It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

You do not think millions of abortions over the last few decades had no change on America? If unwanted babies can be prevented by abortion, why not unwanted lives ended by euthanasia? Did easy abortion have anything to do with the increase in recreational sex of all kinds, which of course increase pornography and the acceptance of that to the point that child porn is a great industry. Sure, I can blissfully go about my day, living in total ignorance of government pretty much closing their eyes to child porn and the pain it entails.
Still, I can stay in my safe place because I am not doing any of that. What a thrill to ignore the quote that muses, No man is an island... that when one hurts we all hurt, we are all interconnected with each other. No one is self sustaining, we all rely on each other.
False equivalence; very few equate abortion with ending a living, present person's life. Voluntary euthanasia is an entirely different issue. As for going about life while horrors are committed, tax payer bombs do that quite regularly. Prisoners are executed often enough. Prisons exist despite common male-on-male rape. Denying women the option of abortion arguably creates as much suffering as any imagined by anti-abortionists.
Denying women the option of abortion arguably creates as much suffering as any imagined by anti-abortionists.
The point is not denying anyone anything. The point is that authority should not say it is in their power to either permit or deny. Government should have absolutely no more authority on that matter than they have on deciding what color shirt people choose to wear each day.
If true, then that would be the will of the people. Who the fuck are you to override that
Most people aren't even aware, or are conditioned to accept atheim. Like a frog in a pot of boiling water.
And that affects your life how, exactly?
That would like asking how the holocaust affects your life? Or asking why should we care about massacre in Ukraine. The answer is we care about precious human beings.
Most people aren't even aware, or are conditioned to accept atheim. Like a frog in a pot of boiling water.

That actually doesn't even matter. It's still the will of the people. Again... who the fuck are you to decide what people are aware of and to override the will of the people?
I don't want to control them. Yet you're fine with the atheist government controlling them?

Of course you want to control them. You seek to prevent them from promoting their atheism. So you don't believe in free speech either, huh?
I don't want to control them. Yet you're fine with the atheist government controlling them?
The government is made up of people of many faiths and no faiths. You want Catholicism to control people. You should control yourself.
That would like asking how the holocaust affects your life? Or asking why should we care about massacre in Ukraine. The answer is we care about precious human beings.
well, the Shoah greatly affects my life with the total absence of relatives. We care about Ukraine because they are huma beings. When does a bunch of cells become human is far from settled. Viability outside the womb is a good starting point.
Reading comprehension. it allows abortion in some cases.

And you original quote:
Mashmont said:
Yeah, I mean, if your religion involves killing people, that's not where we should be going. Muslims who want to kill infidels would have the same problem in my proposal.

You want to ban religions that allow things you disagree with.
Things that go against the teaching of Jesus.
Things that go against the teaching of Jesus.
Again, 2/3 of the world does not want to follow whatever Jesus is reported to have said. And that is a very conservative number because a lot of Xtians don't care either.
In keeping with this idea, the Court has adopted a broad definition of “religion” that includes non-theistic and atheistic beliefs, as well as theistic ones.  ​
Well, I suppose that means in the USSC's eyes atheism has as much validity as any other religion. I can see you accept that by the way you accept the USSC's rulings on the matter. Kudos.
Yeah, I'm tickled pink atheist has been classified as a religion as pertaining to the First Amendment.. That's how we're going to eventually get it banned from government, which wil THEN force the government's hand to get Christianity as the offical religion, because they will recognize the impossibility of having a religious vacuum.
Again, 2/3 of the world does not want to follow whatever Jesus is reported to have said. And that is a very conservative number because a lot of Xtians don't care either.
We've already been over this. 28% of the world's population has been kept from learning about Jesus by the atheists in charge. But at least you changed your wording. You had originally been saying most had never heard of Jesus, claiming neither Jews nor Muslims had.

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