It’s time to start thinking about...


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
It’s time to start thinking about going the “get herd immunity as quickly as possible” route. Take this time we have to pour everything we got into prepping our hospitals, using the national guards and army corps of engineers to make mobile hospitals, convert navy ships and carriers to hospitals, and convert all outpatient surgery sites to mini hospitals. Once everyone starts to realize we will all eventually get this, it’s not going away, let’s rip the band-aid off and get the economy going as quickly as possible. Obviously we’ll need to still have the elderly self quarantine, maybe set up a delivery service to drop them supplies on the porch.

This is kind of similar to what the UK is trying. As of now all of our shutdowns and social distancing are only in place to buy time for our hospitals to prep. But eventually the pros of the shut downs (buying time), are going to be outweighed by the cons (economic strife). Take this month to prep the hospitals, then send everyone back out. Give them a list of symptoms to look for that will be indicators that they need to go to the hospitals for treatment. If they’re just experiencing flu symptoms they need to stay home, tough it out, and be back to work when they’re feeling better.
There appears to be a genetic element involved that dictates how intensely the thing bites you.

Coronavirus shatters New Jersey family, kills 4 with 3 more hospitalized
Hmm, that wouldn’t be surprising if it is genetic. They also could’ve been an unhealthy family. Although I doubt they could Identify the genetic element quick enough to make a difference. Unless another family goes through the same sort of thing, then they compare the two families and see what’s similar. Then you have the whole ordeal of getting everyone in America genetic testing
There appears to be a genetic element involved that dictates how intensely the thing bites you.

Coronavirus shatters New Jersey family, kills 4 with 3 more hospitalized
Hmm, that wouldn’t be surprising if it is genetic. They also could’ve been an unhealthy family. Although I doubt they could Identify the genetic element quick enough to make a difference. Unless another family goes through the same sort of thing, then they compare the two families and see what’s similar. Then you have the whole ordeal of getting everyone in America genetic testing

Yup, but it's something else worth looking at. Could be something in a particular bloodline.
There appears to be a genetic element involved that dictates how intensely the thing bites you.

Coronavirus shatters New Jersey family, kills 4 with 3 more hospitalized
Hmm, that wouldn’t be surprising if it is genetic. They also could’ve been an unhealthy family. Although I doubt they could Identify the genetic element quick enough to make a difference. Unless another family goes through the same sort of thing, then they compare the two families and see what’s similar. Then you have the whole ordeal of getting everyone in America genetic testing

Yup, but it's something else worth looking at. Could be something in a particular bloodline.
For sure, if we are able to identify, It’d be a huge help knowing whose at most risk, and lock that family down. There does seem to be certain individuals who have no risk factors for, they’re young and healthy, but for whatever reason this just hits them hard.
Also, people need to stop buying masks. My hospital is out of masks and hand sanitizer (we still have plenty of soap). We already started firing people for stealing them...which I get but the timing is awful since we’re going to rocked in a couple of weeks. I mean we’re already getting rocked, but we’ve barely even scratched the surface with infections. Which people like me got sent home for having allergies, but it might be covid, I doubt it though. I’m seriously considering getting myself infected now, so I can come back in 2 weeks when everything really starts to hit. So stop buying masks please.

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