common sense when it's science. Plants use CO2 and produce oxygen. More CO2 means more vibrant plant life and thus, more oxygen is produced. Oxygen bonds with lots of things. CO2 is one of the most abundant compounds in the universe.

That's right, forests and jungles were all in poor health prior to 600 years ago, because plants were so CO2-starved, and only a socialist plot says otherwise.

I didn't say they were in "poor health" only that they weren't thriving optimally until about 600 years ago when CO2 levels began to increase sufficiently. We see evidence of this in the Stradivarius violins made back in the early 1600s from wood that grew during the "little ice age" and was much more dense than wood of today. The instruments cannot be reproduced today because the wood is less dense and doesn't create the same sound... that's why the violins are so expensive. Increased CO2 levels causes wood to grow much faster and thus, less dense.

Of course, 600 years ago, we didn't have human industrialization but we see a precipitous rise in CO2 levels worldwide. Mostly due to climatic events we have no control over. You see... the sky is simply not falling, Chicken Little... and there's not a lot you can do about it anyway.

This is nothing but a Socialist-Marxist SCAM. Always has been, always will be. The people who support it and promote it are Socialists who seek to punish the "evil capitalist" at any cost.... including, outright fraud.
The "cult" is YOU, jack! You are part of a Socialist network who are actively trying to shake down capitalists worldwide. Most rational people simply think you are kooky and crazy but you really need to be exposed as the Socialists you are.

That's right. The whole world is composed of socialists, and they're all coming after you. Nothing at all conspiratorial about that.

The scientific facts are simple... nothing man is doing will cause any sort of catastrophic consequence to our climate that nature hasn't endured before and overcome.

Nah, that's more unsupported PC feelgood nonsense on your part.

Increased CO2 in our atmosphere merely means there is more nutrition for plant life. More plant life means more oxygen. Humans and all animal life flourishes on oxygen.

That defies common sense. When you burn carbon, attaching an O2 to a C, it makes CO2. That takes O2 out of the air, and decreases oxygen levels. If CO2 goes up by 120ppm in the short term (short enough for geological carbon and oxygen fixing to not come into play), O2 has to drop by 120ppm. Not significant, though, when the oxygen levels started around 200,000 ppm.

Up until about 600 years ago, our plant life was actually starving for CO2. We have only, within the past 600 years, reached levels that are sufficient to sustain vibrant growth in plants and trees. Of course, none of your Socialist propagandist brainwashers are going to tell you this.

That's right, forests and jungles were all in poor health prior to 600 years ago, because plants were so CO2-starved, and only a socialist plot says otherwise.
do you even know how much CO2 is needed in the atmosphere for plant life to exist? Dude/ dudette, you never stop amazing me the stupid you hold on to. How can CO2 be bad, when the planet needs it to produce Oxygen?

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