I've been listening to Rush Limbaugh, have you?

Nope. But then I never did.
I didn't either. I just don't opt to listen to politics day in and day out.

But I support free speech. It's just ranting. And if I were forced to sit and listen to politics, i keep earplugs in the top drawer always.

Some people who don't like constant ranting should learn to use the remote, use the mute button, or listen to some nice relaxation tapes. :lol:

Or they could come here and waste pixels ranting about ranting the other team's ranters do.
It's a good thing to listen to Limbaugh; doing so provides a greater understanding on why the echo chamber/callous conservatives are so sure they know the truth - they get it from The Limbaugh. In the 90 minutes I listened to his monologue I heard nothing but his opinions based on his opinions, some of which belied current events which I witnessed from primary sources.

The right listens to Limbaugh for affirmation, not information; it’s a safe fact-free zone where conservatives can find refuge from the truth.
How and why he has influence over so many is astonishing and a sad commentary on the intelligence of the average American.

It’s at least an astonishing and a sad commentary on the intelligence of the average conservative.

"The right listens to Limbaugh for affirmation, not information;..."

You have an interesting point there, Jonesy...

Rush often provides the evidence, data, and punctures bogus claims with humor...but...
...the Left has an advantage,in that, no matter how many times their nonsense is shown to be just that, they simply mouth it over and over...

Perseveration requires no thinking, no adjustment to new data, no comprehension.

Some ideas from "The Secret Knowledge," by Mamet, to make the point...

1. Should the global warming idea be rejected just because the folks studying it were found to have been cooking the books, and the much vaunted “hockey stick” graph showing a marked abrupt increase in the world’s temperature incident with the consumption of fossil fuels revealed as a sham?

Well, no more than the rejections of Al Sharpton’s championship of Tawana Brawley, whose false accusations and perjury led to the persecution of innocent police officers and the disruption of their lives should be rejected. After all, when she recanted and admitted perjury, Reverend Sharpton suggested that though perhaps the testimony was not all in could be ‘in this case,’ nevertheless, he still supported her because of the systematic history of similar cases….Therefore, the truth didn’t really matter.

2. One of the founding myths of the religion of Liberalism is that of “social justice.” As Thomas Sowell points out (in “Intellectuals and Society,”) the Left believes that wealth should be “shared,” ignoring the fact that by way of capitalism, it is shared in the most efficient manner, through trade.

Conveniently unasked, is ‘where did wealth come from?’ Pointedly, it did not come from heaven, like manna, and spread evenly on the ground! No, it was created by individual expenditure of effort, and by individual willingness to take risk! ‘Social justice’ thesis requires a belief that wealth-manna simply falls equally on all, and if anyone has more than another, it must have been stolen, gotten by cheating- the possessor of ‘more’ must be a thief! To the Left, in spite of one hundred and fifty years of the most extensive and tragic disprovals of Marxism, the possession of property = proof of theft!

Yet, poke a Liberal awake in the middle of the night...and they mutter 'global warming'...'social justice.'

Just for the approval of the herd.

From, "The Road to Readability: Basics of writing and editing":

"It's all about what prompts the quotation. Bartlett should not be used as a literary prop. We shouldn't quote to show off. We shouldn't write articles around quotations. We shouldn't thumb through Bartlett to learn what other writers have said about barnacles or battleships or billygoats for ideas about what we can say about barnacles or battleships or billygoats. But if we know very well what we want to say, and the struggle to say it brings to mind a good and pertinent line of literature, we needn't hesitate to quote it. In short, the quotation should follow our thinking, not lead it"
The dirty little secret is that the whole conspiracy blew up in their faces and now the left is trying to fake it.
Those who are stating Mr. Limbaugh hasn't lost advertisers are liars. Listen, you'll only hear public service announcements, a few local ads on the local affiliate and lots of promotions for the station itself. Oh, and Limbaugh pushing some new ice tea to retailers (Tea for Two).

Yes I listen to Rush when I can during lunch time. He still takes commercial breaks, and he has always had local ads on his show.
Those who are stating Mr. Limbaugh hasn't lost advertisers are liars. Listen, you'll only hear public service announcements, a few local ads on the local affiliate and lots of promotions for the station itself. Oh, and Limbaugh pushing some new ice tea to retailers (Tea for Two).

You are such an idiot. Two if by tea is he and katherine's, his wife, tea that they created and are selling and all the proceeds go to military charities.

I heard ads for life lock, newcandescent, and I only listened for about 20 minutes today so dream on. Rush can pay for his own show just with the interest he makes on his interest lol
This shows just how suggestible gullible DittoNutzis are. A very tiny portion of the profits go to a phony military charity scam that mostly builds up a bank account and pays very little out in scholarships, and the CON$erviNutzis "hear" ALL THE PROCEEDS go to charity. :cuckoo:

June 15, 2011
RUSH: A portion of every bottle sold goes to our wonderful friends at the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. Now, these people are the ones that dole out college scholarships to families of Marines killed in action.
Those who are stating Mr. Limbaugh hasn't lost advertisers are liars. Listen, you'll only hear public service announcements, a few local ads on the local affiliate and lots of promotions for the station itself. Oh, and Limbaugh pushing some new ice tea to retailers (Tea for Two).

Yes I listen to Rush when I can during lunch time. He still takes commercial breaks, and he has always had local ads on his show.
Your MessiahRushie has not only hurt his own bottom line, he is screwing his fellow shock jocks on GOP hate radio!

TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media." : TALKERS.COM

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Premiere Networks issued a memo to traffic departments at news/talk affiliates and is suspending the requirement that stations run barter spots – the ones that air in addition to the network spots actually contained within Limbaugh’s and other Premiere shows – for this week and next. Premiere gives no reason for this but one could surmise it doesn’t want to have any clients’ spots air within “controversial programming” and a cool down period like this will allow it to get a handle on where these spots are to air and where they should not.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Rush Limbaugh Fallout for All Talk Radio Is Advertiser Nervousness. Almost a week into the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke controversy the consumer media, politicians and even the media trades to some extent are still awash in writing about Limbaugh’s mistake, the coarsening of our media political discourse and even allegations that conservative talk radio, apparently, hates women. But TALKERS is hearing reports from ad rep firms that are more alarming – especially in these already shaky economic times. That is that major advertisers are issuing yet another round of “no controversial programming” dictates. This is not a new problem for talk radio and the recent Limbaugh case is likely only to add fuel to a fire that’s been simmering for the past 20 years. While no laws were broken by Rush Limbaugh, advertisers who fear backlash from activists, parent’s organizations and other groups – even though talk hosts with loyal followings that are likely to buy their products or services help sell those products or services very successfully – don’t want to risk bad PR, protester harassment or outright boycotts from being associated with a “controversial” talk media figure. They reason that there may be many more customers of theirs whom they don’t want to alienate who don’t listen to “controversial” talk radio, so they shy away from the genre altogether. The bigger challenge facing talk radio right now is not defending its programming, but selling it in this turbulent climate.
Those who are stating Mr. Limbaugh hasn't lost advertisers are liars. Listen, you'll only hear public service announcements, a few local ads on the local affiliate and lots of promotions for the station itself. Oh, and Limbaugh pushing some new ice tea to retailers (Tea for Two).

Yes I listen to Rush when I can during lunch time. He still takes commercial breaks, and he has always had local ads on his show.
Your MessiahRushie has not only hurt his own bottom line, he is screwing his fellow shock jocks on GOP hate radio!

TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media." : TALKERS.COM

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Premiere Networks issued a memo to traffic departments at news/talk affiliates and is suspending the requirement that stations run barter spots – the ones that air in addition to the network spots actually contained within Limbaugh’s and other Premiere shows – for this week and next. Premiere gives no reason for this but one could surmise it doesn’t want to have any clients’ spots air within “controversial programming” and a cool down period like this will allow it to get a handle on where these spots are to air and where they should not.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Rush Limbaugh Fallout for All Talk Radio Is Advertiser Nervousness. Almost a week into the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke controversy the consumer media, politicians and even the media trades to some extent are still awash in writing about Limbaugh’s mistake, the coarsening of our media political discourse and even allegations that conservative talk radio, apparently, hates women. But TALKERS is hearing reports from ad rep firms that are more alarming – especially in these already shaky economic times. That is that major advertisers are issuing yet another round of “no controversial programming” dictates. This is not a new problem for talk radio and the recent Limbaugh case is likely only to add fuel to a fire that’s been simmering for the past 20 years. While no laws were broken by Rush Limbaugh, advertisers who fear backlash from activists, parent’s organizations and other groups – even though talk hosts with loyal followings that are likely to buy their products or services help sell those products or services very successfully – don’t want to risk bad PR, protester harassment or outright boycotts from being associated with a “controversial” talk media figure. They reason that there may be many more customers of theirs whom they don’t want to alienate who don’t listen to “controversial” talk radio, so they shy away from the genre altogether. The bigger challenge facing talk radio right now is not defending its programming, but selling it in this turbulent climate.

As Rush pointed out on his show, his sponsors are paying to have access to the audience. They make money off it, not just Rush and his show. If they pull their sponsorship, they are denying themselves access to a very large audience, and that is their choice.

Advertisers are there to make money, not just to support Rush and fill his pockets with gold. All they care about is running their ad over the airwaves to millions of listeners.
"The right listens to Limbaugh for affirmation, not information;..."

You have an interesting point there, Jonesy...

Rush often provides the evidence, data, and punctures bogus claims with humor...but...
...the Left has an advantage,in that, no matter how many times their nonsense is shown to be just that, they simply mouth it over and over...
A perfect example of the first quote in my sig. :badgrin:

How many times have you posted your MessiahRushie's video of Gore naming the bust of Franklin himself with no help from the curator every time I point out his lie that Gore could not name the bust of Franklin???

The Pinko Slime of Politics not only lies to you but also mocks you by giving you as "evidence" proof that he is lying knowing you are too stupid to catch him lying even after he gives you everything you need on a silver platter to catch him lying.

Come on DittoNutzi, post the video again that you think supports his lie. :rofl::lmao:

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
Yes I listen to Rush when I can during lunch time. He still takes commercial breaks, and he has always had local ads on his show.
Your MessiahRushie has not only hurt his own bottom line, he is screwing his fellow shock jocks on GOP hate radio!

TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media." : TALKERS.COM

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Premiere Networks issued a memo to traffic departments at news/talk affiliates and is suspending the requirement that stations run barter spots – the ones that air in addition to the network spots actually contained within Limbaugh’s and other Premiere shows – for this week and next. Premiere gives no reason for this but one could surmise it doesn’t want to have any clients’ spots air within “controversial programming” and a cool down period like this will allow it to get a handle on where these spots are to air and where they should not.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Rush Limbaugh Fallout for All Talk Radio Is Advertiser Nervousness. Almost a week into the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke controversy the consumer media, politicians and even the media trades to some extent are still awash in writing about Limbaugh’s mistake, the coarsening of our media political discourse and even allegations that conservative talk radio, apparently, hates women. But TALKERS is hearing reports from ad rep firms that are more alarming – especially in these already shaky economic times. That is that major advertisers are issuing yet another round of “no controversial programming” dictates. This is not a new problem for talk radio and the recent Limbaugh case is likely only to add fuel to a fire that’s been simmering for the past 20 years. While no laws were broken by Rush Limbaugh, advertisers who fear backlash from activists, parent’s organizations and other groups – even though talk hosts with loyal followings that are likely to buy their products or services help sell those products or services very successfully – don’t want to risk bad PR, protester harassment or outright boycotts from being associated with a “controversial” talk media figure. They reason that there may be many more customers of theirs whom they don’t want to alienate who don’t listen to “controversial” talk radio, so they shy away from the genre altogether. The bigger challenge facing talk radio right now is not defending its programming, but selling it in this turbulent climate.

As Rush pointed out on his show, his sponsors are paying to have access to the audience. They make money off it, not just Rush and his show. If they pull their sponsorship, they are denying themselves access to a very large audience, and that is their choice.

Advertisers are there to make money, not just to support Rush and fill his pockets with gold. All they care about is running their ad over the airwaves to millions of listeners.
Except his audience during the hours he is on the air is mostly the unemployed, who are not very big consumers of anything. Most CONSUMERS are busy at WORK during his show and advertisers do not want to lose the paying customers by supporting GOP hate radio, a point he makes himself about his show but also drives home to attack Obama!!!

April 14, 2011
RUSH: In television, primetime is 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern (7 to 10 central). That's just the way it is. In the early days of this program -- and, in fact, even before this program -- it was thought that the middle of the day was the absolute worst time to be an advertiser on radio because the only people listening were people who have no jobs, and what could they afford to buy? You know, what sponsor could they frequent?

April 14, 2011
CALLER: You know, I heard you say that Obama could not have given that speech at a primetime venue. And I think you're absolutely right about that. Most of the working class people at two o'clock in the afternoon yesterday were doing their jobs, I'm sure, and had little if no time to at least digest what he had said.
How come leftist invite Farahkan to speak on college campuses? Why does Al Sharpton have a radio show? Why is Bill Maher's bigotry allowed?

Leftist only care about faux calls of racism against right wingers, they don't care about true bigotry and intolerance preached by their own ranks!

Everybody's scattering from America's bigot...they don't want to touch him with a 50ft pole.

It's curtains!!...CURTAINS!!!


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Rush is right What's not to like?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTrPDicHjJQ"]Rush Limbaugh slams NDAA[/ame]
How come leftist invite Farahkan to speak on college campuses? Why does Al Sharpton have a radio show? Why is Bill Maher's bigotry allowed?

Leftist only care about faux calls of racism against right wingers, they don't care about true bigotry and intolerance preached by their own ranks!

Everybody's scattering from America's bigot...they don't want to touch him with a 50ft pole.

It's curtains!!...CURTAINS!!!


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Wah, wah, wah. The left is soooooooooooooo mean. They tweat me so badwy.
Yes I listen to Rush when I can during lunch time. He still takes commercial breaks, and he has always had local ads on his show.
Your MessiahRushie has not only hurt his own bottom line, he is screwing his fellow shock jocks on GOP hate radio!

TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media." : TALKERS.COM

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Premiere Networks issued a memo to traffic departments at news/talk affiliates and is suspending the requirement that stations run barter spots – the ones that air in addition to the network spots actually contained within Limbaugh’s and other Premiere shows – for this week and next. Premiere gives no reason for this but one could surmise it doesn’t want to have any clients’ spots air within “controversial programming” and a cool down period like this will allow it to get a handle on where these spots are to air and where they should not.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Rush Limbaugh Fallout for All Talk Radio Is Advertiser Nervousness. Almost a week into the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke controversy the consumer media, politicians and even the media trades to some extent are still awash in writing about Limbaugh’s mistake, the coarsening of our media political discourse and even allegations that conservative talk radio, apparently, hates women. But TALKERS is hearing reports from ad rep firms that are more alarming – especially in these already shaky economic times. That is that major advertisers are issuing yet another round of “no controversial programming” dictates. This is not a new problem for talk radio and the recent Limbaugh case is likely only to add fuel to a fire that’s been simmering for the past 20 years. While no laws were broken by Rush Limbaugh, advertisers who fear backlash from activists, parent’s organizations and other groups – even though talk hosts with loyal followings that are likely to buy their products or services help sell those products or services very successfully – don’t want to risk bad PR, protester harassment or outright boycotts from being associated with a “controversial” talk media figure. They reason that there may be many more customers of theirs whom they don’t want to alienate who don’t listen to “controversial” talk radio, so they shy away from the genre altogether. The bigger challenge facing talk radio right now is not defending its programming, but selling it in this turbulent climate.

As Rush pointed out on his show, his sponsors are paying to have access to the audience. They make money off it, not just Rush and his show. If they pull their sponsorship, they are denying themselves access to a very large audience, and that is their choice.

Advertisers are there to make money, not just to support Rush and fill his pockets with gold. All they care about is running their ad over the airwaves to millions of listeners.

Apparently your wrong. Some advertisers care about their image too. Would you accompany someone who put a turd in a punch bowl at a party more than once? Apparently some advertisers wouldn't.

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