Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

224,000 dicks in your mouth haha

oooOOOooo... was that supposta sting? i am thrilled people are working. but all are full time? let's see the break down.

btw - you need wipe that cheeto dust off your lips.
Ha yea let’s see you cry more.. you would complain if it was 2 part time jobs haha

please go to yer doctor & get a prescription for anti delusion pills.

you need them bigley. btw... still no valid link showing the break down, i see. no worries, i knew you wouldn't.
Just facts
mostly due to deregs. obama dropped the rate by 1/2 with them in place. hopefully they offer health insurance because they are gonna need it.
Obama lol.. who doesn’t have access to health care??

'access' was never a problem.
Ok so what are you crying about

crying? wow - how delusional are you? sure - anyone can go to the ER or a doctor. but actually being able to afford it is a different subject. if you have no bennies thru work & live in a backwater redneck state that doesn't have expanded medicaid, there's not much after acute care. somebody 'pays' & it includes *you*
Maybe they barter for services.. the local doc is a cool guy

And you think government involvement is going to lower the affordability of health care lol you really hate the poor dont you! Lol raise taxes on the job creators, close business that will really teach them haha

barter????????????? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................... unless you can find an doctor ready to retire cause them that med school tuition loans need to be paid. perhaps doctors can barter with the bank officers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a public option... the operative word being O-P-T-I-O-N is the best way to go. right now, one of the protections under the ACA is that individual policies mandate that 80% of premiums go di-rectly towards yor healthcare & group ins. policies mandate 85% instead of going into CEO et al's pockets. you wanna go back to what? one step off the curve at the wrong time or cancer comes knocking & you lose your home to madical bill bankruptcy? <pfffft> no doubt you would.
& b4 that W thought it was great that 'americans can have 2 or 3 jobs'.
When unemployment reached 10% the house was controlled by democrats.. who’s Main job was to come up with ideas to keep people working but all they did was grand stand and attack bush all day.

trump had both the house AND senate for 2 years.


... obviously he didn't..

... but despite the lack of effort by the malignant TDS Democrats, he's doing a great job.
View attachment 267882 .. relax.. Darlin Playtime.. :)

for white male magats he can do no wrong. but if you are brown, female, or god forbid hispanic or moooooooooooooooslem.... then well...


you know - but would never admit, lumps. :114:
I'm not sure what you'd like me to admit to .. He's hardly perfect and nope, he sure doesn't effect me at your visceral level.

btw. I barbecued .some terrific chicken thighs tonight ... vive la resistance petite pomme de terre .. :smiliehug:

try some frog legs. & that 'visceral' level wouldn't affect those that gave in to the cult of personality.
224,000 dicks in your mouth haha

oooOOOooo... was that supposta sting? i am thrilled people are working. but all are full time? let's see the break down.

btw - you need wipe that cheeto dust off your lips.
Ha yea let’s see you cry more.. you would complain if it was 2 part time jobs haha

please go to yer doctor & get a prescription for anti delusion pills.

you need them bigley. btw... still no valid link showing the break down, i see. no worries, i knew you wouldn't.
Just facts

'alternative' facts.
Obama lol.. who doesn’t have access to health care??

'access' was never a problem.
Ok so what are you crying about

crying? wow - how delusional are you? sure - anyone can go to the ER or a doctor. but actually being able to afford it is a different subject. if you have no bennies thru work & live in a backwater redneck state that doesn't have expanded medicaid, there's not much after acute care. somebody 'pays' & it includes *you*
Maybe they barter for services.. the local doc is a cool guy

And you think government involvement is going to lower the affordability of health care lol you really hate the poor dont you! Lol raise taxes on the job creators, close business that will really teach them haha

barter????????????? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................... unless you can find an doctor ready to retire cause them that med school tuition loans need to be paid. perhaps doctors can barter with the bank officers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a public option... the operative word being O-P-T-I-O-N is the best way to go. right now, one of the protections under the ACA is that individual policies mandate that 80% of premiums go di-rectly towards yor healthcare & group ins. policies mandate 85% instead of going into CEO et al's pockets. you wanna go back to what? one step off the curve at the wrong time or cancer comes knocking & you lose your home to madical bill bankruptcy? <pfffft> no doubt you would.
So doctors can do plumbing and carpentry? Interesting
224,000 dicks in your mouth haha

oooOOOooo... was that supposta sting? i am thrilled people are working. but all are full time? let's see the break down.

btw - you need wipe that cheeto dust off your lips.
Ha yea let’s see you cry more.. you would complain if it was 2 part time jobs haha

please go to yer doctor & get a prescription for anti delusion pills.

you need them bigley. btw... still no valid link showing the break down, i see. no worries, i knew you wouldn't.
Just facts

'alternative' facts.
Still a fact
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.

You Tards and your insane Butt Hurt are the Global Laughingstocks....

You are just too Stupid to get it....
Now, our Trumpers and Trumpetts are shamelessly defending nepotism and denying the world is laughing at Ivanka but instead blaming "Tards" for the silly girl's ambush of herself in making herself look like a dork just the way her father does.
Is "the world" really laughing at Ivanka Trump? There is no evidence of that. As usual leftist trolls are just projecting their hate and animus on everyone else so their dysfunctional hate filled psychology seems normal.
Is "the world" really laughing at Ivanka Trump? There is no evidence of that. As usual leftist trolls are just projecting their hate and animus on everyone else so their dysfunctional hate filled psychology seems normal.
You are surely in denial. The original video was released by the French government and went viral in all the Summit countries. Do you know what the G 20 is?
Obama lol.. who doesn’t have access to health care??

'access' was never a problem.
Ok so what are you crying about

crying? wow - how delusional are you? sure - anyone can go to the ER or a doctor. but actually being able to afford it is a different subject. if you have no bennies thru work & live in a backwater redneck state that doesn't have expanded medicaid, there's not much after acute care. somebody 'pays' & it includes *you*
Maybe they barter for services.. the local doc is a cool guy

And you think government involvement is going to lower the affordability of health care lol you really hate the poor dont you! Lol raise taxes on the job creators, close business that will really teach them haha

barter????????????? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........................... unless you can find an doctor ready to retire cause them that med school tuition loans need to be paid. perhaps doctors can barter with the bank officers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a public option... the operative word being O-P-T-I-O-N is the best way to go. right now, one of the protections under the ACA is that individual policies mandate that 80% of premiums go di-rectly towards yor healthcare & group ins. policies mandate 85% instead of going into CEO et al's pockets. you wanna go back to what? one step off the curve at the wrong time or cancer comes knocking & you lose your home to madical bill bankruptcy? <pfffft> no doubt you would.

To much big Macs?
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.
You've never seen AOC I suppose. But then maybe she's more national,

Is "the world" really laughing at Ivanka Trump? There is no evidence of that. As usual leftist trolls are just projecting their hate and animus on everyone else so their dysfunctional hate filled psychology seems normal.
You are surely in denial. The original video was released by the French government and went viral in all the Summit countries. Do you know what the G 20 is?

AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted & actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.

not to mention that she was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.

I don't know that Ivanka is actually a smart woman; I know many women like you judge her based on her father.

But I know sure as shooting that AOC is dumber than a box of rocks.
I'm thinking AOC is better educated than you.
Is "the world" really laughing at Ivanka Trump? There is no evidence of that. As usual leftist trolls are just projecting their hate and animus on everyone else so their dysfunctional hate filled psychology seems normal.
You are surely in denial. The original video was released by the French government and went viral in all the Summit countries. Do you know what the G 20 is?

Specifically, the French Presidents office who were hosting the particular event and whose staff were recording it. Those recordings were released to the world press.
You are surely in denial. The original video was released by the French government and went viral in all the Summit countries. Do you know what the G 20 is?
Such irony! So when you claim Ivanka Trump is the laughingstock of the world you know that there are two glaring dishonest assumptions you make...right?

First of all, surely you realize there is more to the "world" than just what the G-20 nations comprise, I would hope. Or do you plead ignorance of what the world is like?
Your severe exaggerations do not make your points become magically true. They only highlight how much you claim that cannot possibly be true.

And secondly, there is absolutely nothing (save for your own claims) that indicates the world sees Ivanka Trump as a "laughingstock". In fact based on the daily thrashing the entire Trump family is subjected to in the press, and by people like you, it's amazing anyone approves of Ivanka at all.

And yet, her approval ratings are remarkably high, all things considered. After one year, the most popular Trump is Melania | YouGov
She is particularly popular in the Asian nations of China and Japan.

The entire thread is based on a lie and you seem especially eager to defend that lie. Why is that?
Last edited:
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.
You've never seen AOC I suppose. But then maybe she's more national,


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