Ivermectin eliminated 97% of COVID-19 cases in Delhi

When SUCCESSFUL use of therapeutics are lampooned so that BIG PHARMA can have windfall profits, we are living in a corporate fascist state.

This isn't Politics, it's health care, and it's also in India. Put threads where they belong.
yeah. as listed in the science article.

"Martin Landray of the University of Oxford, who is co-leading the world's largest study of various COVID-19 treatments, says remdesivir "definitely doesn't work in the sickest patients where the biggest gains would be" but might help people at earlier stages of disease. Further complicating the matter, most people infected with SARS-CoV-2 recover without any intervention. "The argument that the earlier you use it the better is great until you realize what the implications of that are: You won't save many lives, and you'll have to treat a lot of patients," Landray says. "It's very inconvenient, and it'll cost you a fortune.""
To be clear, these are valid criticisms. Yes, right about poor efficacy when you wait until it's severe. Not zero efficacy, but not great.

The paper I linked targets high risk populations. I dare say it's cheaper than the monoclonal antibodies.
We have a long standing processes for approving drugs for mass distribution and in emergency situations. There are procedures and tests and criteria that need to meet standards. This was not the president making a call on a whim. There is science and process behind it. You need to lay of the propaganda for a spell.
Ivermectin has been given out to Billion plus Humans. Save and effective.

Why are you Murderung Americans with your Lies?
Ivermectin has been given out to Billion plus Humans. Save and effective.

Why are you Murderung Americans with your Lies?
No shit… doesn’t make it a cure for COViD. What do you think I’m lying about?! Haha
To be clear, these are valid criticisms. Yes, right about poor efficacy when you wait until it's severe. Not zero efficacy, but not great.

The paper I linked targets high risk populations. I dare say it's cheaper than the monoclonal antibodies.
if the conclusions of your paper are valid, it will be shown in other trials as well. this: Funded by Gilead Sciences makes it at least a bit less independent.
if the conclusions of your paper are valid, it will be shown in other trials as well. this: Funded by Gilead Sciences makes it at least a bit less independent.
I have no problem with that.
Ivermectin is an anti parasitic. Covid is a respiratory virus. Anybody claiming it is only for horse deworming is spitting propaganda and anybody claiming that it is a proven cure for covid is spitting propaganda. Two peas… same pod.
Oh stop it...
Hydrochroloquine, ivermectin, and a series of zinc, vitamin b, and others. But there is no money in those.
None of those are cures. The vitamins are being pushed by pretty much any doctor and gov agency that gives recommendations. Hydro and Iver need to be prescribed by doctors on a case by case basis but are nowhere near universal remedies. It would be irresponsible and dangerous to present them as such
None of those are cures. The vitamins are being pushed by pretty much any doctor and gov agency that gives recommendations. Hydro and Iver need to be prescribed by doctors on a case by case basis but are nowhere near universal remedies. It would be irresponsible and dangerous to present them as such
Yes ivermectin you have to get a prescription, because they base the dose by your weight and other reasons and you have to start taking it a few days after you get it. But everyone that has taken it say the symptoms are usually gone in a day or two after taking it.
Yes ivermectin you have to get a prescription, because they base the dose by your weight and other reasons and you have to start taking it a few days after you get it. But everyone that has taken it say the symptoms are usually gone in a day or two after taking it.
Thats pretty crazy, cause I just got through it and a few days after I caught it I started taking halls throat lozenges for my soar throat... Guess what... my symptoms were gone a day or two after that. It's unbelievable... I think I found the real cure... time to deck the HALLS!!!!
Thats pretty crazy, cause I just got through it and a few days after I caught it I started taking halls throat lozenges for my soar throat... Guess what... my symptoms were gone a day or two after that. It's unbelievable... I think I found the real cure... time to deck the HALLS!!!!
Lol, I think I had it a few weeks ago. I was around someone who got it and I felt like crap for three days. I took benadryl and dayquil and I was fine. Just letting the people who thinks if your not vaccinated your gonna die. Know there are alternatives. I'm not that worried about it and I'm unvaccinated.
None of those are cures. The vitamins are being pushed by pretty much any doctor and gov agency that gives recommendations. Hydro and Iver need to be prescribed by doctors on a case by case basis but are nowhere near universal remedies. It would be irresponsible and dangerous to present them as such
Why do you continue to spout Lies? Your LIES kill Americans?
Lol, I think I had it a few weeks ago. I was around someone who got it and I felt like crap for three days. I took benadryl and dayquil and I was fine. Just letting the people who thinks if your not vaccinated your gonna die. Know there are alternatives. I'm not that worried about it and I'm unvaccinated.
Personally I’ve never been that worried about it however I worry for my half dozen friends who are completely burnt out from their work in hospitals and dealing with people who think who think this whole thing is a joke. I worry for my mother and pregnant sister…. The strength of the “anti” campaign is what has fueled the paranoia campaigns. It’s unfortunatle but if I have to pick a side I’m always going to take the side of safety and caution for those around me.

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