It’s Very Realistic To Believe That Russia Infiltrated The FBI

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Think about it.

The biggest propagator of Russian Propaganda...Propaganda that was KNOWN to be Russian sourced...

Propaganda that was known to have been funded by Clinton, Obama, & The DNC...

& Propaganda...that The FBI and DOJ knowingly used as a false pretense to improperly and illegally obtain a FISA warrant which was abused and used to spy on Americans....

and Propaganda that The FBI knew was Fictitious & Dubious and was used to appoint an Independent Counsel with numerous conflicts of interests...To Investigate a duly Elected President not to get to The Truth but to Impede the Truth, Impede The Administration and disrupt Democracy, and the Peaceful Transition of Power but more then that, they actively attempted to Conspire in a COUP.....

There were no greater Agents of The Kremlin, No Greater Puppets of Putin...No Greater Russian Moles than The Political Hacks Appointed to posts In The FBI by none other than Obama Bin Spying! The Marxist In Chief!

The FBI was infiltrated by Russia in an attempt to Stop Donald Trump from becoming President!

The evidence is there and so are their actions and their willful intent to attack America and The Democratic Process!
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Remember kids, Liberals commit their sins in secret and then accuse you of the things they do in the dark so that their crimes do not get exposed by The Light!
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They are of their father. The father of lies. The accuser of the brethren. The prince of darkness. He who would sit upon the throne of God but can never be God.

The god of Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama. The god of unholy rebellion which to God is as the sin of witchcraft.

This is The Inspiration for The Resistance!

From Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals which Hillary Clinton wrote her dissertation on and Barak Obama taught classes on and both of them credit all their successes to.

Rules For Radicals

Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer.
Think about it.

The biggest propagator of Russian Propaganda...Propaganda that was KNOWN to be Russian sourced...

Propaganda that was known to have been funded by Clinton, Obama, & The DNC...

& Propaganda...that The FBI and DOJ knowingly used as a false pretense to improperly and illegally obtain a FISA warrant which was abused and used to spy on Americans....

and Propaganda that The FBI knew was Fictitious & Dubious and was used to appoint an Independent Counsel with numerous conflicts of interests...To Investigate a duly Elected President not to get to The Truth but to Impede the Truth, Impede The Administration and disrupt Democracy, and the Peaceful Transition of Power but more then that, they actively attempted to Conspire in a COUP.....

There were no greater Agents of The Kremlin, No Greater Puppets of Putin...No Greater Russian Moles than The Political Hacks Appointed to posts In The FBI by none other than Obama Bin Spying! The Marxist In Chief!

The FBI was infiltrated by Russia in an attempt to Stop Donald Trump from becoming President!

The evidence is there and so are their actions and their willful intent to attack America and The Democratic Process!
Well now, I have thought about it. For about 3 seconds. And have come to the conclusion that the Original Tree is either a Russian bot or a traitor.
Russian. Sign hanging over KGB HQ


the Ruskies have this countrys political system in a complete shamble.

Trumps the cheerleader and idiot RW's are the drill team doing high kick routines showing their ass.

Russia is laughing at the Prez, Congress, Intelligence agencies across the board, and national security.

pretty damn sad imo.
With a strong Bill of Rights, we should not have to worry from an individual perspective if Satan himself infiltrated the FBI.

Except that we do know that FBI is, sadly, leaking information and tips to the criminal cartels.
That's why "need to know" is so important.

If I don't need to know it, I don't know it.

If I don't know it, I can't leak it or reveal it to the wrong party by accident.

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