Rush Limbaugh : "graphics have been created to make [Irma] look like the ocean's having an exorcism"

You know your lying scum MessiahRushie in claimed in April that he had 26 million SUCKERS per week and GROWING, but your link says by August that was DOWN to 14 million per week. Of course he has at times claimed 40 to 50 million DittoTards per day. The pathological liar also claimed if he ever lost 20% of his audience of fools he would take himself off the air, so to avoid that in the face of his declining audience he simply lies about his audience growing because he knows the DittoTards will never remember what he said in the past.

EIB Audience Numbers Shoot Through the Roof: 26 Million and Growing!
Apr 27, 2017

RUSH: Now, hang on. I’m not bragging here. I’m setting this up to get to the email I got. And the numbers are just pouring in now for March, but prior to those numbers the weekly cume had been up now to 26 million and climbing.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

I published stats that show Rush is the most popular radio talk show. Accept it, live with it, you'll be better off.
"Most popular AM Radio host"

Fascinating! And who is the most popular horse and buggy pilot? How about, the most popular milkman?

And he's held that title since the 90's. Others in the industry would die for his numbers.
I'm sure they would. By the way, Kanye routinely hits #1. And millions of people think having pot bellies and stick legs in tight shirts and skinny jeans looks awesome. So you'll have to understand if I don't exactly sit here in awe that a few million people listen to the fat liar.

He doesn't lie. He doesn't have to. I really don't give a flying fuck if you don't listen to him. And I'm certain Rush doesn't either.
He, of course, lies quite often, and he uses specious arguments and fallacy quite masterfully. That's kind of the point...he's so good at it, gullible people like you don't even know you're being fooled.
I published stats that show Rush is the most popular radio talk show. Accept it, live with it, you'll be better off.
"Most popular AM Radio host"

Fascinating! And who is the most popular horse and buggy pilot? How about, the most popular milkman?

And he's held that title since the 90's. Others in the industry would die for his numbers.
I'm sure they would. By the way, Kanye routinely hits #1. And millions of people think having pot bellies and stick legs in tight shirts and skinny jeans looks awesome. So you'll have to understand if I don't exactly sit here in awe that a few million people listen to the fat liar.

He doesn't lie. He doesn't have to. I really don't give a flying fuck if you don't listen to him. And I'm certain Rush doesn't either.
He, of course, lies quite often, and he uses specious arguments and fallacy quite masterfully. That's kind of the point...he's so good at it, gullible people like you don't even know you're being fooled.

He doesn't lie.
But the people he exposes do lie about him.
Normally, I don't even respond to dittoheads about anything that Rush says, but he has become so desperate to stir up false news in order to boost his ratings that it has become downright comical.

Oh so now you are not only an armchair psychologist but a mind reader too? :confused-84: :rolleyes:

It used to be that anything he said was parroted the next day by all of his worshipers to the extent that one KNEW that 20% of Americans did not think independently. Now, all he can get to do that is Leo. Frankly, I think it is because Trump has topped Rush in the daily false news category. Nobody needs Rush to come up with outrageous lies every day, when Trump's are so much MORE outrageous!

So much ignorant hate.....How do you do it? Why do you do it? I just love it when Rush pushes their buttons. :dance:

Me too. Exposes them for the lunatics they are.
"Most popular AM Radio host"

Fascinating! And who is the most popular horse and buggy pilot? How about, the most popular milkman?

And he's held that title since the 90's. Others in the industry would die for his numbers.
I'm sure they would. By the way, Kanye routinely hits #1. And millions of people think having pot bellies and stick legs in tight shirts and skinny jeans looks awesome. So you'll have to understand if I don't exactly sit here in awe that a few million people listen to the fat liar.

He doesn't lie. He doesn't have to. I really don't give a flying fuck if you don't listen to him. And I'm certain Rush doesn't either.
He, of course, lies quite often, and he uses specious arguments and fallacy quite masterfully. That's kind of the point...he's so good at it, gullible people like you don't even know you're being fooled.

He doesn't lie.
But the people he exposes do lie about him.

Sadly all the time. I really do have fun when they call him a racist and I get to put up pictures of Snerdly.

I published stats that show Rush is the most popular radio talk show. Accept it, live with it, you'll be better off.
"Most popular AM Radio host"

Fascinating! And who is the most popular horse and buggy pilot? How about, the most popular milkman?

And he's held that title since the 90's. Others in the industry would die for his numbers.
I'm sure they would. By the way, Kanye routinely hits #1. And millions of people think having pot bellies and stick legs in tight shirts and skinny jeans looks awesome. So you'll have to understand if I don't exactly sit here in awe that a few million people listen to the fat liar.

He doesn't lie. He doesn't have to. I really don't give a flying fuck if you don't listen to him. And I'm certain Rush doesn't either.
He, of course, lies quite often, and he uses specious arguments and fallacy quite masterfully. That's kind of the point...he's so good at it, gullible people like you don't even know you're being fooled.

Pffft. You're so full of crap your eyes must be chocolate brown. Because he's been Number One for so many years and he's a 30 year veteran of talk, Limbaugh and his staff knows that every word he utters on the show is examined ad nauseam.

They don't fuck up. And everything from the show is immediately transcribed and available. But assholes still twist his words and take quotes out of context. We're used to the fake news the media throws at conservatives.

And btw I fact check everything I read or hear because there is so much bullshit out there. Just caught out a writer at the Daily Mail who lied in her piece about Trump and 9/11 AND caught the bitch having edited the audio piece to back up her lying claim.
"Most popular AM Radio host"

Fascinating! And who is the most popular horse and buggy pilot? How about, the most popular milkman?

And he's held that title since the 90's. Others in the industry would die for his numbers.
I'm sure they would. By the way, Kanye routinely hits #1. And millions of people think having pot bellies and stick legs in tight shirts and skinny jeans looks awesome. So you'll have to understand if I don't exactly sit here in awe that a few million people listen to the fat liar.

He doesn't lie. He doesn't have to. I really don't give a flying fuck if you don't listen to him. And I'm certain Rush doesn't either.
He, of course, lies quite often, and he uses specious arguments and fallacy quite masterfully. That's kind of the point...he's so good at it, gullible people like you don't even know you're being fooled.

Pffft. You're so full of crap your eyes must be chocolate brown. Because he's been Number One for so many years and he's a 30 year veteran of talk, Limbaugh and his staff knows that every word he utters on the show is examined ad nauseam.

They don't fuck up. And everything from the show is immediately transcribed and available. But assholes still twist his words and take quotes out of context. We're used to the fake news the media throws at conservatives.

And btw I fact check everything I read or hear because there is so much bullshit out there. Just caught out a writer at the Daily Mail who lied in her piece about Trump and 9/11 AND caught the bitch having edited the audio piece to back up her lying claim.

Sure you do. Rush is a charlatan, well-versed in the crafting of fallacies and other various tactics. He could fool a gullible, untrained mind into punching his own grandmother in the face. That's who he is. If we taught logic, starting in elementary school, Rush would be selling used cars.
And he's held that title since the 90's. Others in the industry would die for his numbers.
I'm sure they would. By the way, Kanye routinely hits #1. And millions of people think having pot bellies and stick legs in tight shirts and skinny jeans looks awesome. So you'll have to understand if I don't exactly sit here in awe that a few million people listen to the fat liar.

He doesn't lie. He doesn't have to. I really don't give a flying fuck if you don't listen to him. And I'm certain Rush doesn't either.
He, of course, lies quite often, and he uses specious arguments and fallacy quite masterfully. That's kind of the point...he's so good at it, gullible people like you don't even know you're being fooled.

Pffft. You're so full of crap your eyes must be chocolate brown. Because he's been Number One for so many years and he's a 30 year veteran of talk, Limbaugh and his staff knows that every word he utters on the show is examined ad nauseam.

They don't fuck up. And everything from the show is immediately transcribed and available. But assholes still twist his words and take quotes out of context. We're used to the fake news the media throws at conservatives.

And btw I fact check everything I read or hear because there is so much bullshit out there. Just caught out a writer at the Daily Mail who lied in her piece about Trump and 9/11 AND caught the bitch having edited the audio piece to back up her lying claim.

Sure you do. Rush is a charlatan, well-versed in the crafting of fallacies and other various tactics. He could fool a gullible, untrained mind into punching his own grandmother in the face. That's who he is. If we taught logic, starting in elementary school, Rush would be selling used cars.

I've been on DM trashing out the author of the bogus article for some time today and informing others that the audio is edited and putting the quotes into context. It's quite gratifying.

Say what you will about Rush. Your ignorance of the man and his show is commonplace amongst left wingers. Blather on. Knock yourself out.
I'm sure they would. By the way, Kanye routinely hits #1. And millions of people think having pot bellies and stick legs in tight shirts and skinny jeans looks awesome. So you'll have to understand if I don't exactly sit here in awe that a few million people listen to the fat liar.

He doesn't lie. He doesn't have to. I really don't give a flying fuck if you don't listen to him. And I'm certain Rush doesn't either.
He, of course, lies quite often, and he uses specious arguments and fallacy quite masterfully. That's kind of the point...he's so good at it, gullible people like you don't even know you're being fooled.

Pffft. You're so full of crap your eyes must be chocolate brown. Because he's been Number One for so many years and he's a 30 year veteran of talk, Limbaugh and his staff knows that every word he utters on the show is examined ad nauseam.

They don't fuck up. And everything from the show is immediately transcribed and available. But assholes still twist his words and take quotes out of context. We're used to the fake news the media throws at conservatives.

And btw I fact check everything I read or hear because there is so much bullshit out there. Just caught out a writer at the Daily Mail who lied in her piece about Trump and 9/11 AND caught the bitch having edited the audio piece to back up her lying claim.

Sure you do. Rush is a charlatan, well-versed in the crafting of fallacies and other various tactics. He could fool a gullible, untrained mind into punching his own grandmother in the face. That's who he is. If we taught logic, starting in elementary school, Rush would be selling used cars.

I've been on DM trashing out the author of the bogus article for some time today and informing others that the audio is edited and putting the quotes into context. It's quite gratifying.

Say what you will about Rush. Your ignorance of the man and his show is commonplace amongst left wingers. Blather on. Knock yourself out.
On the contrary, I drew my conclusions by listening to his show.
Not quite. Irma was predicted to hit the Keys as a Cat 4 with 145 MPH winds and the wind was measured at 144 MPH when it hit.
And when it hit the mainland it quickly weakened.
Notice how the goalposts keep moving as each Limbaugh Lie is exposed.
Meteorologists always say hurricanes need warm water as fuel and weaken over land, so how does what you said make them wrong and your lying MessiahRushie right?????

It doesn't have to make anything any way. If you have not noticed the way storms are hyped, you're not paying attention.
IOW, you can't show the Meteorologists were wrong and your MessiahRushie was right.
Thank you.
He was right. Storms are hyped.
IOW, you STILL can't show the Meteorologists were wrong and your MessiahRushie was right.
Thank you again.
And when it hit the mainland it quickly weakened.
Notice how the goalposts keep moving as each Limbaugh Lie is exposed.
Meteorologists always say hurricanes need warm water as fuel and weaken over land, so how does what you said make them wrong and your lying MessiahRushie right?????

What really stinks about his lies this time is that he has the money to kick back and enjoy his pharmaceuticals while his fans in the area suffer without power, wather, food and their jobs.

Let me guess. Had he not gone to LA to ensure the program had no power outages, he would have been a stupid fool.
He left on Thursday and skipped his Friday show knowing Irma would not hit until Sunday so a power outage was not in the cards Friday and still having plenty of time to set up a show from LA on Monday, after telling his SUCKERS he would "ride it out" as long as he had electricity.

Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: Look, the program has to go on. I can sit here and say, “You know what, I’m gonna stay, I’m gonna ride this out.”
That doesn't address what I said.
It annihilates your rationalization.
In a recent broadcast, Rush Limbaugh actively sought to downplay the potential impact of Hurricane Irma saying:

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported. The graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”​

Limbaugh justifies his assertion using the following conspiracy theory:

There is symbiotic relationship between retailers and local media, and it’s related to money. It revolves around money. You have major, major industries and businesses which prosper during times of crisis and panic, such as a hurricane, which could destroy or greatly damage people’s homes, and it could interrupt the flow of water and electricity. So what happens?

Well, the TV stations begin reporting this and the panic begins to increase. And then people end up going to various stores to stock up on water and whatever they might need for home repairs and batteries and all this that they’re advised to get, and a vicious circle is created. You have these various retail outlets who spend a lot of advertising dollars with the local media.

The local media, in turn, reports in such a way as to create the panic way far out, which sends people into these stores to fill up with water and to fill up with batteries, and it becomes a never-ending repeated cycle. And the two coexist. So the media benefits with the panic with increased eyeballs, and the retailers benefit from the panic with increased sales, and the TV companies benefit because they’re getting advertising dollars from the businesses that are seeing all this attention from customers.​

WTH? Has Rush been having an affair with Kellyanne "Alternative Facts" Conway? Just how absurd can one be? Let me ask you:
  • If you lived in Key West or another "mainland" U.S. locale and the authorities instruct you to evacuate, why do you need batteries, and water, and so on? Does your idea of "evacuate" mean leaving the locale where you are and that the hurricane will strike, and going to a different locale where it will hit?
  • Do you truly believe that anyone buys advertising expressly to boost sales in anticipation/expectation of a disaster's arrival? What business have you seen advertise itself or its offerings with a message themed around the idea of "hurry to our store to buy 'this and that' because 'such and such' a natural disaster is coming our way?"
Seriously? Do people actually ascribe to madness like what Rush put forth about the hurricane? If so, how have those people managed to avoid being committed to insane asylums?
And when it hit the mainland it quickly weakened.
Notice how the goalposts keep moving as each Limbaugh Lie is exposed.
Meteorologists always say hurricanes need warm water as fuel and weaken over land, so how does what you said make them wrong and your lying MessiahRushie right?????

What really stinks about his lies this time is that he has the money to kick back and enjoy his pharmaceuticals while his fans in the area suffer without power, wather, food and their jobs.

Let me guess. Had he not gone to LA to ensure the program had no power outages, he would have been a stupid fool.
He left on Thursday and skipped his Friday show knowing Irma would not hit until Sunday so a power outage was not in the cards Friday and still having plenty of time to set up a show from LA on Monday, after telling his SUCKERS he would "ride it out" as long as he had electricity.

Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: Look, the program has to go on. I can sit here and say, “You know what, I’m gonna stay, I’m gonna ride this out.”

. You edited the statement. Unfreaking real ED. He says he's out of there because he WILL lose power.

"Look, the program has to go on. I can sit here and say, “You know what, I’m gonna stay, I’m gonna ride this out.” And I would if it weren’t for the fact that we’re gonna lose electricity. If we lose electricity, then there’s no way we can get the show done outta here. What are you laughing at in there? You think I’m making this up? I’m just telling you that we have a generator, but I don’t want to give away how it’s fueled. That’s a security breach.

But there are just too many variables when I could go someplace and have no concerns."

From the transcript of the show itself.

My Analysis of the Hurricane Irma Panic
Again, he was talking about the show starting Monday not having power. The storm would not hie Palm Beach until Sunday, so there was no way he would lose power before his Friday show, but you knew that already.
And he's held that title since the 90's. Others in the industry would die for his numbers.
I'm sure they would. By the way, Kanye routinely hits #1. And millions of people think having pot bellies and stick legs in tight shirts and skinny jeans looks awesome. So you'll have to understand if I don't exactly sit here in awe that a few million people listen to the fat liar.

He doesn't lie. He doesn't have to. I really don't give a flying fuck if you don't listen to him. And I'm certain Rush doesn't either.
He, of course, lies quite often, and he uses specious arguments and fallacy quite masterfully. That's kind of the point...he's so good at it, gullible people like you don't even know you're being fooled.

He doesn't lie.
But the people he exposes do lie about him.

Sadly all the time. I really do have fun when they call him a racist and I get to put up pictures of Snerdly.

It's the same thing when they call Trump a misogynist. He has put more women in high places in his admin, more quickly, than all the dem presidents combined.
I'm sure they would. By the way, Kanye routinely hits #1. And millions of people think having pot bellies and stick legs in tight shirts and skinny jeans looks awesome. So you'll have to understand if I don't exactly sit here in awe that a few million people listen to the fat liar.

He doesn't lie. He doesn't have to. I really don't give a flying fuck if you don't listen to him. And I'm certain Rush doesn't either.
He, of course, lies quite often, and he uses specious arguments and fallacy quite masterfully. That's kind of the point...he's so good at it, gullible people like you don't even know you're being fooled.

He doesn't lie.
But the people he exposes do lie about him.

Sadly all the time. I really do have fun when they call him a racist and I get to put up pictures of Snerdly.

It's the same thing when they call Trump a misogynist. He has put more women in high places in his admin, more quickly, than all the dem presidents combined.
He borrowed Romney's binder ;)
Notice how the goalposts keep moving as each Limbaugh Lie is exposed.
Meteorologists always say hurricanes need warm water as fuel and weaken over land, so how does what you said make them wrong and your lying MessiahRushie right?????

It doesn't have to make anything any way. If you have not noticed the way storms are hyped, you're not paying attention.
IOW, you can't show the Meteorologists were wrong and your MessiahRushie was right.
Thank you.

He was right. Storms are hyped.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yup Rushie was right. Again.

And that is the reason the left hates him. How embarassing it must be.


NO, he was not right.

Millions are without water, food, electricity.
Millions have lost everything they had.

The responsible thing would have been for him to admit he doesn't know everything and that people should believe the worst, prepare for the worst and then celebrate it they had over-prepared.

That's the wise thing to do in any situation. Why was this any different?

And notice that while he was telling people to stay in their homes, slime bucket lush said what edthecynic quoted.

Sept 5, 2017
RUSH: Look, the program has to go on. I can sit here and say, “You know what, I’m gonna stay, I’m gonna ride this out.”

And then he hot footed it out of there.

HOW can any of you defend that?

OTOH, I suppose I could take the RWNJ position and say that anyone who is stupid enough to be listening to the lush wouldn't be able to pour pee out of their shoe if the instructions were written on the sole.

And Ed lied by not quoting Rush entirely. Rush said he would be leaving. RIGHT IN THE TRANSCRIPT. Rush never told anyone to stay in their homes you fool.

Man oh man how many lies can you left wingers crank out in a day?
Actually he said he would be leaving to do his Monday show, but the coward left on Thursday, running out on his Friday show even though he knew the Irma would not hit Palm Beach until Sunday.
He doesn't lie.

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