IUnaccompanied Illegal Alien Kids Swamping Immigeation Officials


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Swarms of very, young illegal alien children are swamping immigration officials and their detention centers. The Obama administration has transported many of them to Arizona to relieve overcrowding in south Texas.

In a somewhat shocking commentary on Fox News, Brit Hume said that the kids should be allowed to stay in the US. Whaaaaaatt ?? Has Brit gone nuts ? The Fox News report said that the kids, unaccompanied by adults, have traveled to the US, all the way from Central American countries, entirely on their own, primarily to escape violence in the countries they're from (Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador).

Now a little sanity in this fiasco. The kids did NOT travel 1000 miles across Mexico, on their own. They also didn't make this trip to escape violence. OBVIOUSLY, these kids were SENT here and TRANSPORTED here by Central American adults, , who simply wish to dump them on America, so that American taxpayers will pay the welfare bill for them, instead of their own countries. This is simply more imperialism upon America's tax chest Kind of like your next door neighbor handing his kids over to you, and saying "Here, you pay for them, I don't want to".

In addition, I would say to Brit Hume (and anyone dumb enough to fall for this ruse), that when these kids get older, they will then add to the job stealing of American jobs that has millions of Americans unemployed, as well as the long list of other harms to America of immigration.

As for the dumb DHS spokesman who said > "There's no one (back home) to deport them to" , if they have no private individuals to take them, then they should be handed over to their countries' Social services departments, or just their home govt.

More than 60,000 unaccompanied juveniles are expected to cross in 2014, said Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council in the Rio Grande Valley, a U.S. Border Patrol workers union. In 2015, 150,000 or more are anticipated.

More undocumented children arrive in Arizona in bid to reduce crowding - CNN.com
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I used to laugh to see a sign in business establishment that said, "Unattended children will be sold as slaves!!!"

I guess the people who dump children chose to do drugs or something. And what they're doing is not funny.
I used to laugh to see a sign in business establishment that said, "Unattended children will be sold as slaves!!!"

I guess the people who dump children chose to do drugs or something. And what they're doing is not funny.

The sign at my vet's office says "Unattended children will be sent home with a new puppy".
There is not a whole lot of difference between what the US is doing, and what Boka Haram is doing. In one case they are kidnapped, in the other they are enticed or ADULTS are enticed to send them.
There is not a whole lot of difference between what the US is doing, and what Boka Haram is doing. In one case they are kidnapped, in the other they are enticed or ADULTS are enticed to send them.

Wow, that was stupid even for you.
It's obvious this "event" was orchestrated, all those children didn't miraculously just...appear all by them selves. Please. And the appeals for America to be humanitarian, that's all good and fine. Why not expect MEXICO TO BE HUMANE AND RESPONSIBLE? The entire blame for this situation is corrupt Mexicans, and it's time they payed the piper.
It's obvious this "event" was orchestrated, all those children didn't miraculously just...appear all by them selves. Please. And the appeals for America to be humanitarian, that's all good and fine. Why not expect MEXICO TO BE HUMANE AND RESPONSIBLE? The entire blame for this situation is corrupt Mexicans, and it's time they payed the piper.

They're not all Mexicans, they come from central and South America as well. The word is out Obama and Holder don't enforce immigration law
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2.28bn this year? Why are we not sending these children back to their homeland as soon as possible instead of keeping them and housing, feeding and providing medical care for them which will encourage more children illegally immigrating and let their homeland deal with this? Mothers bringing their children here know that they will not be sent back to their homes. We cannot fix the broken immigration system with amnesties after amnesties. Enforcing our immigration laws is the only was to fix illegal immigration. We are fast becoming a third world country with all the problems of third world countries.
2.28bn this year? Why are we not sending these children back to their homeland as soon as possible instead of keeping them and housing, feeding and providing medical care for them which will encourage more children illegally immigrating and let their homeland deal with this? Mothers bringing their children here know that they will not be sent back to their homes. We cannot fix the broken immigration system with amnesties after amnesties. Enforcing our immigration laws is the only was to fix illegal immigration. We are fast becoming a third world country with all the problems of third world countries.

That's exactly right. The failure of the Obama administration to enforce existing immigration laws, "amnesty", "Dreamers Act", a willingness to make this country a dumping ground for failing, third world nations, etc., is going to make the US a very different place 20 years from now.

Obama found additional resources to warehouse the flood of illegals:Obama opens third military base to deal with illegal child immigrants | Mail Online

But hey, if you're a veteran and need medical care, and far as the administration is concerned, go pound salt and get in line behind illegal immigrants who are a greater priority.

Obama Admin to Spend $2 Million on Lawyers for Illegal Immigrant Children - Sarah Jean Seman
The governments of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico need to step in and put a stop to all this madness. They need to do it NOW. If they don't they should be given ONE warning to get on it fast and stop it. If they don't, we should cut off all economic aid to them. If they still don't take action, Obama should authorize the US Navy to blockade their coastlines, and stop all trade and shell some of their govt buildings, with ship to shore missles, as well as those fired from fighter jets in multiple airstrikes.

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