it's World Autism Awareness Day 2019

President Trump is touting this. prayers to all the folks who are affected. what are the SOLUTIONS?!

World Autism Awareness Day 2019: Significance, history and theme

I am not a Special Ed teacher but I do teach many students with autism in my day to day teaching responsibilities (we are on Spring Break this week).

We can basically give no attention to "Autism Awareness" anymore because it is so controversial within the "community". Many people with autism see it as basically "neurodiversity", as a condition that simply makes one different and should be celebrated and accepted and not "treated". This is certainly true for some people with autism. For others, autism renders them almost unable to function without considerable support, most likely for their entire lives. So those who say autism does not need a cure...I wonder what they're really thinking, when I see my older students who are non-verbal, non-response and still cannot even toilet themselves.

I don't know. There's a lot I don't understand in 2019
Pocahontas was a special needs teacher. if anything, THEY should teach her!
Pocahontas was a special needs teacher. if anything, THEY should teach her!
I always have a WTF moment when you troll your own threads.

You'd think I'd be used to it by now but......
butthurt much? didn't know you liked future "President Pocahontas"...NOT A CHANCE!
Not butt hurt at all, just disappointed in myself for forgetting who you are.
i'm a human being
"UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres..."
"The UN Department Of Global Communication and Department Of Economic and Social Affairs..."
"According to the World Health Organisation..."
So these institutions are A-Okay now and not leftist, commie, socialist institutions taking all of the US taxpayers money.

Great way to troll your OP, by the way.
"UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres..."
"The UN Department Of Global Communication and Department Of Economic and Social Affairs..."
"According to the World Health Organisation..."
So these institutions are A-Okay now and not leftist, commie, socialist institutions taking all of the US taxpayers money.

Great way to troll your OP, by the way.
you're welcome
President Trump is touting this. prayers to all the folks who are affected. what are the SOLUTIONS?!

World Autism Awareness Day 2019: Significance, history and theme

Anyone want to discuss any actual autism issues in this thread? Anyone impacted by autism in any way? I teach many autistic children and have over the years. I make no secret here that one thing that I find very concerning, not only for others but also for the autistic children themselves, is the amount of violence these children commit in school, to which the schools basically look the other way because Special Ed. I do not blame the children, don't get me wrong. I know it's an offshoot of their condition. That still does not make the violent assaults acceptable.

If we had anything close to a real media in this nation, this would be an actual story--how violent our schools are, and how much violence they tolerate.

But. You know.

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