It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record In news that will surprise exactly

It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.

Wow... and it still doesn't change the aggregate average global temperatures which show no increase for the past 17 years. Isn't Mother Nature impressive?
Stupid is as stupid does. It ain't Ma Nature that has added over 120 ppm CO2 to the atmosphere. And the last 17 years have warmed significantly. All but 1 of the 10 warmest years have been in the last 17 years.
Personally, I am more concerned about the billions who are suffering and dying and being mass murdered right now in non-temperature related matters. I know Barack could not care less.

Secondly, I choose to remain highly skeptical when science, politics and money converge.

The hottest year on which record?

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud - Principia Scientific Intl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a related story: If any scientist or science teacher questions any of the claims of evolution (especially the claim there is no evidence for Intelligent Design) they can kiss their careers good-bye. (Note: I bet that means there is a huge consensus on the science community in that arena too.)
Being from the Pacific Northwest, it is not a Jane Fonda movie that has influenced me, it is a project called WHOOPS. And Fukushima. And Three Mile Island. And the fact that no private insurer will insure a nuclear plant, the government has to do that.
The AGW community.......many of them have been duped by the illusion of consensus reality. Its a quite fascinating concept.........collective conditioning to create what for these people is a reality that doesn't really exist. Consensus realities are this case by the scientific community. Some automatically hear the word "science" and don't question for a moment that science can be engineered!!! Those who are easily led into consensus reality also tend to be people who are automatically gullible when it comes to facts presented by "experts".............

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality
Being from the Pacific Northwest, it is not a Jane Fonda movie that has influenced me, it is a project called WHOOPS. And Fukushima. And Three Mile Island. And the fact that no private insurer will insure a nuclear plant, the government has to do that.

That's funny how so called disasters that resulted in little or no loss of life are what you base your fear mongering on
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.

Wow... and it still doesn't change the aggregate average global temperatures which show no increase for the past 17 years. Isn't Mother Nature impressive?
Stupid is as stupid does. It ain't Ma Nature that has added over 120 ppm CO2 to the atmosphere. And the last 17 years have warmed significantly. All but 1 of the 10 warmest years have been in the last 17 years.
Personally, I am more concerned about the billions who are suffering and dying and being mass murdered right now in non-temperature related matters. I know Barack could not care less.

Secondly, I choose to remain highly skeptical when science, politics and money converge.

The hottest year on which record?

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud - Principia Scientific Intl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a related story: If any scientist or science teacher questions any of the claims of evolution (especially the claim there is no evidence for Intelligent Design) they can kiss their careers good-bye. (Note: I bet that means there is a huge consensus on the science community

I see. So, what you are saying is that the scientists in all the other nations and cultures are in the pay of our government? That there is a worldwide conspiracy to defraud all of us in some manner by pointing out what adding over 43% more CO2 to our atmosphere is doing to the climate?

Why yes, there is a scientific consensus that evolution is the only theory that explains life as we see it. That is what the overwhelming evidence shows us.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.

Wow... and it still doesn't change the aggregate average global temperatures which show no increase for the past 17 years. Isn't Mother Nature impressive?
Stupid is as stupid does. It ain't Ma Nature that has added over 120 ppm CO2 to the atmosphere. And the last 17 years have warmed significantly. All but 1 of the 10 warmest years have been in the last 17 years.
Personally, I am more concerned about the billions who are suffering and dying and being mass murdered right now in non-temperature related matters. I know Barack could not care less.

Secondly, I choose to remain highly skeptical when science, politics and money converge.

The hottest year on which record?

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud - Principia Scientific Intl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a related story: If any scientist or science teacher questions any of the claims of evolution (especially the claim there is no evidence for Intelligent Design) they can kiss their careers good-bye. (Note: I bet that means there is a huge consensus on the science community in that arena too.)
I see. So, what you are saying is that the scientists in all the other nations and cultures are in the pay of our government? That there is a worldwide conspiracy to defraud all of us in some manner by pointing out what adding over 43% more CO2 to our atmosphere is doing to the climate?

Why yes, there is a scientific consensus that evolution is the only theory that explains life as we see it. That is what the overwhelming evidence shows us.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.

So what?
Being from the Pacific Northwest, it is not a Jane Fonda movie that has influenced me, it is a project called WHOOPS. And Fukushima. And Three Mile Island. And the fact that no private insurer will insure a nuclear plant, the government has to do that.

That's funny how so called disasters that resulted in little or no loss of life are what you base your fear mongering on
It is not funny at all how close 'failsafe' Fukushima came to being a repeat of Chernobyl.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.

Wow... and it still doesn't change the aggregate average global temperatures which show no increase for the past 17 years. Isn't Mother Nature impressive?
Stupid is as stupid does. It ain't Ma Nature that has added over 120 ppm CO2 to the atmosphere. And the last 17 years have warmed significantly. All but 1 of the 10 warmest years have been in the last 17 years.
Personally, I am more concerned about the billions who are suffering and dying and being mass murdered right now in non-temperature related matters. I know Barack could not care less.

Secondly, I choose to remain highly skeptical when science, politics and money converge.

The hottest year on which record?

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud - Principia Scientific Intl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a related story: If any scientist or science teacher questions any of the claims of evolution (especially the claim there is no evidence for Intelligent Design) they can kiss their careers good-bye. (Note: I bet that means there is a huge consensus on the science community in that arena too.)
I see. So, what you are saying is that the scientists in all the other nations and cultures are in the pay of our government? That there is a worldwide conspiracy to defraud all of us in some manner by pointing out what adding over 43% more CO2 to our atmosphere is doing to the climate?

Why yes, there is a scientific consensus that evolution is the only theory that explains life as we see it. That is what the overwhelming evidence shows us.
I am saying there is definitely good reason to believe they do not dare stray outside the party line, YES.

I am saying I am sick to death of enemies of the common good like Barack and liberalism in general wasting our precious funds on things that are of little value or negative value to our nation.

As far as evolution and science is concerned, you mostly missed my point. Do you want me to reiterate it?
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Being from the Pacific Northwest, it is not a Jane Fonda movie that has influenced me, it is a project called WHOOPS. And Fukushima. And Three Mile Island. And the fact that no private insurer will insure a nuclear plant, the government has to do that.

That's funny how so called disasters that resulted in little or no loss of life are what you base your fear mongering on
It is not funny at all how close 'failsafe' Fukushima came to being a repeat of Chernobyl.

You mean the disaster where only a few people died and that now has been shown to have negligible effects on the people and animals living in the so called hot zone?

Funny how you are quick to admonish others for ignoring the facts but you consistently do the same thing

And once again you are basing all your fear mongering on reactor styles that are for all intents and purposes all but obsolete
In a related story: If any scientist or science teacher questions any of the claims of evolution (especially the claim there is no evidence for Intelligent Design) they can kiss their careers good-bye. (Note: I bet that means there is a huge consensus on the science community in that arena too.)

In a related story, this is yet more evidence that those who get hoodwinked by the conspiracy cult of denialism tend to fall for all sorts of bizarre conspiracy theories. The irrational thinking and hysterical emotionalism which form the basis of denialism are almost never compartmentalized to that single area.
And once again you are basing all your fear mongering on reactor styles that are for all intents and purposes all but obsolete

In every nation on earth, costs for nuclear reactors are spiraling upwards. That has nothing to do with anything in the US. It's a commonality of the nuclear industry everywhere. New reactors, old reactors, they're all still insanely expensive. Even France, with large numbers of government-backed standardized plants, can't build a nuclear plant that isn't a massive money loser.

Yeah, we keep hearing about next-generation plants, or the new miracle Chinese technology just around the corner, and it never materializes. The Chinese can't build a profit-turning nuclear plant either.

It's a matter of money, where to efficiently allocate resources. Nuclear power will always be useful for baseline loads, but renewables and efficiency are the cost-effective path forward now.
Stupid is as stupid does. It ain't Ma Nature that has added over 120 ppm CO2 to the atmosphere. And the last 17 years have warmed significantly. All but 1 of the 10 warmest years have been in the last 17 years.

Not so. Why do you think they stopped calling it "Global Warming"? It's because the data began to show that there is no significant warming happening over the last 17 years.

And I am sorry but the warmest years were long before there were recorded temperatures. Our planet has had much higher aggregate temperatures as well as some really low ones. The geological record confirms this. Guess what? The planet has always managed to adjust and not self destruct. And there weren't any Socialist Liberals here to bilk corporations and create false panic over it.
In a related story: If any scientist or science teacher questions any of the claims of evolution (especially the claim there is no evidence for Intelligent Design) they can kiss their careers good-bye. (Note: I bet that means there is a huge consensus on the science community in that arena too.)

In a related story, this is yet more evidence that those who get hoodwinked by the conspiracy cult of denialism tend to fall for all sorts of bizarre conspiracy theories. The irrational thinking and hysterical emotionalism which form the basis of denialism are almost never compartmentalized to that single area.
Spoken like a true party line advocate.

And because we reject your claims we are conspiracy nuts. Such a tidy response.

Well I, and many clandestine voices in science, also reject all your "transitional fossils." That is, if science even ever dares put an actual photo of one in a text book besides that ubiquitous roadrunner archeopterix.

But it's really not about evolution vs. creationism in the least, is it? You can have your evolution, I could not really care less. But when all these brainy scientists say there is no evidence for intelligent design, that is when we reach for the alka-seltzer.

The underlying message here is that scientists are too afraid to admit there is a God because their fellow atheist scientists will destroy them. So science conveniently says "we are not in the business of proving God." Oh that may very well be, but I will dare say science is definitely in the business of trying to DISPROVE God.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.

Wow... and it still doesn't change the aggregate average global temperatures which show no increase for the past 17 years. Isn't Mother Nature impressive?
Stupid is as stupid does. It ain't Ma Nature that has added over 120 ppm CO2 to the atmosphere. And the last 17 years have warmed significantly. All but 1 of the 10 warmest years have been in the last 17 years.
Personally, I am more concerned about the billions who are suffering and dying and being mass murdered right now in non-temperature related matters. I know Barack could not care less.

Secondly, I choose to remain highly skeptical when science, politics and money converge.

The hottest year on which record?

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud - Principia Scientific Intl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a related story: If any scientist or science teacher questions any of the claims of evolution (especially the claim there is no evidence for Intelligent Design) they can kiss their careers good-bye. (Note: I bet that means there is a huge consensus on the science community in that arena too.)
I see. So, what you are saying is that the scientists in all the other nations and cultures are in the pay of our government? That there is a worldwide conspiracy to defraud all of us in some manner by pointing out what adding over 43% more CO2 to our atmosphere is doing to the climate?

Why yes, there is a scientific consensus that evolution is the only theory that explains life as we see it. That is what the overwhelming evidence shows us.
I am saying there is definitely good reason to believe they do not dare stray outside the party line, YES.

I am saying I am sick to death of enemies of the common good like Barack and liberalism in general wasting our precious funds on things that are of little value or negative value to our nation.

As far as evolution and science is concerned, you mostly missed my point. Do you want me to reiterate it?

Well said........but really, it is just a part of the progressive playbook. It is a way to levy covert taxes on the people and a continuation of trickle-up poverty economics. Every time you lop off another % of the middle class, the progressives win.....that is always what shit like Cap and trade is all about. Only bozo's think it is about anything to do with the environment. Read a little on Saul Alinsky and any of the other progressive radicals.....get ahold of the energy is one of the pillars of bringing down capitalism. So many young people who start on this global warming stoopidness have the political IQ of a small soap dish.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
And once again you are basing all your fear mongering on reactor styles that are for all intents and purposes all but obsolete

In every nation on earth, costs for nuclear reactors are spiraling upwards. That has nothing to do with anything in the US. It's a commonality of the nuclear industry everywhere. New reactors, old reactors, they're all still insanely expensive. Even France, with large numbers of government-backed standardized plants, can't build a nuclear plant that isn't a massive money loser.

Yeah, we keep hearing about next-generation plants, or the new miracle Chinese technology just around the corner, and it never materializes. The Chinese can't build a profit-turning nuclear plant either.

It's a matter of money, where to efficiently allocate resources. Nuclear power will always be useful for baseline loads, but renewables and efficiency are the cost-effective path forward now.
And all those countries are still using the old light water reactors that require huge amounts of concrete and steel not to mention huge amounts of water for cooling

New reactors run at atmosphere therefore require no containment domes, are self limiting by design therefore needing to elaborate water hungry cooling systems, can be built off site therefore reducing production costs, can be installed in power plants that already exist therefore reducing costs, can use our current supply of spent fuel as it's primary source there by reducing costs and reducing our stockpile of waste

But you people still cling to the old tech

The fact is renewables will never meet even our current needs never mind those of the future

Currently the government is slating billions for wind and solar subsidies while completely ignoring the possibility of nuclear because all out idiot politicians think like you people and think that the China Syndrome was a true story
Wow... and it still doesn't change the aggregate average global temperatures which show no increase for the past 17 years. Isn't Mother Nature impressive?
Stupid is as stupid does. It ain't Ma Nature that has added over 120 ppm CO2 to the atmosphere. And the last 17 years have warmed significantly. All but 1 of the 10 warmest years have been in the last 17 years.
Personally, I am more concerned about the billions who are suffering and dying and being mass murdered right now in non-temperature related matters. I know Barack could not care less.

Secondly, I choose to remain highly skeptical when science, politics and money converge.

The hottest year on which record?

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud - Principia Scientific Intl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a related story: If any scientist or science teacher questions any of the claims of evolution (especially the claim there is no evidence for Intelligent Design) they can kiss their careers good-bye. (Note: I bet that means there is a huge consensus on the science community in that arena too.)
I see. So, what you are saying is that the scientists in all the other nations and cultures are in the pay of our government? That there is a worldwide conspiracy to defraud all of us in some manner by pointing out what adding over 43% more CO2 to our atmosphere is doing to the climate?

Why yes, there is a scientific consensus that evolution is the only theory that explains life as we see it. That is what the overwhelming evidence shows us.
I am saying there is definitely good reason to believe they do not dare stray outside the party line, YES.

I am saying I am sick to death of enemies of the common good like Barack and liberalism in general wasting our precious funds on things that are of little value or negative value to our nation.

As far as evolution and science is concerned, you mostly missed my point. Do you want me to reiterate it?

Well said........but really, it is just a part of the progressive playbook. It is a way to levy covert taxes on the people and a continuation of trickle-up poverty economics. Every time you lop off another % of the middle class, the progressives win.....that is always what shit like Cap and trade is all about. Only bozo's think it is about anything to do with the environment. Read a little on Saul Alinsky and any of the other progressive radicals.....get ahold of the energy is one of the pillars of bringing down capitalism. So many young people who start on this global warming stoopidness have the political IQ of a small soap dish.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Thanks. I agree with your general comments here.

For us gullible public to even begin to think the global and corporate movers and shakers with all the money and influence are really in business for the common good or for altruistic reasons would be naive to the extreme. (including the media moguls) So why do so many believe them when they tell us where our greatest fears should lie?
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.
Wow, the lower 48 of America now represents the entire planet and suddenly weather can be used to support climate again now that it fits your cult views.
the aggregate average global temperatures which show no increase for the past 17 years
Deniers use inaccurate satellite data for that lie, ground station data, which history has proven to be more accurate than satellite data, shows continued warming over the past 17 years, only at a slower rate, but warming non the less.
Why would anyone believe what an utterly ignorant person like yourself said on any subject?. Every Scientific Society, every National academy of Sceince, and every major University in the world states that global warming is a fact, and the the burning of fossil fuel is the cause.
Hey moron, Old Crock , I hear you are in college at 72, but you are failing spelling. which is as easy as pie
It's a damn poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word.
- Andrew Jackson

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