Ivermectin Wins in Court Again: For Human Rights

People need upper cervical, Spesific only chiropractic. Be carful when you chose. Activator is not an precision upper cervical spesific only adjusting tool. Atlas Orthogonal is. Laney device, is. I saw a large device that is held with two hands. The hands are on two narrow cylinders. I wish I remembered the name. The people in power want money. They don't want is to be healthy. Sick people bring in more money, than healthy people. Those money hungry people put as many bad chiropactic technique's out there as they can, to confuse people, and to make people to be bitter regarding chiropractic. That brings more people to them. The same thing with the many religion thing. That makes hearts to be bitter, too. People snap at anyone, even those that have the truth rejecting them. People remain in the dark. Gonstead, and Diversified pop the neck. ABC, and Core Chiropractic talk themselves up, being bad Chiropractic too. The top bone on the spine will not be properly possitioned beneath the foramen Magnum when the upper back is Compressed. Look on Upper Cervical Health Centers. TheSpesific, NUCCA or Upcspine. wait 4 - 5 days after whiplash, fall or being hit in the head.
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Cool stuff. All you nasty pharma shills and trolls better get in on this thread and bitch about people who will take Ivermectin and HQ over your vaccines and other garbage...

Ivermectin Wins in Court Again: For Human Rights

It is pretty fucking pathetic that someone has to take a damn hospital to court to get the treatment recommended and prescribed that may save their lives. You pathetic asshats should be hung right along side Fauci and his cohorts for pushing their crap.

...Incredibly, these three hospitals and their lawyers fought against the patients, arguing they did not have the right to receive the drug despite a valid prescription written by their doctors. In essence, the argument was that they did not have the right to try a potentially life-saving medication.

In each of the three cases, the New York State Supreme Court Justices sided with the patient, and in each of the three cases, the patients made near-miraculous recoveries after the Ivermectin was given. In each case, these patients were in the Intensive Care Unit on ventilators, unable to breathe on their own, and universally, after the drug was given, they rapidly improved and were able to breathe on their own...

Ivermectin Wins in Court Again: For Human Rights

This is a dangerous precedent that hospitals should be allowed to override a patient’s request for effective treatment and deny use of effective (potentially superior) treatment for personal or family health decisions while hospitalized. I am not referring to snake charmer type of medicines; I am talking strictly about proven meds outside of FDA approval.

A relative of mine died from pancreatic cancer, sadly. During the short-period of time when there was still hope and small chance of survival (stage 4), a superior drug offered by Canadian pharmacies was available. We found it online- not the doctor, not the specialist, and not the hospital. They were not promoting the drug because it was not FDA approved, however, it did not result in several bad side effects that were occurring when using an FDA approved similar drug. We were able to request that the FDA drug be discontinued and replaced with the better one.

In hindsight, it was a middle of the road move and eliminated tremors caused by FDA crap med, but was not going to do anything to save a great man’s life. The med switch increased appetite and eliminated tremors.
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They don't want is to be healthy. Sick people bring in more money, than healthy people.
I was so happy that I learned this in time, in premed. I saved myself a lot of time, effort and money when I saw the way "medicine" was going and decided to drop out. No way was I interested in practicing the kind of medicine that was shoved down our throats starting in the late 70's, early 80's.

I met a lot of wonderful doctors whose hearts were broken when they stopped being allowed to practice real medicine.
Funny thing about inexpensive supplements. No one does a study of there effectiveness because our HC system is all about making profits. Hence the powers-that-be can say with certainty that there is no proof of their effectiveness.
Exactly right Gipper. No longer will the majority of the populace believe all statements made by the FDA etc. It’s time that every adult take personal responsibility and do their own legwork for their personal health. For the record, I am not talking about getting rid of doctors for those on the other side who will add words to my statements in their heads. Medical specialists in various areas will be needed at least for the next 20 years.
This is like the old days when ppl uses leeches on the sick, and by happenstance a fraction of ppl recovered on their own but went on and praised the use of leeches on sick people anyway. Entire countries have used Ivermectin in their covid treatment protocols and they all had to quickly abandon it when it simply never worked.

Totally untrue.
First of all, leeches worked largely by hypnosis, that the medical people applying them were reassuring the patients, calming anxieties, and aiding their own healing process.
Ivermectin as NEVER shown to ever be unsuccessful.
Whether it was only 10% effective, there was always some indicators of success.
There was not single study that showed no effect at all or a negative effect.
Ivermectin has ALWAYS worked, but just to varying degrees.
It is no single miracle cure, but neither is anything else.
This is a dangerous precedent that hospitals should be allowed to override a patient’s request for effective treatment and deny use of effective (potentially superior) treatment for personal or family health decisions while hospitalized. I am not referring to snake charmer type of medicines; I am talking strictly about proven meds outside of FDA approval.

A relative of mine died from pancreatic cancer, sadly. During the short-period of time when there was still hope and small chance of survival (stage 4), a superior drug offered by Canadian pharmacies was available. We found it online- not the doctor, not the specialist, and not the hospital. They were not promoting the drug because it was not FDA approved, however, it did not result in several bad side effects that were occurring when using an FDA approved similar drug. We were able to request that the FDA drug be discontinued and replaced with the better one.

In hindsight, it was a middle of the road move and eliminated tremors caused by FDA crap med, but was not going to do anything to save a great man’s life. The med switch increased appetite and eliminated tremors.
Nice that you were able to find something that helped. Too much corruption in FDA and many medical venues now. Its been like that for a long time. If one does get a good doctor that cares for the patient first and foremost one is very blessed. The sorry situation now though is that caring doctor can have their license pulled in a heartbeat if they piss off an establishment type.
Exactly right Gipper. No longer will the majority of the populace believe all statements made by the FDA etc. It’s time that every adult take personal responsibility and do their own legwork for their personal health. For the record, I am not talking about getting rid of doctors for those on the other side who will add words to my statements in their heads. Medical specialists in various areas will be needed at least for the next 20 years.
Agreed, but we pay an enormous sum to fund the FDA and CDC. Their job is to protect the American people, but they don’t. They do the opposite. Hence it’s way past time they be dissolved.

I know. I’m dreaming again.
This is a damning report for Fau Chi’s ego, because it not only shows how the commie virus, SARS-CoV-2 gets roughed up by ivermectin, it destroys his egoist prima donna HIV vaccine dreams: ivermectin’s target for both viruses is alpha-importin, the protein that transports viral machines into the nucleus of the host cell for highjacking:

Oct 2020 India: Ivermectin / Importin
Cool stuff. All you nasty pharma shills and trolls better get in on this thread and bitch about people who will take Ivermectin and HQ over your vaccines and other garbage...

Ivermectin Wins in Court Again: For Human Rights

It is pretty fucking pathetic that someone has to take a damn hospital to court to get the treatment recommended and prescribed that may save their lives. You pathetic asshats should be hung right along side Fauci and his cohorts for pushing their crap.

...Incredibly, these three hospitals and their lawyers fought against the patients, arguing they did not have the right to receive the drug despite a valid prescription written by their doctors. In essence, the argument was that they did not have the right to try a potentially life-saving medication.

In each of the three cases, the New York State Supreme Court Justices sided with the patient, and in each of the three cases, the patients made near-miraculous recoveries after the Ivermectin was given. In each case, these patients were in the Intensive Care Unit on ventilators, unable to breathe on their own, and universally, after the drug was given, they rapidly improved and were able to breathe on their own...

Ivermectin Wins in Court Again: For Human Rights

Rogan just schooled the CNN doctor. It was a hilarious interview. CNN fails again
Fau Chi publishes his senate testimony on 26 Ap 2012, “Balancing Benefits and Risks” which mentions influenza. On 25 Ap 2012, the first copper miner from the Tongguan mine went into the hospital with pneumonia, followed by 4 or 5 other miners on 26 Ap 2012. Five days later, on 1 May 2012, Fau Chi’s HIV-1 vaccine plans are jeopardized by this report, evidence that he would henceforth carry a vendetta against ivermectin:

1 May 2012 Australia: Ivermectin / HIV-1
That's right. Liberals feel so owned when Trump cultists poison themselves with horse dewormer. Really they do.

So, Trump cultists, how's life with lots of spontaneous crapping turning out?

What's that? It's no different than it was before, just with some intestinal lining coming out? Huh. I should have realized that crapping yourselves was already your chosen lifestyle, so this new lifestyle isn't a change.
Wow, what a childish response. All you morons can do is yell “horse dewormer!”
The drug has already been used for hundreds of millions of people for other ailments. Why would we just discard the possibility of a drug because it’s also used for some animals? Most medications we have are tested on mice. Do you run around screaming “rat treatment” for all those drugs?

Countries with very low vaccine rates are defeating WuFlu with Ivermectin, their death rates are down to nothing, while Western countries with high percentages of vaccinated are still getting sick and dying in much higher numbers.

If Western leaders and health organizations were serious about combating this pandemic, they would want to fight it using every avenue possible. But they aren’t, decisions are made by bureaucrats like Fauci and Globo-homo politicians all paid off by Big Pharma. Plus of course the Marxists who want to use vaccines and vaccine passports to control everyone’s lives, and ruin their opponents lives. So the media spews its propaganda and shills like you regurgitate it.
Wow, what a childish response. All you morons can do is yell “horse dewormer!”
The drug has already been used for hundreds of millions of people for other ailments. Why would we just discard the possibility of a drug because it’s also used for some animals? Most medications we have are tested on mice. Do you run around screaming “rat treatment” for all those drugs?

Countries with very low vaccine rates are defeating WuFlu with Ivermectin, their death rates are down to nothing, while Western countries with high percentages of vaccinated are still getting sick and dying in much higher numbers.

If Western leaders and health organizations were serious about combating this pandemic, they would want to fight it using every avenue possible. But they aren’t, decisions are made by bureaucrats like Fauci and Globo-homo politicians all paid off by Big Pharma. Plus of course the Marxists who want to use vaccines and vaccine passports to control everyone’s lives, and ruin their opponents lives. So the media spews its propaganda and shills like you regurgitate it.
Big pharma hit the jackpot when they have the taxpayer footing the bill for the their outrageous poisonous filth.

Started here.

Emergency pandemics will continue since we are all now footing the bill.

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One should not yet dismiss Edward Hooper’s HIV/OPV theory of contamination, because in this example there is a link to Fau’s notable mistake in quoting SARS-CoV-2 mutations (D614G) which is the precise mutation that links to the basis for ebola vaccine from VSV, how VSV inhibits export and how poliovirus inhibits, like ivermectin, nuclear import of viral cargo:

Feb 2005 Miami: Poliovirus / Importin / Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus
’....VSV Matrix (M) protein inhibits mRNA export by forming a complex with mRNA export factor Rae1 whereas poliovirus inhibits nuclear import of proteins.’
One should not yet dismiss Edward Hooper’s HIV/OPV theory of contamination, because in this example there is a link to Fau’s notable mistake in quoting SARS-CoV-2 mutations (D614G) which is the precise mutation that links to the basis for ebola vaccine from VSV, how VSV inhibits export and how poliovirus inhibits, like ivermectin, nuclear import of viral cargo:

Feb 2005 Miami: Poliovirus / Importin / Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus
’....VSV Matrix (M) protein inhibits mRNA export by forming a complex with mRNA export factor Rae1 whereas poliovirus inhibits nuclear import of proteins.’
Notice that the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus was fist detected in rhesus macaques (Macaca cyclopis) and long-tailed or crab-eating cynomolgus macaques (M. fascicularis), recalling that Huanan Seafood Market “Patient Zero” was supposedly a shrimp seller. MPMV causes fatal immunodeficiency in Asian macaques, even though it is not classified with the Lentiviruses that cause human HIV/AIDS.

So returnbing to the early history of SARS-CoV, it was the crab-eating macaque that was first experimentally infected with SARS-CoV:

May 2003 Aetiology: Koch’s Postulates Fulfilled, Nature 423: 240: ‘reproduction of pulmonary lesions in experimentally challenged cynomolgus macaque monkeys, Macaca fascisularisinfectedBesides the macaque model, a ferret and a cat model were also developed.’

Forthcoming, for this popular lab animal M. fascicularis, there were changes in animal trade regulations.
Here we see some of the cover-ups occurring circa 2014 as more monkeys were being imported though less known about the importers, all to China’s favor and with the assistance of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:

2014 U.S. Primate Imports
‘....Due to changes at the USFWS, we suddenly are not being granted access to any information about the identity of foreign exporters when we request this data....businesses like Guangxi Wemei Bio Tech Ltd., Huazhong Laboratory Animal Breeding Center....’

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