It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

Yeah, I'm tickled pink atheist has been classified as a religion as pertaining to the First Amendment.. That's how we're going to eventually get it banned from government, which wil THEN force the government's hand to get Christianity as the offical religion, because they will recognize the impossibility of having a religious vacuum.

The Bible is the most accessible book in the world. You can easily look up those verses.

How can I know what YOU are thinking? I might find such a verse but then you might deny it's banning homosexuality.

So can't you specify some verses?
well, the Shoah greatly affects my life with the total absence of relatives. We care about Ukraine because they are huma beings. When does a bunch of cells become human is far from settled. Viability outside the womb is a good starting point.
So called viability is a made-up leftist marker. Has nothing to do with science. The matter is settled. Life begins at conception. The more science that is learned, and the more than is known about a fetus, the more the anti-life rationale shrinks. Let's hear it for science!!
We've already been over this. 28% of the world's population has been kept from learning about Jesus by the atheists in charge. But at least you changed your wording. You had originally been saying most had never heard of Jesus, claiming neither Jews nor Muslims had.
Never said that. Said that a) Jews did not care and that b) there is no proof of his existence either way
Yeah, I'm tickled pink atheist has been classified as a religion as pertaining to the First Amendment.. That's how we're going to eventually get it banned from government, which wil THEN force the government's hand to get Christianity as the offical religion, because they will recognize the impossibility of having a religious vacuum.
Atheism isn't a religion. Where's their church? Where's their sacred book?
How can I know what YOU are thinking? I might find such a verse but then you might deny it's banning homosexuality.

So can't you specify some verses?
Give it a try. You can do it.
So called viability is a made-up leftist marker. Has nothing to do with science. The matter is settled. Life begins at conception. The more science that is learned, and the more than is known about a fetus, the more the anti-life rationale shrinks. Let's hear it for science!!
The matter is settled. Abortion is legal
When Nazi leader Adolph Hitler needed to justify arresting and murdering former political allies in 1934, he said they were gay. This fanned anti-gay zealotry by the Gestapo, which opened a special anti-gay branch. During the following year alone, the Gestapo arrested more than 8,500 gay men, quite possibly using a list of names and addresses seized at the Institute for Sexual Research. Not only was Paragraph 175 not erased, as a parliamentary committee had recommended just a few years before, it was amended to be more expansive and punitive.

As the Gestapo spread throughout Europe, it expanded the hunt. In Vienna, it hauled in every gay man on police lists and questioned them, trying to get them to name others. The fortunate ones went to jail. The less fortunate went to Buchenwald and Dachau. In conquered France, Alsace police worked with the Gestapo to arrest at least 200 men and send them to concentration camps. Italy, with a fascist regime obsessed with virility, sent at least 300 gay men to brutal camps during the war period, declaring them “dangerous for the integrity of the race.”

ACCORDING to the BIBLE, God said go forth and multiply, homos can't do that, so he didn't.
Like I said, you don't need all 14 attributes. You can have only a couple. You proved my point. Antifa is anything but anti-fascist. They are the Brown Shirts of the Democrat leftist Party. They support gays, at least right now.
Yeah, I'm tickled pink atheist has been classified as a religion as pertaining to the First Amendment.. That's how we're going to eventually get it banned from government, which wil THEN force the government's hand to get Christianity as the offical religion, because they will recognize the impossibility of having a religious vacuum.
The USSC has not recognized atheism as a religion, as it will not recognize religion. it has afforded non-religious groups the same 1st ammendent rights as religious organization.
So called viability is a made-up leftist marker. Has nothing to do with science. The matter is settled. Life begins at conception. The more science that is learned, and the more than is known about a fetus, the more the anti-life rationale shrinks. Let's hear it for science!!
When can a fetus survive out side the womb?
Like I said, you don't need all 14 attributes. You can have only a couple. You proved my point. Antifa is anything but anti-fascist. They are the Brown Shirts of the Democrat leftist Party. They support gays, at least right now.
What do you want to do with gays?
So called viability is a made-up leftist marker. Has nothing to do with science. The matter is settled. Life begins at conception. The more science that is learned, and the more than is known about a fetus, the more the anti-life rationale shrinks. Let's hear it for science!!
Yes, let's.

So you contend that what is in a woman at say, 8 weeks is as viable outside the uterus as after 9 months? Viability is very much a relevant marker.
Yes, let's.

So you contend that what is in a woman at say, 8 weeks is as viable outside the uterus as after 9 months? Viability is very much a relevant marker.
Well, shoot. I could say a day old infant isn't as viable as a human adult. Does that mean the infant isn't alive?
Near all scholars of antiquity believe Jesus existed.
And not nearly as much today. And if you are trying to make a point that knowing of Jesus' existence magically makes someone become a Xtian, you are sadly mistaken. I grew up in Catholic school. I am still a Jew. I'm more religious than my parents were. I also know a good number of Xtians who converted to Judaism.

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