Its Time To Dump Puerto Rico

Set them free, set them free !!!

"The appeal of independence to Puerto Ricans at large faded once the advantages of belonging to a modern welfare state became apparent. Of those favoring a change of status in 2012, only five percent wanted independence; 61 percent voted for statehood.

Nowadays the place is—like the rest of the Caribbean behind a thin façade of rich-folk villas, tourist trinket markets, and tax-break corporate frontages—a slum. Thirty-five percent of the population is on food stamps; 35 is also the percentage of working-age Puerto Ricans actually in the workforce. Public finances are in a dire state: Debt is at $70 billion and bond issues are rated as junk.

Plainly the USA should get rid of this millstone....."

How Can We Get Rid of Puerto Rico? - Taki's Magazine
The sad thing is, if anything, we are more likely to go in the opposite direction, and eventually make it a state.
What is the process for accepting a state? If they vote to join, do we have to take them?
Puerto Ricans do not pay federal income tax unless the money is earned outside of Puerto Rico. Right now they are beneficiaries of public benefits but do not pay into the system. That's why they have never voted to become a state.

Puerto Rico does contribute to the US bottom line because of other forms of taxation, but no income tax.

The Federal Income Taxes Puerto Ricans Pay | Puerto Rico Report
Puerto Ricans do not pay federal income tax. They also have zero representation in the federal government and get a fraction of the benefits received by states and the other major territories. Still they take far more in taxes than they give but they also provide huge revenues for American corporations.
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What is the process for accepting a state? If they vote to join, do we have to take them?

More than half of Puerto Ricans do not want to remain a commonwealth, so eventually a vote is going to either be for statehood or a sovereign republic.

And yes since they are currently a US commonwealth, if they vote for statehood we have to take them.

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