It's Time to Consider- The first 100 Days of President Trump

They'll take him as seriously as anyone who has met him personally.
The left makes fun of Trump's style....but in person he's a genius at convincing people to give him a deal. He's made more deals than all of the other candidates combined. He knows how to win people over. Congress wouldn't be able to resist him. Obama uses threats and bribes.....Trump shows you the positive aspects of doing things his way. Anyone who's golfed with him knows he's the real deal.

Most of his fellow rich golfers are the ones panicking at the thought of him becoming president.
Thanks for the leftist insults. :clap:

So typical

Anyway- to the point- I actually agree with you, we should go after those who are doing the 'buying'. Just like the illegal drug trade, to many influential people are making $$ off of it staying illegal.

You ever heard the story 'plugging holes in the dyke'?

We have more coming in than going out.

Of course immigrants have been a part of our economic system... Yes, LEGAL ones... But the invaders are ruining it for everybody.


Most of his fellow rich golfers are the ones panicking at the thought of him becoming president.[/QUOTE]

But it happened anyway, Obama was elected twice!

Anyway- to the point- I actually agree with you, we should go after those who are doing the 'buying'. Just like the illegal drug trade, to many influential people are making $$ off of it staying illegal.

You ever heard the story 'plugging holes in the dyke'?

We have more coming in than going out.

Of course immigrants have been a part of our economic system... Yes, LEGAL ones... But the invaders are ruining it for everybody.

Actually, they really aren't. I wouldn't want to do the jobs illegals are doing and neither would you. We have a whole system in place to make sure no matter how bad the economy gets, we don't have to.

the reality is, the number of Illegals peaked in 2008 and has been slowly going down. This is simply not a crisis issue. Trump is doing a very good job appealling to your racism, Cleetus, but there isn't a crisis here.
Anyway- to the point- I actually agree with you, we should go after those who are doing the 'buying'. Just like the illegal drug trade, to many influential people are making $$ off of it staying illegal.

You ever heard the story 'plugging holes in the dyke'?

We have more coming in than going out.

Of course immigrants have been a part of our economic system... Yes, LEGAL ones... But the invaders are ruining it for everybody.

Actually, they really aren't. I wouldn't want to do the jobs illegals are doing and neither would you. We have a whole system in place to make sure no matter how bad the economy gets, we don't have to.

the reality is, the number of Illegals peaked in 2008 and has been slowly going down. This is simply not a crisis issue. Trump is doing a very good job appealling to your racism, Cleetus, but there isn't a crisis here.

I'm not racist

Relative to work ethic- Don't speak for me

Illegals are doing jobs I used to do..... so that wont fly...

2- Examples are tobacco farming and construction. I also bused tables in high school and stuffed glass insulation in sweat shops.

Save the preaching about what or what I wouldn't do to earn my way.

If Obama (who has deported more aliens than any president in recent memory) had suggested you carry a card with would have been more government intervention. Trump does it...and these yokels can't wait to sign up.

Dream on.....

I'll be retiring next summer at 56, so I'm looking for areas to volunteer some of my time. That's why I like the idea of helping out with the deportations. I want to ensure my time goes towards the betterment of my country and deportations along with the wall is a great start

I applaud your desire to help. Instead of tearing families apart I would suggest volunteering at a homeless shelter, community kitchen, with at risk youth, etc.
World Volunteer Web: Be a volunteer
Funded Organizations | Corporation for National and Community Service

We will not tearing any families apart. Not sure why that would happen unless the family agreed to separate.

Again, that would be a family decision

Not a government one

Government deporting people is not a government decision?

If Obama (who has deported more aliens than any president in recent memory) had suggested you carry a card with would have been more government intervention. Trump does it...and these yokels can't wait to sign up.
Most of us have a is called a legal drivers licence.
In Trump's first hour in office he'll sign an EO to send 1000 Marines to circle the building where Obama's 'real' long form BC is being stored in a vault.
The Marines will arrive when no employees are in the building who migt attempt to destroy the BC. Then Trump will personally have the vault opened live on CNN and the world will see Obama's authentic, not photoshopped BC.
Of course the Obama ass lickers will say "At this point what difference does it make".
If Obama (who has deported more aliens than any president in recent memory) had suggested you carry a card with would have been more government intervention. Trump does it...and these yokels can't wait to sign up.

Dream on.....

I'll be retiring next summer at 56, so I'm looking for areas to volunteer some of my time. That's why I like the idea of helping out with the deportations. I want to ensure my time goes towards the betterment of my country and deportations along with the wall is a great start

I applaud your desire to help. Instead of tearing families apart I would suggest volunteering at a homeless shelter, community kitchen, with at risk youth, etc.
World Volunteer Web: Be a volunteer
Funded Organizations | Corporation for National and Community Service

We will not tearing any families apart. Not sure why that would happen unless the family agreed to separate.

Again, that would be a family decision

Not a government one

Government deporting people is not a government decision?


Well of course it is.

Step it up. That was a dumb question

In Trump's first hour in office he'll sign an EO to send 1000 Marines to circle the building where Obama's 'real' long form BC is being stored in a vault.
The Marines will arrive when no employees are in the building who migt attempt to destroy the BC. Then Trump will personally have the vault opened live on CNN and the world will see Obama's authentic, not photoshopped BC.
Of course the Obama ass lickers will say "At this point what difference does it make".
Is that the same vault that holds your brain cells?
Well, I appear to be out of my mod-imposed detention and can post again. Fuck you, mods!!!! May a Hillary Clinton supporter rape your pets!!

On Trump, I think that you silly pukes have got him all wrong. He is not a politician. Yet you all stupidly insist on analyzing him as if he is.

Trump is a manager. As president he will be a manager. At least, that is how he sees his role. He may not possess a detailed plan on how to deal with Syria, or anything else for that matter. He does not need to. He just needs the right people who he can trust to devise policy. He will them stamp it and implement it.

Should a president merely be a manager? Well, Obama is the opposite of this, and how did that work out? It is said that "someone who knows a little about everything knows little about anything." Obviously, most of you left-wing rats will not understand my point, and I do not care. You will not begin caring until a beaner rapes your mouth with a pair of "Loocho Maracha" rattles.

So the analysis with Trump is whether we want a manager. Do we want a president who is only interested in managing his government and executing the will of the people? Hmmmmm...... Isn't that really the extent of Art. I authority aside from Commander in Chief?
In Trump's first hour in office he'll sign an EO to send 1000 Marines to circle the building where Obama's 'real' long form BC is being stored in a vault.
The Marines will arrive when no employees are in the building who migt attempt to destroy the BC. Then Trump will personally have the vault opened live on CNN and the world will see Obama's authentic, not photoshopped BC.
Of course the Obama ass lickers will say "At this point what difference does it make".
Is that the same vault that holds your brain cells?
That's it? Your usual 'one-liner'?
Bet you're a barrel of laughs at a party.
You're the idiot at the party no one dares look at for fear you may come over and want to add your stupid 'one-liners' to the conversation.
If Obama (who has deported more aliens than any president in recent memory) had suggested you carry a card with would have been more government intervention. Trump does it...and these yokels can't wait to sign up.

smoke and mirrors..he (allegedly) "deports" them and they do an about face and walk right back across our border ....with a few hundred one is fooled by your propaganda..
I'm not racist

Relative to work ethic- Don't speak for me

Illegals are doing jobs I used to do..... so that wont fly...

Well, I'm sorry they've deprived you of your career as a toilet cleaner..

2- Examples are tobacco farming and construction. I also bused tables in high school and stuffed glass insulation in sweat shops.

Save the preaching about what or what I wouldn't do to earn my way.

yes, some of us actually got education so we wouldn't have to do that kind of work...

Some day you'll figure out that your enemy isn't the brown person willing to do a menial job, it's the rich person seeking to cheat you out of a fair day's wage. But in the meantime, you keep clinging to that gun and bible.
Anyway- to the point- I actually agree with you, we should go after those who are doing the 'buying'. Just like the illegal drug trade, to many influential people are making $$ off of it staying illegal.

You ever heard the story 'plugging holes in the dyke'?

We have more coming in than going out.

Of course immigrants have been a part of our economic system... Yes, LEGAL ones... But the invaders are ruining it for everybody.

Actually, they really aren't. I wouldn't want to do the jobs illegals are doing and neither would you. We have a whole system in place to make sure no matter how bad the economy gets, we don't have to.

the reality is, the number of Illegals peaked in 2008 and has been slowly going down. This is simply not a crisis issue. Trump is doing a very good job appealling to your racism, Cleetus, but there isn't a crisis here.

Trump has hit the rube button and the bottom feeders are striking at his bait
Anyway- to the point- I actually agree with you, we should go after those who are doing the 'buying'. Just like the illegal drug trade, to many influential people are making $$ off of it staying illegal.

You ever heard the story 'plugging holes in the dyke'?

We have more coming in than going out.

Of course immigrants have been a part of our economic system... Yes, LEGAL ones... But the invaders are ruining it for everybody.

Actually, they really aren't. I wouldn't want to do the jobs illegals are doing and neither would you. We have a whole system in place to make sure no matter how bad the economy gets, we don't have to.

the reality is, the number of Illegals peaked in 2008 and has been slowly going down. This is simply not a crisis issue. Trump is doing a very good job appealling to your racism, Cleetus, but there isn't a crisis here.

Trump has hit the rube button and the bottom feeders are striking at his bait

and the rubes, (aka the clown avatar gang), are in a feeding frenzy.
I'm not racist

Relative to work ethic- Don't speak for me

Illegals are doing jobs I used to do..... so that wont fly...

Well, I'm sorry they've deprived you of your career as a toilet cleaner..

2- Examples are tobacco farming and construction. I also bused tables in high school and stuffed glass insulation in sweat shops.

Save the preaching about what or what I wouldn't do to earn my way.

yes, some of us actually got education so we wouldn't have to do that kind of work...

Some day you'll figure out that your enemy isn't the brown person willing to do a menial job, it's the rich person seeking to cheat you out of a fair day's wage. But in the meantime, you keep clinging to that gun and bible.

You're out of your mind.

Wait, I thought you said the invaders are coming here to do work you wouldn't or don't want to do. But as you state, you have your liberal arts degree form ACME Tech so you wouldn't have to do 'that kind' of work.

So which is it?

You don't want to do the work because you need the Mexicans to do it for you?


You don't do the work because you have an education that evidently does not provide you the return on your investment?

This should be good

Here's a hint- Keep that GPA up and have a solid major which means you'll need to work on beefing up your basket weaving AA degree

Day 15: Trump sends Congress the Make America Rich Again Act of 2017, which would kill the estate tax, eliminate corporate taxes except for companies that outsource jobs (which would be taxed at a 20% rate), and slash rates for most families to four basic tiers, with a maximum rate of 15% for millionaires. It would also raise the Social Security retirement age to 70 by 2035. Stocks rally, cutting their loss for the year to 5%.

The REAL Trump coming out helping his fellow rich assholes

President Trump’s first meeting with a fellow head-of-state is with Russia’s Vladimir Putin at the Trump International Golf Club in Dubai. “I can do business with this man,” Trump declares. Three days later, Edward Snowden is flown from Moscow to Guantanamo Bay aboard a Trump Organization aircraft with the windows blacked out.

Because government should be allowed to hide things from us....boy one hell of a dictator in the making!

Secretary of Defense Lindsay Graham announces that the Pentagon is sending 100,000 troops to the Middle East to defeat ISIS, half-a-dozen factions in Syria, Iranian units that stray beyond their home-country borders and anybody else who gets in the way. The U.S. will bill Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia $1 billion per day for as long as it takes to complete the mission. Stocks fall 5% and are now down 8% for the year. Oil prices surge from $50 per barrel to $75.

Ah the typical war surprise.


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