Its time to change this "little escape clause" offered to POTUS by the DOJ

After the embarrassing Starr Report....based on an investigation that went for more than FOUR years, the DOJ under Reno issued this "escape clause" for future presidents.

The seemingly simple one-sentence statement is tantamount to stating that a president IS ABOVE ANY LAW, making he or she a virtual the term was first used by the Romans.

Date of Issuance:
Monday, October 16, 2000
The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

A Sitting President’s Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution

The above may perhaps be the reason why someone like Trump (and unlike Bill Clinton) was NOT subpoenaed to testify under oath before a grand jury....

In simple terms, perhaps Mueller thought that if the DOJ (to whom I, Mueller, respond to) has determined that a president cannot be indicted and IS above the law, THEN........the only option open to our investigation is to point out to both Congress and the public that although not a criminal charge can be brought to the Trump campaign........evidence that the campaign was "unethical, immoral, conspiratorial and unpatriotic" (as Schiff stated) should be reviewed and Congress should contemplate if such deeds constitute "high crimes and misdemeanors."

If, however, such "non-criminal" evidence is redacted by Barr as a possible stooge of Trump...then Congress would be kept in the dark regarding what Mueller found.....and the public trust in our judicial and law enforcement system is undermined by this rogue administration and its minions.

The DOJ's above opinion exempting presidents from ANY chances of answering to either criminal or ethical misbehavior, MUST BE REVOKED.
Cancer is colluding with trump. In fact trump gathers his evil powers from cancer...if we put our collective energy and minds together, we can defeat trump by curing cancer.

Consider cancer a thing of the past.
Laws will be rewritten. Clearly they were written assuming SOME good intentions on the part of people in the Administration.


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