Its so refreshing to see white people finally change course in this country!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Its mind bogling to see a race, who spent decades crapping all over Jews, Communist and anyone fuckin with the constitution, now championing their refreshing.

Now all of a sudden, Israel is their pet baby, Putin is their best friend and Tweet, who's all but shitted all over the constitution, is now their guy....only in America folks!!

Gotta be a white thang, no other excuse is possible!!
Its mind bogling to see a race, who spent decades crapping all over Jews, Communist and anyone fuckin with the constitution, now championing their refreshing.

Now all of a sudden, Israel is their pet baby, Putin is their best friend and Tweet, who's all but shitted all over the constitution, is now their guy....only in America folks!!

Gotta be a white thang, no other excuse is possible!!

Yup. They have a big white angry KKK-lovin' despot in the Oval Office now, so they are coming out of the closet in droves.
You are about as racist as they come. You need a hobby..
When I post something that isn't truthful, than lets talk....otherwise, save your name calling for somebody that gives a shit, cause I don't....and I have issued challenge after challenge on anyone to prove anything I've posted here as a lie...end of fuckin story!!
Its mind bogling to see a race, who spent decades crapping all over Jews, Communist and anyone fuckin with the constitution, now championing their refreshing.

Now all of a sudden, Israel is their pet baby, Putin is their best friend and Tweet, who's all but shitted all over the constitution, is now their guy....only in America folks!!

Gotta be a white thang, no other excuse is possible!!

Yup. They have a big white angry KKK-lovin' despot in the Oval Office now, so they are coming out of the closet in droves.
Not just any closet, but the closet of HYPOCRITES GALORE!!
You are about as racist as they come. You need a hobby..
When I post something that isn't truthful, than lets talk....otherwise, save your name calling for somebody that gives a shit, cause I don't....and I have issued challenge after challenge on anyone to prove anything I've posted here as a lie...end of fuckin story!!

It isn't that you post truth or lies, it is the rancor that goes with it that illuminates your racist motive for posting at all..
You have either gotta love a race or pity a race of people, ie rednecks, who throughout history has had their foot on the necks of women and minorities.....all to gain exclusive access to the good ol American dream while holding everybody else the biggest whiners in all of history on how life has suddenly caught up with you racist bitches and now the very people you yourselves have tried to hold back.....want a piece of that white male struggles pie and you whinny mf's can't get over it. You created the welfare generations, you created the unequal pay for women generation and whine WHEN YOU HAVE TO FOOT THE BILL FOR THE VERY DEPENDENTS YOU YOURSELVES HELP CREATE!!!
You are about as racist as they come. You need a hobby..
When I post something that isn't truthful, than lets talk....otherwise, save your name calling for somebody that gives a shit, cause I don't....and I have issued challenge after challenge on anyone to prove anything I've posted here as a lie...end of fuckin story!!

It isn't that you post truth or lies, it is the rancor that goes with it that illuminates your racist motive for posting at all..
You have to go boojay when you dealing with ingrates, its the law!!
You are about as racist as they come. You need a hobby..
When I post something that isn't truthful, than lets talk....otherwise, save your name calling for somebody that gives a shit, cause I don't....and I have issued challenge after challenge on anyone to prove anything I've posted here as a lie...end of fuckin story!!

It isn't that you post truth or lies, it is the rancor that goes with it that illuminates your racist motive for posting at all..
You have to go boojay when you dealing with ingrates, its the law!!
Okay, you'll need to tell me what "boojay" is.
You are about as racist as they come. You need a hobby..
When I post something that isn't truthful, than lets talk....otherwise, save your name calling for somebody that gives a shit, cause I don't....and I have issued challenge after challenge on anyone to prove anything I've posted here as a lie...end of fuckin story!!

It isn't that you post truth or lies, it is the rancor that goes with it that illuminates your racist motive for posting at all..
You have to go boojay when you dealing with ingrates, its the law!!
Okay, you'll need to tell me what "boojay" is.
Ghetto fuckin fabulous.....LOLOL
Well she is a racist and shows it with every thread she puts up.
Clearly you got a thing for racist...cause there's not one thread that the mods don't delete, that you sick puppies don't rush to critique and
tig, I think you exaggerate white people's level of giving a shit about what color you are. We are busy with our lives, our work, our families, our daily routines to care about your shade. You dwell in hate and it effects your body and soul, not others.

Have you ever considered living in a country that isn't predominantly the color you hate?

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