Zone1 It's quite easy to see why most people end up in Hell (as Jesus said)


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Jesus is Truth Incarnate. We can believe every Word He said (which includes all that He has said via the Bible AND via His Church throughout the centuries, which may or may not be written down in black and white but is of course true just the same)

So Jesus said that most people end up in Hell (see Mt 7:14- and Lk 13:24 and other psgs)

And I can see why. Everywhere I look today there is nothing but selfishness, snarkyness, love of $$, lack of concern for others.. everyone going against what Jesus taught. He taught us to have charity for one another, but I don't see much charity these days.

And then there's all the perversity, sick stuff being taught in our schools. It's like our society despises children, their innocence. It's like everyone is in such a hurry to steal that innocence from them.. WHY?!

Well, I think we know why.. "People loved darkness rather than the light..."

Jesus is Truth Incarnate. We can believe every Word He said (which inclues all that He has said via His Church throughout the centuries, which may or may not be written down in black and white but is of course true just the same)

So Jesus said that most people end up in Hell (see Mt 7:14- and Lk 13:24 and other psgs)

And I can see why. Everywhere I look there is nothing but selfishness, snarkyness, lack of concern for others.. everyone going against what Jesus taught. He taught us to have charity for one another, but I don't see much charity these days. And then there's all the perversity, sick stuff being taught in our schools. It's like our society despises children, their innocence. It's like everyone is in such a hurry to steal that innocence from them.. WHY?

Well, I think we know why.. "People loved darkness rather than the light..."
if God is all powerful, why doesnt he or she just make sin impossible.......God is LOve...hell is a myth....why do you need people to be punished.....if we are not perfect....God made us that way......why do you not believe in God
Respectfully, in the opinion of atheists, religious beliefs are all make-believe.

Of most importance now in this 21st. century, it's important to show respect for each other as opposed to mocking other's beliefs.

Even our young earther member deserves respect for what he believes.
It's just the complete opposite of my own extremist views on all religions.
So Jesus said that most people end up in Hell
Except 'hell' wasn't a word or concept in Jesus' day. The kingdom of God was. Entering into the Kingdom is difficult, walking in the ways of the world is easy. "Hell" didn't really enter into the vocabulary until three hundred years into early Christianity. It took off with Dante about a thousand years later.

The Kingdom is a wonderful place, so of course there is wailing or grinding of teeth when we fail to meet our own expectations let alone the expectations God has of us. I love the words of a hymn that remind us that our faith in God is only a shadow of His faith in us. We want to enter that kingdom daily.
Except 'hell' wasn't a word or concept in Jesus' day. The kingdom of God was. Entering into the Kingdom is difficult, walking in the ways of the world is easy. "Hell" didn't really enter into the vocabulary until three hundred years into early Christianity. It took off with Dante about a thousand years later.

The Kingdom is a wonderful place, so of course there is wailing or grinding of teeth when we fail to meet our own expectations let alone the expectations God has of us. I love the words of a hymn that remind us that our faith in God is only a shadow of His faith in us. We want to enter that kingdom daily.
Not only have you atheists voicing opposition to your Christian views and beliefs, you now have a completely non-apologist who is a truly dedicated young earther and a wholly literal believer in the bibles.

I'm going to suggest that the latter poses the greater danger to the Catholic religion. That is on account of Catholics being divided in America now.

Only a portion of Catholics accept Darwinian evolution and those show little commitment to expressing themselves.

Our ActionJackson shows no hesitancy at all on expressing his 'young earth' views.
We can believe every Word He said
Lets ignore the fact we dont actually know what he said. I will just discuss the falsehoods in the bible that are attributed to him.

-"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
This needs no elaboration.

-Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who hunger now,
for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.
Blessed are you when people hate you,
when they exclude you and insult you
and reject your name as evil,

Poor people are blessed? Hungry kids are blessed? People that are crying because their wife or husband just died are blessed? Lol

-Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
This is also obviously not true. You do need to care what you drink. You do need to care about what you eat.

-Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened
This clearly never happened.
if God is all powerful, why doesnt he or she just make sin impossible.......God is LOve...hell is a myth....why do you need people to be punished.....if we are not perfect....God made us that way......why do you not believe in God

Why do you blame God for your sins?

No one put a gun to your head and made you commit them, presumably
Respectfully, in the opinion of atheists, religious beliefs are all make-believe.

Of most importance now in this 21st. century, it's important to show respect for each other as opposed to mocking other's beliefs.

Even our young earther member deserves respect for what he believes.
It's just the complete opposite of my own extremist views on all religions.
yes, we should probably respect others' belief to the point of not having any of our own... Follow human beings, NOt Jesus Christ who is GOD... makes sense

Except 'hell' wasn't a word or concept in Jesus' day. The kingdom of God was. Entering into the Kingdom is difficult, walking in the ways of the world is easy. "Hell" didn't really enter into the vocabulary until three hundred years into early Christianity. It took off with Dante about a thousand years later.

The Kingdom is a wonderful place, so of course there is wailing or grinding of teeth when we fail to meet our own expectations let alone the expectations God has of us. I love the words of a hymn that remind us that our faith in God is only a shadow of His faith in us. We want to enter that kingdom daily.
This is bogus, the notion that Hell wasn't around until Dante. My experiences / knowledge in life probably don't interest you or anyone else here. But God has shown me many things through my prayers (rosary and etc). Unlike human beings and their myriad conflicting, sometimes bizarre, religions, God wants people to know Truth, wants us to know HIM, and that is why He gave us Jesus... or actually, I should say: that's why HE himself came to Earth. Jesus is God. He said so ("If you have seen Me you have seen the Father."

Jesus spoke of Hell quite often. I know that doesn't comport w/ what the novus ordo sect is telling you, but remember, a lot of references to Hell were thrown out at Vatican II.

Here is one of Jesus's (probably)-most-important mentions of Hell: Mt 25:31-46, where He uses the term Eternal punishment.

doesn't sound too good for unrepentant sinners...
Lets ignore the fact we dont actually know what he said. I will just discuss the falsehoods in the bible that are attributed to him.

-"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
This needs no elaboration.

-Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who hunger now,
for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.
Blessed are you when people hate you,
when they exclude you and insult you
and reject your name as evil,

Poor people are blessed? Hungry kids are blessed? People that are crying because their wife or husband just died are blessed? Lol

-Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
This is also obviously not true. You do need to care what you drink. You do need to care about what you eat.

-Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened
This clearly never happened.

Well, you are interpreting the Word for yourself. Catholics have a CHURCH to interpret it for them, infallibly. Yes, the Vatican was taken over by anti-Christs, but Jesus's Church abides in the world still. He promised it would.. "I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."

Just because you don't understand those scripture psgs doesn't mean they are absolutly NOT understandable by any human on Earth, past or present or future. I know you'd like to think you are the only one who can discern truth from lies, but others are created in God's image also and maybe, just maybe you could learn a few things from them. But not if you don't listen.

In any case, one thing meant by some of the psgs you list is that people who don't have much in the this world can be closer to God than those who have "everything". Those who have it all get focused on those worldly things and it's a good way to end up in Hell... Rich people are in danger because they rely on their wealth, but what happens when it is GONE at death?
Well, you are interpreting the Word for yourself. Catholics have a CHURCH to interpret it for them, infallibly. Yes, the Vatican was taken over by anti-Christs, but Jesus's Church abides in the world still. He promised it would.. "I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."

Just because you don't understand those scripture psgs doesn't mean they are absolutly NOT understandable by any human on Earth, past or present or future. I know you'd like to think you are the only one who can discern truth from lies, but others are created in God's image also and maybe, just maybe you could learn a few things from them. But not if you don't listen.

In any case, one thing meant by some of the psgs you list is that people who don't have much in the this world can be closer to God than those who have "everything". Those who have it all get focused on those worldly things and it's a good way to end up in Hell... Rich people are in danger because they rely on their wealth, but what happens when it is GONE at death?
So, your excuse is not believe what the bible actually says. Believe what someone tells you to think. Mkay :lol:
-"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
This needs no elaboration.
Not when one is familiar with the etymology and Hebrew meaning for prayer.

Prayer is not where you make a wish. First it is acknowledgement and praise of what is good in our world. Second, it is a contemplation and judgement of one's own day. What was good about what what you did; what goodness came your way?

What one asks for in which to do good and in praise of God is what one will receive.
Jesus spoke of Hell quite often. I know that doesn't comport w/ what the novus ordo sect is telling you, but remember, a lot of references to Hell were thrown out at Vatican II.
Get past "novus ordo" because it had nothing to do with my post. My post is based on reading the history, culture, and anthropology of Biblical times--what people knew and believed at that time.
Not when one is familiar with the etymology and Hebrew meaning for prayer.

Prayer is not where you make a wish. First it is acknowledgement and praise of what is good in our world. Second, it is a contemplation and judgement of one's own day. What was good about what what you did; what goodness came your way?

What one asks for in which to do good and in praise of God is what one will receive.

Something doesn't agree w/ me here but I can't say what it is...

In any case, "good" is a subjective term, esp these days when people act like it is "good" to gyrate in a sexually explicit way in front of children...

Words are essentially meaningless unless definitions are given and etc...

And also, sometimes prayers ARE a wish and there is nothing wrong with that unless you wish for something that is not God's will and in that case, He will tell you it is not His will one way or another... and most of the time we won't like it (is my experience)
Get past "novus ordo" because it had nothing to do with my post. My post is based on reading the history, culture, and anthropology of Biblical times--what people knew and believed at that time.
That doesn't make it correct, theologically.

And I am not getting past novus ordo because I can see how it has influenced Catholics throughout the decades since the Vatican was taken over by anti-Christs.

We've been taught hardly anyone goes to Hell and other such garbage. Jesus said the EXACT opposite, that most people do not find the narrow way to Heaven, but oh well... just a little disagreement there with the Judge of our souls.. no biggie, I reckon!

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