It's Over: Released Pics Expose Rubio Attending Gay Club Foam Parties In Miami

Don't knock it til you try it. Going to a gay club is no different than going to any club. Just depends on WHAT kind of club floats yer boat. I have been to two. One in the town next over from mine. Very quiet, just guys...and/or lesbians....hanging out after a hard day at work and wanting to relax. The one I went to once a week many years ago was more flamboyant. Kind of like The Bird Cage. Drinks, food, women impersonators (also transgenders) mostly men but FUN FUN FUN. Couple of lesbians but not a lot. Lots of dancing, singing, shows of the "ladies" and my favorite was my friend who did Lucy's Vitameatavegimen or him and his partner doing a Sonny and Cher skit. They were not fucking in corners or slopping kisses back and forth. They were just guys having a great time and me along with them. And yes..a few did ask MrG to dance which he politely declined, lol.
Well thank you very much for describing the atmosphere and events at the gay club.

Now can we knock it?

Personally, I do find the past of Rubio to be quite off-putting to my considering him to be a good choice for president. I can add many other reasons I have zero interest in wanting him to win. I am also very disappointed in Cruz and Trump. I never wanted Bush or any of the others. Only Huckabee but that never had a chance.

So do I care who wins now? Not a whole lot. The one to save our nation will not ever be a president. It is a spiritual crisis and phenomenon. Reality is not our economy or stopping war or planning for our retirement. Reality is heaven or hell. Pretty grim, and serious.
Steve_McGarrett: 13585636 said:
This is going everywhere tonight on political websites, especially Free Republic. If he is a closeted gay or bi-sexual, his ambitions to be president must end.

Gay Porn Ties, Foam Parties & Shocking Arrest — Marco Rubio's Racy Past Revealed!
It seems he has a lot of these skeletons popping out on regular basis... He's an odd duck.
Very typical of a Rino...
To have a bi or flat out gay president would be quiet frankly unpresidential.
What's telling is that many on the right believe there's something 'wrong' with being gay.
There's nothing "wrong" so to speak with choice of being "gay"...
Him being an Rino means he makes bad "choices" all his life all so it seems...
Poach more Rinos
Last edited:
There's nothing "wrong" so to speak with choice of being "gay"...
Him being an Rino means he makes bad "choices" all his life all life so it seems...
Poach more Rinos
The only RINO in the race is Trump.
You're missing the point, trump is the shiny object that has obviously distracted all of these Rinos(progressive career politicians)... A filter so to speak...
The only RINO in the race is Trump.
So Open Borders, cock sucking Rubio the Liar is not a RINO but Trump, who is the only candidate bringing up these critical issues in defiance of the establishment, *is* a RINO and pals around with Mitch McConnell, I suppose?

If Marco Rubio is pretending to be straight, I seriously don't give a damn. My guess is that the vast majority of politicians are adulterers, closet homosexuals, pedophiles, or S&M. And none of it matters.

The only reason it mattered with Clinton was because he was a rapist, an exhibitionist, and because he lied about having oral sex under oath, and obstructed justice when he told Monica Lewinsky to lie.
Blackrook, I respectfully disagree about the reason for the Clinton massacre was because of his behavior, especially when you consider his accusers...Hyde, Gingrich, and several others exposed as moral cretins. Uh-uh, Clinton was shot at because of his policies and his party. He provided the ammo for sure, but the reason was not one of morality or character. It was more like going after Capone for tax evasion, being the only thing they could make stick.
Steve_McGarrett: 13585636 said:
This is going everywhere tonight on political websites, especially Free Republic. If he is a closeted gay or bi-sexual, his ambitions to be president must end.

Gay Porn Ties, Foam Parties & Shocking Arrest — Marco Rubio's Racy Past Revealed!
It seems he has a lot of these skeletons popping out on regular basis... He's an odd duck.
Very typical of a Rino...
To have a bi or flat out gay president would be quiet frankly unpresidential.
Well we just had one, but he stayed in the closet.

But dont be shocked if Obama comes out later as bisexual after he has left office.
Steve_McGarrett: 13585636 said:
This is going everywhere tonight on political websites, especially Free Republic. If he is a closeted gay or bi-sexual, his ambitions to be president must end.

Gay Porn Ties, Foam Parties & Shocking Arrest — Marco Rubio's Racy Past Revealed!
It seems he has a lot of these skeletons popping out on regular basis... He's an odd duck.
Very typical of a Rino...
To have a bi or flat out gay president would be quiet frankly unpresidential.
What's telling is that many on the right believe there's something 'wrong' with being gay.
It is!
Yeah, it is telling that we dont want fucked up in the head perverts running our country.

Go figure.
The only RINO in the race is Trump.
So Open Borders, cock sucking Rubio the Liar is not a RINO but Trump, who is the only candidate bringing up these critical issues in defiance of the establishment, *is* a RINO and pals around with Mitch McConnell, I suppose?

Rubio doesn't support open borders, that's a lie. He has a more conservative voting record than Ronald Reagan but he's somehow a RINO? Trump isn't the only one talking about the issues and typically throws platitudes around instead of specifics. Elections drive people insane.
You're missing the point, trump is the shiny object that has obviously distracted all of these Rinos(progressive career politicians)... A filter so to speak...
lol, now Trump is a closet gay man and part of the secret kabal that runs the GOP?

And homosexuals will be on the fast track to extinction as parents get their kids genes cleansed of the ghey perv genes.

I wasn't aware that you believe homosexuality is genetic.

I think that there are genetic predispositions toward a preference for men, like some have a weakness for alcoholism or depression.

But it does not control anyone.

As the genetic cues for same sex behavior are filtered out by us breeders, homosexual predispositions will almost entirely disappear and the rest will repress those disgusting and unnatural perversions in secret.
There's nothing "wrong" so to speak with choice of being "gay"...
Him being an Rino means he makes bad "choices" all his life all life so it seems...
Poach more Rinos
The only RINO in the race is Trump.
You're missing the point, trump is the shiny object that has obviously distracted all of these Rinos(progressive career politicians)... A filter so to speak...
The point is that Republicans are poised to shoot themselves in the foot, yet once again.
Rubio doesn't support open borders, that's a lie. He has a more conservative voting record than Ronald Reagan but he's somehow a RINO? Trump isn't the only one talking about the issues and typically throws platitudes around instead of specifics. Elections drive people insane.

He most certainly does want uncontrolled immigration and open borers trade and he has said that on SPANISH speaking TV interviews, and he also believes that Hispanics have a right to come here.

He is also a cop hater, that has slipped out recently and he is the most mechanical, canned speech making, blow dried twit running for office.

Now we know he has been lying to everyone about his past as a 'man eater'.

No one knows who and what Rubio is truly is, but methinks we are about to find out over the next few weeks.

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