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Ivy League School Staff Agree to Rip Up the 'Flawed' US Constitution

Eye contact.

Must have attended very different schools than I. I lecture for me was in an auditorium with 300 of my closest friends. The professor, on the very rare occasions they would honor us with their presence, made eye contact with no one. The teaching assistants, grad students, who actually taught most of the courses were blinded by lights and unlikely to do anything more than try and hit on the girls.

Our class had about 60 folks. And I asked a lot of questions. So I got a little more of the professor's time and attention. Plus, after class we'd debate issues while I ate lunch. So he definitely knew my name.

Who is the 'they' in that sentence?

The people, the favorite farcical euphemism of the left. What is it that you have hope that the people learn to do? Is it not that they learn to obey our rulers without question and submit to government authority?

At Yale? It would depend on the major of a given student I suppose.

And what makes you think its the school that makes them 'foul beasts'. And not their upbringing?

The schools are the training grounds of the pampered elite. [/quote]

To what extent? Upbringing would be far more influential than any given college. As would life after school.

The degree of causation you're inferring seems......grossly exaggerated. And far too singular.
'shouldn't exist in a free society' sound pretty 'prohibitty' to me.

If you're going to use quotes, have the integrity to accurately state what was posted.

What I said was

they have no legitimate place in a free society and should be shunned.

You do grasp what "shunned" means, yes?

And are you sure about the 'creating'? As you're inferring a degree of singular causation that I'm not sure you can factually support.

Yes, it appears that a ruling elite guides and molds successive generations of aristocracy to rule over what once was a free republic.
'shouldn't exist in a free society' sound pretty 'prohibitty' to me.

If you're going to use quotes, have the integrity to accurately state what was posted.

What I said was

they have no legitimate place in a free society and should be shunned.

You do grasp what "shunned" means, yes?

And are you sure about the 'creating'? As you're inferring a degree of singular causation that I'm not sure you can factually support.

Yes, it appears that a ruling elite guides and molds successive generations of aristocracy to rule over what once was a free republic.

But you're inferring that its a school that teaches them this. It seems far more likely that such an 'aristocracy' would be taught by their parents.
No questions. This comes from Politicus USA real liberal politics. That answers all questions.
They are in fact reporting on a poll ...they were not the one who did the poll ...
Look carefully:
57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make ...
Feb 25, 2015 -A PPP poll found that 57 percent of Republicans want to dismantle the Constitution ..

It really doesn't matter. The poll is invalid by its nature: It doesn't confirm what they want to believe. Only polls that do are valid.
'shouldn't exist in a free society' sound pretty 'prohibitty' to me.

If you're going to use quotes, have the integrity to accurately state what was posted.

What I said was

they have no legitimate place in a free society and should be shunned.

You do grasp what "shunned" means, yes?

And are you sure about the 'creating'? As you're inferring a degree of singular causation that I'm not sure you can factually support.

Yes, it appears that a ruling elite guides and molds successive generations of aristocracy to rule over what once was a free republic.

But you're inferring that its a school that teaches them this. It seems far more likely that such an 'aristocracy' would be taught by their parents.

Well, they're young with no real life experience, idealistic and easily and willingly manipulated by propaganda.

Many people these days imagine themselves an "activist" and an amateur lawyer, parsing and bandying words and redefining terms in order to "justify" their outrage(!)
It really doesn't matter. The poll is invalid by its nature: It doesn't confirm what they want to believe. Only polls that do are valid.

Last edited:
No questions. This comes from Politicus USA real liberal politics. That answers all questions.
They are in fact reporting on a poll ...they were not the one who did the poll ...
Look carefully:
57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make ...
Feb 25, 2015 -A PPP poll found that 57 percent of Republicans want to dismantle the Constitution ..
PPP refers to Public Policy Polling an agency out of North Carolina. I looked up this poll. It is referenced in two liberal websites. PPP doesn't mention it at all.
It really doesn't matter. The poll is invalid by its nature: It doesn't confirm what they want to believe. Only polls that do are valid.

and let me take a wild ass guess here and say I bet its you that gets to decide what poll are valid and what polls are not is that right ?:fu:

You're misunderstanding my post. The folks you're trying to convince are veritable avatars to confirmation bias. They assess validity of any source, including any poll, with its adherence to what they already believe.

Any source that affirms what they believe is valid. Regardless of how tenuous or unqualified it is.

Any source that contradicts what they believe is invalid. Regardless of how well researched or factually based.

You can't use evidence to convince people that use agreement with what they already believe as their sole source of validity.
No questions. This comes from Politicus USA real liberal politics. That answers all questions.
They are in fact reporting on a poll ...they were not the one who did the poll ...
Look carefully:
57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make ...
Feb 25, 2015 -A PPP poll found that 57 percent of Republicans want to dismantle the Constitution ..
PPP refers to Public Policy Polling an agency out of North Carolina. I looked up this poll. It is referenced in two liberal websites. PPP doesn't mention it at all.

So when you said you 'looked up this poll', you mean you followed the link in source article.....


To PPP's website?

I don't think 'doesn't mention it at all' means what you think it means.
Shouldn't there be choices among our universities or challenges to our parent's values? The state puts on public education and I think these schools should trim bullshit subjects back, leaving that for Yale and spoiled brats.

If the left is hell-bent on an education free-for-all at employers' expense, this should be for pragmatic coursework for which employers have expressed demand.

I dont mind letting faculty challenge their students *if* they would allow an open balanced forum and they do not. It was bad back when I took my freshman level courses and I am sure it is far worse now.
You got me curious
Engineers make more dough on the road, anyhow. I'm biased, but, although I don't use my degree, engineering is the best foundation one can have. It's a way of thinking that I wish our political class used.

Currently an engineering job pays well, if you can get one despite the 500k plus H1-Bs that are either allowed in or renewed and then compete with youat much lower salaries.

After the TPP is passed, L1 visas will be unlimited and at their back-home pay scales, as I said already.

How are American engineers supposed to compete with that, make enough for retirement, etc? It is a sure fire prescription for a socialist revolution.
You got me curious about those L1 visas. L-1 Visa. I was on a travel visa and something like these L1s a few years ago, abroad. They got a proper work visa for me eventually. This is a way of smuggling staff into the country, for sure. I understood they were expensive in the UK. I think most engineers will come on an H1B, but they opened the floodgates on those with this same policy.

Tit for tat would mean that China and Japan are going to grab their ankles for our entrepreneurs, too.

Lemme guess Obama didn't close a deal like that.

They sound like the visas Koreans and Bangladeshis use to buy liquor stores and import family. Best Westerns.
Engineers make more dough on the road, anyhow. I'm biased, but, although I don't use my degree, engineering is the best foundation one can have. It's a way of thinking that I wish our political class used.

Currently an engineering job pays well, if you can get one despite the 500k plus H1-Bs that are either allowed in or renewed and then compete with youat much lower salaries.

After the TPP is passed, L1 visas will be unlimited and at their back-home pay scales, as I said already.

How are American engineers supposed to compete with that, make enough for retirement, etc? It is a sure fire prescription for a socialist revolution.
I know so little about this TPP or these visas. My last knowledge of the engineering field was that there weren't enough Americans getting involved. So many of my classmates were foreign in the first place.

The redeeming factor is naturalization and an open mind about what an American accent sounds like, I guess.

I evangelize engineering when I can; I might be strapping these kids to the Titanic deck.

TPP Trade Deal Hits U.S. Immigration law in 'A Massive Way'

"She explained that both of those visa categories (L1) are unlimited numerically, so technically TPP is not changing U.S. immigration law by increasing the number of visas issued because it doesn’t have to, since there is no quota on those particular visas. However, she said because of the TPP, she believes the U.S. will be issuing more L1 and tourist visas.

Jenks pointed to Chapter 10, which says that any service provider – for example, a telephone service or a contract security service or engineers, or legal services or architects or any company that is providing a service as opposed to a product – can enter into a country that is part of the TPP and provide that service.

With TPP, service providing companies from Australia, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia…all of the other partner countries, can come into the United States and perform the service that they perform in their own country and essentially compete with and undermine the people in the United States and the companies in the United States that are already providing that service here.

Additionally, Chapter 10 specifically states that no country in the TPP can set a limit to the number of service providers for any particular service. For example, the U.S. or Japan can’t say that there may only be 25 telephone service providers in the United States under this agreement. Jenks adds:

The United States did not agree to specifically modify our immigration laws under Chapter 12 of TPP. There are some impacts in Chapter 12, but we did not make any specific changes to our immigration laws; however, Chapter 10 is a massive impact on our economy through immigration because it means that not only foreign companies will be coming to the United States to compete with American companies, but those foreign companies can send in their foreign employees – they don’t have to hire Americans. They don’t have to pay American wages. They are sending their own employees to the United States to provide a service and compete with American workers and American companies that are already providing that service, so you’re going to displace American workers from jobs and you’re going to undercut wages by increasing the supply of services.

However, Jenks said there is one area of dispute that subjects U.S. immigration law to ridicule, questioning and interpretation by an outside tribunal.

She explained that if one country in the TPP believes the U.S. isn’t admitting enough of that country’s workers or corporate workers, then that country can go to a committee set out in the agreement and say “hey, the U.S. isn’t giving us our full benefit under TPP, so we want to bring them into a dispute resolution.”

Jenks said there is “no obligation on the United States to change its immigration laws except for what is decided under this chapter under the committee and under the dispute resolution.”

Under U.S. immigration law, if someone applies and is denied a visa, there is no appeal or dispute resolution process – that is different under the TPP, as there is an appeal process if a partner country under the TPP believes it has been denied two or more visas inappropriately. Hypothetically, in that situation, that country could challenge U.S. immigration law under the dispute resolution, Chapter 28 in the TPP.

“The tribunals that are set up are going to determine how it interprets the language of this TPP and how it should be applied,” Jenks told Breitbart News after reviewing the dispute resolution chapter. “So, whatever the U.S. thinks it signed on to may or may not be the case” because of this process."

American workers are about to get totally screwed and it is being done by a Democrat President with an Open Borders fanatic GOP Congress.
Shouldn't there be choices among our universities or challenges to our parent's values? The state puts on public education and I think these schools should trim bullshit subjects back, leaving that for Yale and spoiled brats.

If the left is hell-bent on an education free-for-all at employers' expense, this should be for pragmatic coursework for which employers have expressed demand.

I dont mind letting faculty challenge their students *if* they would allow an open balanced forum and they do not. It was bad back when I took my freshman level courses and I am sure it is far worse now.
You got me curious
Engineers make more dough on the road, anyhow. I'm biased, but, although I don't use my degree, engineering is the best foundation one can have. It's a way of thinking that I wish our political class used.

Currently an engineering job pays well, if you can get one despite the 500k plus H1-Bs that are either allowed in or renewed and then compete with youat much lower salaries.

After the TPP is passed, L1 visas will be unlimited and at their back-home pay scales, as I said already.

How are American engineers supposed to compete with that, make enough for retirement, etc? It is a sure fire prescription for a socialist revolution.
You got me curious about those L1 visas. L-1 Visa. I was on a travel visa and something like these L1s a few years ago, abroad. They got a proper work visa for me eventually. This is a way of smuggling staff into the country, for sure. I understood they were expensive in the UK. I think most engineers will come on an H1B, but they opened the floodgates on those with this same policy.

Tit for tat would mean that China and Japan are going to grab their ankles for our entrepreneurs, too.

Lemme guess Obama didn't close a deal like that.

They sound like the visas Koreans and Bangladeshis use to buy liquor stores and import family. Best Westerns.

Great post, and for an answer see post #54
Engineers make more dough on the road, anyhow. I'm biased, but, although I don't use my degree, engineering is the best foundation one can have. It's a way of thinking that I wish our political class used.

Currently an engineering job pays well, if you can get one despite the 500k plus H1-Bs that are either allowed in or renewed and then compete with youat much lower salaries.

After the TPP is passed, L1 visas will be unlimited and at their back-home pay scales, as I said already.

How are American engineers supposed to compete with that, make enough for retirement, etc? It is a sure fire prescription for a socialist revolution.
I know so little about this TPP or these visas. My last knowledge of the engineering field was that there weren't enough Americans getting involved. So many of my classmates were foreign in the first place.

The redeeming factor is naturalization and an open mind about what an American accent sounds like, I guess.

I evangelize engineering when I can; I might be strapping these kids to the Titanic deck.

TPP Trade Deal Hits U.S. Immigration law in 'A Massive Way'

"She explained that both of those visa categories (L1) are unlimited numerically, so technically TPP is not changing U.S. immigration law by increasing the number of visas issued because it doesn’t have to, since there is no quota on those particular visas. However, she said because of the TPP, she believes the U.S. will be issuing more L1 and tourist visas.

Jenks pointed to Chapter 10, which says that any service provider – for example, a telephone service or a contract security service or engineers, or legal services or architects or any company that is providing a service as opposed to a product – can enter into a country that is part of the TPP and provide that service.

With TPP, service providing companies from Australia, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia…all of the other partner countries, can come into the United States and perform the service that they perform in their own country and essentially compete with and undermine the people in the United States and the companies in the United States that are already providing that service here.

Additionally, Chapter 10 specifically states that no country in the TPP can set a limit to the number of service providers for any particular service. For example, the U.S. or Japan can’t say that there may only be 25 telephone service providers in the United States under this agreement. Jenks adds:

The United States did not agree to specifically modify our immigration laws under Chapter 12 of TPP. There are some impacts in Chapter 12, but we did not make any specific changes to our immigration laws; however, Chapter 10 is a massive impact on our economy through immigration because it means that not only foreign companies will be coming to the United States to compete with American companies, but those foreign companies can send in their foreign employees – they don’t have to hire Americans. They don’t have to pay American wages. They are sending their own employees to the United States to provide a service and compete with American workers and American companies that are already providing that service, so you’re going to displace American workers from jobs and you’re going to undercut wages by increasing the supply of services.

However, Jenks said there is one area of dispute that subjects U.S. immigration law to ridicule, questioning and interpretation by an outside tribunal.

She explained that if one country in the TPP believes the U.S. isn’t admitting enough of that country’s workers or corporate workers, then that country can go to a committee set out in the agreement and say “hey, the U.S. isn’t giving us our full benefit under TPP, so we want to bring them into a dispute resolution.”

Jenks said there is “no obligation on the United States to change its immigration laws except for what is decided under this chapter under the committee and under the dispute resolution.”

Under U.S. immigration law, if someone applies and is denied a visa, there is no appeal or dispute resolution process – that is different under the TPP, as there is an appeal process if a partner country under the TPP believes it has been denied two or more visas inappropriately. Hypothetically, in that situation, that country could challenge U.S. immigration law under the dispute resolution, Chapter 28 in the TPP.

“The tribunals that are set up are going to determine how it interprets the language of this TPP and how it should be applied,” Jenks told Breitbart News after reviewing the dispute resolution chapter. “So, whatever the U.S. thinks it signed on to may or may not be the case” because of this process."

American workers are about to get totally screwed and it is being done by a Democrat President with an Open Borders fanatic GOP Congress.
I know this is a brief, but I say the US kicks ass in Asia with this service provider thing. In the oil biz or shit biz we have some big guns and we can show up with Citibank to fund your sewer. China signed or is supposed to so Obama's probably going to crack jokes about me at a press conference. The next president will have to make sure they've got both hands cuffed to their ankles, though.

We have to defend our own turf with a deal like this. It would be a sad if we're rolling out Sander's soup kitchen policy domestically and Koreans are fracking our countryside.
I don't believe china signed this deal. Actually I think this deal was pushed through to isolate China and give the us a stronger position in Asian trade.
They should be very careful what they wish for...the Constitution is what keeps them safe.
57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make ...
Feb 25, 2015 -A PPP poll found that 57 percent of Republicans want to dismantle the Constitution ... turning the United States into a Christian theocracy.

any questions ???
Sure. How is it relevant?
There are only 2 ways to change the Constitution.
Constitutional Convention or revolution.
Its relevant because its RWNJ who want to change the Constitutions...
Oh yeah./..Let's get on that right away..
BTW genius there have been a total of twenty seven"changes' to the US Constitution. These are referred to as "Amendments".....
You're easier than that $5 hooker you frequent
I don't believe china signed this deal. Actually I think this deal was pushed through to isolate China and give the us a stronger position in Asian trade.
I have read that China was asked to not sign so they could get the agreement passed, but will join when it is US law.

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