Zone1 It's quite easy to see why most people end up in Hell (as Jesus said)

He uses the term Eternal punishment.
Punishment. Not hell. Read through the lists fairly. Most all of our names could easily qualify for both lists. Further, in Biblical times Jews thought of 'punishment' in terms of shedding or going down, with the purpose to once more ascend into what is right and good. We can think of the eternal shedding of that which is bad to ascend or come up to that which is good. When we go down, our eyes then must look up (ascend) to God/Jesus.
We've been taught hardly anyone goes to Hell
We are taught no one but God knows who--if anyone--is in hell. That is God's judgment. Again, go back through history and discover when early Christians began speaking of hell.
Punishment. Not hell. Read through the lists fairly. Most all of our names could easily qualify for both lists. Further, in Biblical times Jews thought of 'punishment' in terms of shedding or going down, with the purpose to once more ascend into what is right and good. We can think of the eternal shedding of that which is bad to ascend or come up to that which is good. When we go down, our eyes then must look up (ascend) to God/Jesus.

I don't think young children lie. At Fatima, the Virgin Mother appeared to 3 of them. Only the 3 children saw her. She showed them Hell and it frightened them so much, they cried out. She said to save sinners from Hell the children (all of us) should pray the rosary daily and do penance for them. The children described Hell as human forms blackened, shrieking in misery, lacking equilibrium.
We are taught no one but God knows who--if anyone--is in hell. That is God's judgment. Again, go back through history and discover when early Christians began speaking of hell.

Who doesn't know that? You are hard-headed. No one is talking about any of that. We are talking about Hell existing and Jesus saying that few find the narrow road to Heaven. And again, u can see this all around you every day.. and if you don't think things are getting exponentially worse, you are living in la la land

Their god likes to see people burn.

Let's assume that is true.

Why are u not doing everything in your power to avoid such a fate? But no, you just dismiss it all as... whatever. I guess you will have this opinion until death? Then what?

No one knows w/ certainty... but some of us don't like taking chances. And besides, even if it weren't for eternal Hell threatening us, some of us like living a Christ-centered life. Without Him, life is meaningless.
Well, I think we know why.. "People loved darkness rather than the light..."
Having lived 49+ years I have found you “Light” you yearn for to be the engine of an oncoming train. At least the Darkness is honest about what it is.
I don't think young children lie. At Fatima, the Virgin Mother appeared to 3 of them. Only the 3 children saw her. She showed them Hell and it frightened them so much, they cried out. She said to save sinners from Hell the children (all of us) should pray the rosary daily and do penance for them. The children described Hell as human forms blackened, shrieking in misery, lacking equilibrium.
One can believe in hell while still placing context into the words Jesus spoke at the time. For example, Gehenna, the city dump. One's spirit might burn in the present through hating someone. Without forgiveness, that worm certainly never dies. One's spirit may be in hell long before they pass on from this life. Hellish and heavenly are true and valid pictures. However, threatening people with hell is a different story.
Jesus is Truth Incarnate. We can believe every Word He said (which includes all that He has said via the Bible AND via His Church throughout the centuries, which may or may not be written down in black and white but is of course true just the same)

So Jesus said that most people end up in Hell (see Mt 7:14- and Lk 13:24 and other psgs)

And I can see why. Everywhere I look today there is nothing but selfishness, snarkyness, love of $$, lack of concern for others.. everyone going against what Jesus taught. He taught us to have charity for one another, but I don't see much charity these days.

And then there's all the perversity, sick stuff being taught in our schools. It's like our society despises children, their innocence. It's like everyone is in such a hurry to steal that innocence from them.. WHY?!

Well, I think we know why.. "People loved darkness rather than the light..."

You'd better check to see what Jesus said happens after you die.
Fat fingers on a phone keyboard = typographical errors. I have corrected the text in the post.
I don't see any corrections. But maybe you could just put the thought into similar words?

just don't plagarize like bidum
One can believe in hell while still placing context into the words Jesus spoke at the time. For example, Gehenna, the city dump. One's spirit might burn in the present through hating someone. Without forgiveness, that worm certainly never dies. One's spirit may be in hell long before they pass on from this life. Hellish and heavenly are true and valid pictures. However, threatening people with hell is a different story.

You are creating reality and Christ in your own sinful human image.

Jesus said there is eternal punishment. If you don't believe HIM, then... I really have nothing more to say to you. So many people rationalize away the CLEAR words Jesus spoke. If you are one, I'm sorry to break this bad news but if you continue to do that, you yourself will end up in (again..) what Jesus called Eternal punishment. And if I did not warn you about it, I would end up there also

Mt 25:31
Obviously someone who has never had children
They lie but do NOT make up things like this. And if one of them did, the others would have different stories and they would be found out to be liars. THat did not happen. The Miracle of the Sun was seen by EVERYONE, not just the 3 children
The Miracle of the Sun was seen by EVERYONE, not just the 3 children

Do you realize how freaking BIG the Sun is?
Any event related to the sun would be seen by major sectors of the planet…….Not just one small village
You are creating reality and Christ in your own sinful human image.
No. What I am doing is pointing out that the meaning of the words Christ spoke can often differ from what modern Western culture speaking modern English understand. I believe it is necessary to understand the Biblical meanings of Christ's spoken words. Translations are tricky, and what becomes even more tricky is how meaning of words in English also change over time.

I am not arguing there is no hell. I am noting that the words Jesus used often had different connotations and contexts than hell as we understand hell.

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