Its Pearl Harbour Day.Imagine If Hillary Had Won,Gave A Speech.Who Would She Have Blamed For Attack?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:uhh::uhoh3: As we all know {well, the Hillary Supporters are still mourning/crying, so they have no idea} thats it the 75th anniversary of when Goerge Bush the 1st ordered Japan to attack Pearl Harbour, right?
:smoke:, Well, anyway, Now, being we have just gone through about 18 months of Hillary/Bambi and the far left bashing the white man for everything wrong with American, can you just imagine,"President Elect Hillary" making a speech today over the anniversary of Pearl Harbour and eventually tieing it to the sins of the "Modern Day White Man"?, Well, according to Hillary, all white males are evil and to some extent tied to "White Supremacy and the "KKK",right ? :cranky:
and if Hillary had one, god, can you imagine Al Sharpton making his speeches on how 75 years ago, all of these white men/racists attacked Pearl Harbour because of their hatred of the black man?
I keep hearing rightists blaming FDR, so what are babbling about with your 'Rubber Room' bait?
didnt bambi already make the first speech in japan, explaining why it was ok for the japanese to bomb pearl harbour because we were already a racist nation in the 40's?
Whoopie and Blowfart would of been having a field day today,,blaming Pearl Harbour on whites if Hillary had won
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i wonder if Obama will go to Mexico next year and apologize for the asteroid that blew a 61 mile wide hold in their penninsula 65,000 years ago, and that it was the fault of the USA.

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