It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

All theocracies. We did not do so well in Inquisition Spain. or Xtian Medieval Europe. Even Germany's hatred was based on Xtian teachings.

So yes, I want a neutral gov. And as you can see in your multiple threads, when Americans are asked about living under a Xtian theocracy, more so under a particular sect of Xtianity that is not their own, they rightfully balk. I would not be surprised that a majority of Catholics would reject your proposals as well.
Tell us how the government can be "neutral" on abortion or gay marriage, two moral issues. I've asked this question five times. Not one single answer.
Tell us how the government can be neutral on abortion or gay marriage. I've asked this question about five times. Not one single answer.
We vote for people who support our ideals.

However the vote comes out...that is what we do

As neutral as can be
It's not nutty at all to align our government with the perfect teachings of Jesus. In fact, I can't imagine a better thing one could do for people. What is REALLY nutty is allowing our country to continue to push and endorse atheist laws, an objective none of our Constitutional framers intended,
The better option might be for Catholic parishes to remind parishioners that simply because something is permitted it is okay to do it. There are better options than giving one's own nod to that which is less than ideal. Catholics need to hear the value of their own conscience and how it is superior to a government concession to something less.
Tell us how the government can be "neutral" on abortion or gay marriage, two moral issues. I've asked this question five times. Not one single answer.
By not imposing stupid restrictions. Allowing abortions does not force you to get one. Making it illegal forces you to not get one. See how it works?
Non sequitur? Let's recap:
I said atheist predictions of the demise of religion have been wrong every time. You responded such predictions have been right every time. I responded, 'then how come the RCC is thriving today?" In what way is that a non sequitur?
Indeed they have. Whenever a society goes secular, and parents in less numbers stop brainwashing their kids with childish, embarrassing iron age mythology, more religiously unaffiliated adults have resulted.

Every time.

You would be one of them, had you not been brainwashed into thinking you are earning a special forever prize. Kind of embarrassing for you.
Not every issue was covered in the Bible. Jesus now teaches on other issues through the Roman Catholic magisterium, Marian apparitions, and the pope.
Yeah, you seem to have an excuse for everything that you lie about, are illegal, un-Constitutional or otherwise conflicting with your grand scheme. You are a dumbass of the highest order!
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Guys, were it not for the death of Ruth Ginsburg, I assure you America would be much further down the atheist abyss. Roe v Wade wouldn't be in danger, Texas and other states wouldn't have been able to enact abortion restrictions. I firmly believe Ginsburg got caught in her own hubris, believing her press clippings that she was indispensable to the leftist cause, and refusing to resign while 0bama was president. I and millions of others have prayed that America be spared our fall into atheist Marxism, and I think God is hearing our prayers.
We vote for people who support our ideals.

However the vote comes out...that is what we do

As neutral as can be
Which Supreme Court justice did you vote for?
Guys, were it not for the death of Ruth Ginsburg, I assure you America would be much further down the atheist abyss. Roe v Wade wouldn't be in danger, Texas and other states wouldn't have been able to enact abortion restrictions. I firmly believe Ginsburg got caught in her own hubris, believing her press clippings that she was indispensable to the leftist cause, and refusing to resign while 0bama was president. I and millions of others have prayed that America be spared our fall into atheist Marxism, and I think God is hearing our prayers.

Which Supreme Court justice did you vote for?
Man you hate democracy
Why should Catholicism get preference? Every member of a Protestant religion is against the Catholic church, and rightly so!
Because the RCC is the only church started by Jesus, whose teachings are perfect. Martin Luther was a mere fallilble man.
The odd of getting that amendment are zero. At present. in the House, there are 234 Protestants compared to 130 Catholics. In the Senate, there are 58 Protestants and 24 Catholics.

You are a minority.
Truth and good ideas have a funny way of taking root.
The left said Roe v Wade couldn't be repealed, and look where we are today.
By not imposing stupid restrictions. Allowing abortions does not force you to get one. Making it illegal forces you to not get one. See how it works?
By not restricting abortion, government is taking the pro-abortion side. That's not neutrality. That's choosing the atheist agenda.

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