It's Time To Hate White People Month Again

I dream of the day when blacks and whites view their history as a shared history of American people.

But for now, blacks continue to want to seperate themselves from their fellow Americans.

Hey, blacks, we're waiting for you guys to stop seperating yourselves based on skin color, and just join us as regular Americans.

Until then, happy fucking black history month I suppose.
Just don't understand why each race wants it's own special month, and can't just get over it and view us all default of skin color.

Black people, of all people, should be the first to wanna get rid of black history month. Do you guys want us to view you as everything EXCEPT your skin color? If so, you gotta stop seperating yourselves with things that emphasize your skin color.
Just don't understand why each race wants it's own special month, and can't just get over it and view us all default of skin color.

Black people, of all people, should be the first to wanna get rid of black history month. Do you guys want us to view you as everything EXCEPT your skin color? If so, you gotta stop seperating yourselves with things that emphasize your skin color.

Because that's the nature of humanity. There is only one true race. The Human Race.

All other designations are simply variations on a theme to suit human nature.

race as pursued by the public in a naive or simplistic way, erroneously designating wholly discrete types of individuals. Among humans, race has no cladistic significance—all people belong to the same hominid subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.

Race (classification of humans) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anyone who argues against the impact of slavery on this nation and that kids will not be acting like their parents on the issue of race is completely unaware. That's you, mud. You have to stop the hatred; it is eating you up.

You're projecting your hatred on me Jake.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

What part of the word "history" don't you understand.


Reopening old wounds and pouring salt on it is not exactly what I call history.

Okay, let's go to Germany and force them to celebrate a Holocaust Month.

Let's go to Cambodia and force them to celebrate a Khmer Rouge Month.

Let's storm the streets of Cairo and force them to celebrate Hebrew History Month in remembrance of all of the slaves they kept for 400 years.

Is there any other terrible events in other countries histories we can celebrate???
Oh, I get it. You think Black History Month is about slavery and/or you look at black people and think wonder it freaks you out so much.

Carry on.

Not my fault you're too imbecilic to see the similarities.

I figure anyone who refuses to see the correlations I've expressed is ether too closed minded to recognize......or purposely ignoring the obvious.

Political Correctness is the problem here.

All good people agree
And all good people say,
All nice people, like Us, are We
And every one else is They.

Political Correctness is a Marxist undermining of Western values. Some conservative critics claim that political correctness is a Marxist undermining of Western values.
Anyone who argues against the impact of slavery on this nation and that kids will not be acting like their parents on the issue of race is completely unaware. That's you, mud. You have to stop the hatred; it is eating you up.

You're projecting your hatred on me Jake.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Son, you are the one hating. I can always tell because you and Stephanie accuse everybody else of hatred when you two start up the hate base.

You need to grow up and accept the past and learn to get over it.
Anyone who argues against the impact of slavery on this nation and that kids will not be acting like their parents on the issue of race is completely unaware. That's you, mud. You have to stop the hatred; it is eating you up.

You're projecting your hatred on me Jake.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Son, you are the one hating. I can always tell because you and Stephanie accuse everybody else of hatred when you two start up the hate base.

You need to grow up and accept the past and learn to get over it.

Son????? Grow up???

That's pretty funny.

How old do you think I am??? How old are you???

I think you need to learn some manners my friend. Maybe you should ask who you are talking to before you put your foot in your mouth again.

Btw, you can't win an argument with your constant hyperbole.

I don't accuse everyone of anything.

Oh, FYI, the past is history. I accept it. I moved on. You didn't. My problem is with fuckers like you making it seem like ancient history is like the present.
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You're projecting your hatred on me Jake.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Son, you are the one hating. I can always tell because you and Stephanie accuse everybody else of hatred when you two start up the hate base.

You need to grow up and accept the past and learn to get over it.

Son????? Grow up???

That's pretty fun.

How old do you think I am??? How old are you???

I think you need to learn some manners my friend. Maybe you should ask who you are talking to before you put your foot in your mouth again.

Btw, you can't win an argument with your constant hyperbole.

I don't accuse everyone of anything.

Being polite, mud, leads to politeness. I have never had any difficult in unraveling your points when you are wrong. When you are rude, you pay for it. You need to act maturely and politely.

Yes, how shameful that black people have common roots and feel like celebrating them.

Whatever happened to the "Let's all just get along" speech Obama put out after the shooting in Arizona?

What's the point of drudging up slavery again and again?

The point of it all is to sow the seeds of racism and hatred in generation after generation.

That was the point of the Katrina coverage. To sow the seeds of racism once again. It worked. The Dems got their majority and they got their black president, and now we're paying a heavy price for it. Instead of our first Black President being an honorable man, we got this con-artist who will sell us out to our enemies for his ideology.
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Yes, how shameful that black people have common roots and feel like celebrating them.

Whatever happened to the "Let's all just get along" speech Obama put out?

What's the point of drudging up slavery again and again?

The point of it all is to sow the seeds of racism and hatred in generation after generation.

That was the point of the Katrina coverage. To sow the seeds of racism once again. It worked. The Dems got their majority and they got their black president, and now we're paying a heavy price for it. Instead of our first Black President being an honorable man, we got this con-artist who will sell us out to our enemies for his ideology.

False. Your racism is showing again.
Yep...muddy sees black and thinks slaves and/or shifty evil gangstas because apparently that is his only connection with black people.

How sad.
Son, you are the one hating. I can always tell because you and Stephanie accuse everybody else of hatred when you two start up the hate base.

You need to grow up and accept the past and learn to get over it.

Son????? Grow up???

That's pretty fun.

How old do you think I am??? How old are you???

I think you need to learn some manners my friend. Maybe you should ask who you are talking to before you put your foot in your mouth again.

Btw, you can't win an argument with your constant hyperbole.

I don't accuse everyone of anything.

Being polite, mud, leads to politeness. I have never had any difficult in unraveling your points when you are wrong. When you are rude, you pay for it. You need to act maturely and politely.

Yes, you're a legend in your own mind.

You're triumphs are spread all over the recesses of your imagination.

Don't lecture me about politeness when you haven't a clue about it boy.
Yep...muddy sees black and thinks slaves and/or shifty evil gangstas because apparently that is his only connection with black people.

How sad.

You should know better then that Ravi.

That's what's really sad.

Funny how people that haven't a leg to stand on in this issue resort the the same old tactics.

Throw out the race card again, shall we.
Yep...muddy sees black and thinks slaves and/or shifty evil gangstas because apparently that is his only connection with black people.

How sad.

You should know better then that Ravi.

That's what's really sad.

Funny how people that haven't a leg to stand on in this issue resort the the same old tactics.

Throw out the race card again, shall we.
:lol: Your thread is nothing but one huge race card.
Son????? Grow up???

That's pretty fun.

How old do you think I am??? How old are you???

I think you need to learn some manners my friend. Maybe you should ask who you are talking to before you put your foot in your mouth again.

Btw, you can't win an argument with your constant hyperbole.

I don't accuse everyone of anything.

Being polite, mud, leads to politeness. I have never had any difficult in unraveling your points when you are wrong. When you are rude, you pay for it. You need to act maturely and politely.

Yes, you're a legend in your own mind.

You're triumphs are spread all over the recesses of your imagination.

Don't lecture me about politeness when you haven't a clue about it boy.

You act stupid, you are treated stupid. That will never change for you, mud.

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