It’s very strange that so many liberals want the economy to crash just because they don’t like Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

That has been my beef with these blue states Democrats with their lockdowns. They are strictly for authoritarianism. And they are doing this strictly for that reason: They want to get Trump. And what way to do that, is to close everything down and later say it was Trump's fault why the economy is where it is today.
The markets wouldn't have been that severe back in March, if these Democrats only imposed the lockdowns for 2 weeks. Yeah, we would have gotten a beating. But not like we witnessed when the markets fell off the cliff.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

China knew what they were doing.

Both parties took their eye off of national security and continue to.

Can you hear me now?
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

So here's the bottom line about this topic. What the democrats have forgotten and now wholly betrayed, is love of country. Right, so I am a paleoconservative. What that means is I am a traditionalist, a Christian, a patriot. What it does not mean is blind admiration for any politician, demagogue or figurehead. America, to me, is about the places, people and freedoms I do love, cherish, respect, embrace. And this is where democrats' souls have been taken, surrendered to the enemy of every aspect of American civilization. Democrats have forgotten or discarded or betrayed their basic love of country. For them it is all about who is in charge, not about love of country. And therein lies the difference between the rational conservative and the average democrat voter; we rational conservatives loved our country when Obama or any other similar asshole demagogue was in power. We have always loved America, what America means to us individually, no matter who occupied the Oval Office. That, and many of us loyally, faithfully served this nation despite whichever man called himself President. But with modern democrats they can't and don't love America unless America is run in a manner that suits them. Perhaps that behavior should earn them loss of actual citizenship . . . ?
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

Oh, it's not JUST because of Trump. It's also because leftists have always thought that the US was too "greedy" and arrogant and needed to be smacked down.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.
The economy has crashed because your skidmark failed to act in a timely manor. I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove that.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.
The economy has crashed because your skidmark failed to act in a timely manor. I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove that.

Hmmmm, is that right?

What should he have done and on what specific dates?

I thought we were supposed to have 2.2 million dead. There is only 100,000. Seems to be DJT saved 2.1 million lives.

You love the bad economy and you want more people to die, don’t you?
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

You are the sick individual. You don't care about people's health and if they die then that is the price for making Trump look good. The fact is that Trump had a chance to make himself look good with his response to the coronavirus. Yet his response has been a disaster.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

It's RWNJs like you who take pleasure in other people's misery.

Based on what? The fact that WE'RE the ones advocating insane policies that destroy the world's economy? Except we aren't.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

That has been my beef with these blue states Democrats with their lockdowns. They are strictly for authoritarianism. And they are doing this strictly for that reason: They want to get Trump. And what way to do that, is to close everything down and later say it was Trump's fault why the economy is where it is today.
The markets wouldn't have been that severe back in March, if these Democrats only imposed the lockdowns for 2 weeks. Yeah, we would have gotten a beating. But not like we witnessed when the markets fell off the cliff.

The coronavirus does not have a predictable calendar that you can set your watch by. There is no authoritarianism, only trying to minimize the spread of coronavirus. Everything to you is about conspiracies. Everyone wants to0 get Trump. The world does not revolve around Trump. Wall Street has nothing to do with Main Street. Main Street suffers while Wall Street is doing very well.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

That has been my beef with these blue states Democrats with their lockdowns. They are strictly for authoritarianism. And they are doing this strictly for that reason: They want to get Trump. And what way to do that, is to close everything down and later say it was Trump's fault why the economy is where it is today.
The markets wouldn't have been that severe back in March, if these Democrats only imposed the lockdowns for 2 weeks. Yeah, we would have gotten a beating. But not like we witnessed when the markets fell off the cliff.

It’s so disgusting, and they can try to spin it however they like, but they know why they want the economy to stay bad and businesses to fold. They don’t like Trump.

Notice how these fuckheads blame Trump more than FUCKING CHINA.?

They are disgusting assholes.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.
SO sad, but SO true. MANY liberal lunatics, who are Americans in name only, including MANY that post on these threads, are sickeningly anti-American. Dreadful, pathetic AND pitiful.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

You are the sick individual. You don't care about people's health and if they die then that is the price for making Trump look good. The fact is that Trump had a chance to make himself look good with his response to the coronavirus. Yet his response has been a disaster.

Individual's have to look out for their own health.
Many did not over Memorial Day. Not Trump's fault.
Nature has an uncanny way of rewarding irresponsibility with death.

Afterall, I am currently the committee head of the Darwin Awards. I'd dislike handing out numerous rewards 2 weeks from now.
We shall see.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

That has been my beef with these blue states Democrats with their lockdowns. They are strictly for authoritarianism. And they are doing this strictly for that reason: They want to get Trump. And what way to do that, is to close everything down and later say it was Trump's fault why the economy is where it is today.
The markets wouldn't have been that severe back in March, if these Democrats only imposed the lockdowns for 2 weeks. Yeah, we would have gotten a beating. But not like we witnessed when the markets fell off the cliff.

It’s so disgusting, and they can try to spin it however they like, but they know why they want the economy to stay bad and businesses to fold. They don’t like Trump.

Notice how these fuckheads blame Trump more than FUCKING CHINA.?

They are disgusting assholes.
Yep, it's TRULY disgusting AND detestable.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

You are the sick individual. You don't care about people's health and if they die then that is the price for making Trump look good. The fact is that Trump had a chance to make himself look good with his response to the coronavirus. Yet his response has been a disaster.

YOU are the sick individual. You don't care about people's health; you just want to use a select few of them as human shields for your agenda, and fuck all the rest of them. You want to pretend THEY don't even exist. And then you have the sheer, baldfaced effrontery to issue moral condemnations of OTHER people? Screw you. Until you can prove that your precious lockdowns actually saved any lives at all, AND until you can answer for all the lives they harmed, you have nothing to say to anyone, and CERTAINLY no room to demand justification or defense from them.

The fact is, Trump's response has been really good . . . to anyone not measuring on the scale of "He's a Republican, and that makes everything bad."
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

So here's the bottom line about this topic. What the democrats have forgotten and now wholly betrayed, is love of country. Right, so I am a paleoconservative. What that means is I am a traditionalist, a Christian, a patriot. What it does not mean is blind admiration for any politician, demagogue or figurehead. America, to me, is about the places, people and freedoms I do love, cherish, respect, embrace. And this is where democrats' souls have been taken, surrendered to the enemy of every aspect of American civilization. Democrats have forgotten or discarded or betrayed their basic love of country. For them it is all about who is in charge, not about love of country. And therein lies the difference between the rational conservative and the average democrat voter; we rational conservatives loved our country when Obama or any other similar asshole demagogue was in power. We have always loved America, what America means to us individually, no matter who occupied the Oval Office. That, and many of us loyally, faithfully served this nation despite whichever man called himself President. But with modern democrats they can't and don't love America unless America is run in a manner that suits them. Perhaps that behavior should earn them loss of actual citizenship . . . ?
Wow, ABSOLUTELY fantastic post! Thank you.

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