It's Starting - Bear Stearns drops 50% on Bail-out By JP Morgan/Fed Bank of NY

You're a good one for stereotypes, Mr. Disability, but that's beside the point.

The economy will collapse, the government will fall, the Entitled will have no handouts, and, faced with starvation, will riot. Cities will burn. People will flee.

And if they come looking for my stuff, they will be shot.

Just who are you calling the "Entitled" and just what makes you think that you will not be "shot"?
Just who are you calling the "Entitled"
Um... those who live off of, and believe that they are entitled to, goverment handouts? Seemed pretty plain to me.

and just what makes you think that you will not be "shot"?
I might be. But, that doesnt change the fact that I will defend myself, etc, with deadly force.

Tell me -- what are YOU going to do when the economy collapses, bringing the government with it?
No wonder you support an idiot like Ron Paul. You two are twins.

And there's a reason the greatest investor of the past 100 years, Warren Buffet, has never owned an ounce of gold or any other commodity for investment.....

You're misunderstanding what I'm talking about when I refer to commodities. I never said anything about INVESTING, in the sense of trying to take a nice profit. For me, commodities are where I store my FRN's so they don't lose value to inflation. It's a common inflation hedge, and you better start wising up about it, because you're so damn wrong about your view on the market.

Don't you see prices increasing in your area like crazy? I do. And so do millions of other people. There's a spreadsheet being worked on as we speak, by people all over the country. We're on the cusp of hyper-inflation, if we're not already there. The Fed has no clue other than to continue lowering rates, and if and when they ever start raising them again, which will probably be too late anyway by the time they do, people are going to get SCREWED.

I have my companies and market sectors that I believe are the near-term future places to profit from, and then I have my commodities where I store a few G's for long-term hedge against inflation.

Wake up dude.
Our President and Vice President, who were very successful businessmen, know what to do to stimulate our economy. They have guaranteed $30 billion in assistance to Bear Stearns and allocated $160 million in rebates for Americans to spend. Our Vice President Cheney, who rightly favors war in Iran as well as Iraq, was so correct when he quoted the Gipper as saying that deficits are irrelevant. We have dollars and no one else does. We can just make as many as we want or need - for example, to fund our wars and more tax cuts for productive taxpayers. After all, it's our money and we should decide how we spend it. Meanwhile, our President should cut more of the wasteful spending on the socialist programs the Dem traitors go for. Finally, even President McCain, who also was a very successful businessman as well as a patriotic war hero, will know what to do.
Finally, even President McCain, who also was a very successful businessman as well as a patriotic war hero, will know what to do.

Even though I know your posts are generally in jest and quite sarcastic, I'd love to make light of the fact that McCain is not a businessman.

I'm not sure if you're confusing him with Romney or not, but McCain is not, nor has he ever been, a businessman.
after abandoning the gold standard the dollar was on its way to becomming the greatest pyramid sceme in the world. Its now predicated on a dollar being worth a dollar. let me explain. I believe I can trade my services for X dollars because I can purchase services and goods for X dollars. As prices increase due to inflation the X factor changes. I believe the dollar I used to get for my services is worth less and I need more of them. I raise the price for my time if I can or suffer a loss of buying power. Most of us suffer in the lag time between adjustment to this equation if we work for someone else. We still believe that a dollar is a dollar even though it has less buying power. You don't hand someone money and say here is a picture of Washington. In our minds it is stil a dollar even though its true value(spending power) changes. The FED in its efforts to increase the money supply begins the cycle of inflation. We all hope to hold on to something that will be worth more tomorrow than today. We can't buy enough raw goods today and preserve them for tomorrow without incurring a cost that takes away the value of the commodity. Even buying futures is a belief that someone will honor the commitment tomorrow. One big ponzie sceme but it has always worked in some form or another. Hell people even invested in tulip bulbs in Holland . What a mess that was. The thing we have to protect the most IMO is for other countries to believe our dollars are worth something and send their money here. Let THEM be on the loosing end of the pyramid. This whole sub-prime mess and bailout seen to put a question as to the value of the dollar and foreign investment is sitting it out for a while to let the dust settle. The big question is what does the average American do. Buy gold and at least you will have something valued around the world. Will it be worth more tomorrow than today. how do you know its realy gold when you buy it?. Buy commodities futures and the same question is true. Put your money in the bank and hope it is sound? does FDIC mean you get ALL your money if the bank fails? Take it out of the bank and hope the IRS doesn't come knocking on your door because of the red flags associated with CASH money. But I think my wife has it all figured out!!! spend it all today because it won't be worth sh%$ tomorrow or even be there!!!!
after abandoning the gold standard the dollar was on its way to becomming the greatest pyramid sceme in the world. Its now predicated on a dollar being worth a dollar. let me explain. I believe I can trade my services for X dollars because I can purchase services and goods for X dollars. As prices increase due to inflation the X factor changes. I believe the dollar I used to get for my services is worth less and I need more of them. I raise the price for my time if I can or suffer a loss of buying power. Most of us suffer in the lag time between adjustment to this equation if we work for someone else. We still believe that a dollar is a dollar even though it has less buying power. You don't hand someone money and say here is a picture of Washington. In our minds it is stil a dollar even though its true value(spending power) changes. The FED in its efforts to increase the money supply begins the cycle of inflation. We all hope to hold on to something that will be worth more tomorrow than today. We can't buy enough raw goods today and preserve them for tomorrow without incurring a cost that takes away the value of the commodity. Even buying futures is a belief that someone will honor the commitment tomorrow. One big ponzie sceme but it has always worked in some form or another. Hell people even invested in tulip bulbs in Holland . What a mess that was. The thing we have to protect the most IMO is for other countries to believe our dollars are worth something and send their money here. Let THEM be on the loosing end of the pyramid. This whole sub-prime mess and bailout seen to put a question as to the value of the dollar and foreign investment is sitting it out for a while to let the dust settle. The big question is what does the average American do. Buy gold and at least you will have something valued around the world. Will it be worth more tomorrow than today. how do you know its realy gold when you buy it?. Buy commodities futures and the same question is true. Put your money in the bank and hope it is sound? does FDIC mean you get ALL your money if the bank fails? Take it out of the bank and hope the IRS doesn't come knocking on your door because of the red flags associated with CASH money. But I think my wife has it all figured out!!! spend it all today because it won't be worth sh%$ tomorrow or even be there!!!!

I can get behind most of what you're saying. There are definitely things that are worth spending a lot of money on NOW. All your basic everyday living commodities are going to start skyrocketing soon. Our dollar is being purposefully devalued because Bernanke believes inflation is our savior. He truely does. We're going to see some fucked up shit in the coming months and years.

I've stocked up on diapers, toilet paper, meats, baby formula, just to name a few. Better that I spend my money on it all now, while it's still in a decent price range. $5.00 rolls of toilet paper are not out of the question in the near future.

Meanwhile, owning gold and silver is a way to hedge your cash against inflation over the long term. At some point, even if you sold your silver and gold later for less than what you initially bought it for, you're typically STILL going to have more purchasing power than you would have had with the cash you bought it with. The same amount of gold now, buys the same amount of goods as it did 50 years ago.

We haven't even started to see the real effects of the money supply expansion that's been going on lately. All these artifically lowered rates again. We could possibly be being set up for another bubble, a commodity bubble...but if that's true, how do you avoid contributing? You NEED commodities.

Whatever the case, people need to be preparing. It's extremely wise right now to take any surplus federal reserve notes and go stock yourself up with about a year's worth of your living necessities. What's the worst that happens? You eventually use it all up anyway, so it's not even like you're taking a risk.

Or, you can remain dependent on the system (jillian), and hope and pray that your government figures it all out for you, and rescues you from having to make those tough personal decisions on your own.
Open up our oil fields, limit welfare and give small businesses tax breaks and the end of the world will be postponed until another day.

Oh, and STOP granting subsidies for idiotic biofuel production. Talk about taking the food right out of the mouths of babes.
PS...I'm telling all my welfare clients to use their foodstamps to stock up on staples for the end of the world. Though, when it comes, they'll be the only ones with any ability to get food or health care....
PS...I'm telling all my welfare clients to use their foodstamps to stock up on staples for the end of the world. Though, when it comes, they'll be the only ones with any ability to get food or health care....

Except the Bear Stearns stockholders who are now officially being bailed out by the government.
Except the Bear Stearns stockholders who are now officially being bailed out by the government.

Bear Stearns isn't being bailed out by the government. Bear Stearns employees think the government screwed them over, big time.
You don't see the change for the purchase price moving from $2 per share to $10 per share as a bailout of the stockholders?
You don't see the change for the purchase price moving from $2 per share to $10 per share as a bailout of the stockholders?

Major Bear Stearns stockholders, and employees of Bear, are 2 different things.

The stockholders have been "bailed out", if you even want to call it that, but the employees haven't. The major stockholders are the elite wall st. investors who are in bed with the people in govt. who run policy. Anyone else be damned.

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