Ivy League Universities Received $41.6B in Taxpayer Money Over 6 Years

How much did Israel get over the last 6 years?

Enough to ensure WE get their military technology rather than them selling it on the open market. Enough to ensure there is at least one democratic ally in that region that would stand with us against those that are trying to eradicate us (since they want to do the same to the Jews).
Who said anything of the sort? Just curious why Harvard, Yale, etc., need billions of taxpayer $$.
To fund research projects

Then up the tuition.
Tuitions are already ridiculously high. Do you really think passing the costs into the students is the right call?

If they were truly research grants for medical, biomedical, etc. I'd have no issues.
I agree with you there, so why not call for better requirements and accountability of how the funds are used? Passing the buck to increase tuition doesn't make sense and won't help the situation at all.

Well, if it were exclusively that other nonsense... let the kids eat it. Like I said, the other stuff that could truly benefit mankind, no problem.
The educated are the enemy.

Who said anything of the sort? Just curious why Harvard, Yale, etc., need billions of taxpayer $$.
To fund research projects

Federal funds come with compliance requirements. Violently supressing free speech should cause a freeze on funds until universities get their students under control.

If university funds were on the line, you can be sure administrations will crack down on professors instigating or encouraging these riots.

Also, if you don't want the American flag there or American military recruiters, you shouldn't want American taxpayer money either!
I got no issues with the flag being anywhere in the US. But it's rather rediculous to require it or strip funding from schools that choose not to fly it.
How much did Israel get over the last 6 years?

Enough to ensure WE get their military technology rather than them selling it on the open market. Enough to ensure there is at least one democratic ally in that region that would stand with us against those that are trying to eradicate us (since they want to do the same to the Jews).

I agree with you. People bitch about aid to Israel, but the money is well spent
To fund research projects

Then up the tuition.
Tuitions are already ridiculously high. Do you really think passing the costs into the students is the right call?

If they were truly research grants for medical, biomedical, etc. I'd have no issues.
I agree with you there, so why not call for better requirements and accountability of how the funds are used? Passing the buck to increase tuition doesn't make sense and won't help the situation at all.

Well, if it were exclusively that other nonsense... let the kids eat it. Like I said, the other stuff that could truly benefit mankind, no problem.
So I guess since it's congress that appropriates the funds it is on them to budget responsibly and make sure the funds are put to the best possible use. Glad we got that figured out

Our leadership in the world makes it well worth it! Conservatives are going to find out a lot of stuff that helps America lead the world that the federal government does...Like the majority of highway funding....lol
How much did Israel get over the last 6 years?

Do you like ham sandwiches?
I literally just ate one. Chewing on my last bite as I type.

Turkey is better than, but who gives a fuck. My point was there are a lot of people complaining about Israel receiving aid but apparently these universities are getting much more
Two separate issues. One involving education and the other foreign policy and national security. Both are important
Ivy League Universities took political sides years ago, time to reciprocate and pull all public money from them.

Study: Ivy League Universities Received $41.59 Billion in Taxpayer Funded Payments and Benefits Over Six Years.
I'll quote a pertinent comment from the article:

They are funded to do ground breaking research. To cure diseases and synthesize new medications that will replace opioids and end the current opioid crisis by making that entire category of medications unnecessary. They are funded for research that discovers or sometimes resolves public health crises. Their endowments support their staff expenses. Their staffs are composed of tens of thousands of working class Americans just like you and I who support their families and provide them benefits courtesy...
How much did Israel get over the last 6 years?

Do you like ham sandwiches?
I literally just ate one. Chewing on my last bite as I type.

Turkey is better than, but who gives a fuck. My point was there are a lot of people complaining about Israel receiving aid but apparently these universities are getting much more
Two separate issues. One involving education and the other foreign policy and national security. Both are important

It may be two separate issues, but the fact that these universities get so much highlights the fact that the amount of money Israel gets is minuscule compared to the money the US government throws around.
How much did Israel get over the last 6 years?

Do you like ham sandwiches?
I literally just ate one. Chewing on my last bite as I type.

Turkey is better than, but who gives a fuck. My point was there are a lot of people complaining about Israel receiving aid but apparently these universities are getting much more
Two separate issues. One involving education and the other foreign policy and national security. Both are important

It may be two separate issues, but the fact that these universities get so much highlights the fact that the amount of money Israel gets is minuscule compared to the money the US government throws around.
Makes sense that we would invest more into our countries education and technological development than on foreign aid to one country. Especially considering the facts that education has a direct effect on employment and our economy and we also spend the majority of our money on the military which is in the same league as foreign relations/aid/national security.
The educated are the enemy.

Who said anything of the sort? Just curious why Harvard, Yale, etc., need billions of taxpayer $$.
Why did N Korea need US taxpayer funding to purchase nuclear reactors from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of, a mere two years before we placed them on an axis of evil list. Why are we arming and training ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria. Why are we supplying cluster bombs to the Saudis which have a 90% collateral casualty record for their use in Yemen. Why do US taxpayers subsidize war profiteers and ex-US general infested military contractor corporations to the tune of trillions. Why does someone feel an educated population is a threat.
How much did Israel get over the last 6 years?
Enough for all this:

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
The educated are the enemy.

Who said anything of the sort? Just curious why Harvard, Yale, etc., need billions of taxpayer $$.
To fund research projects

Federal funds come with compliance requirements. Violently supressing free speech should cause a freeze on funds until universities get their students under control.

If university funds were on the line, you can be sure administrations will crack down on professors instigating or encouraging these riots.
The compliance requirements should all force them into Bob Jones, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson indoctrination camps.
The educated are the enemy.

Who said anything of the sort? Just curious why Harvard, Yale, etc., need billions of taxpayer $$.
To fund research projects

Federal funds come with compliance requirements. Violently supressing free speech should cause a freeze on funds until universities get their students under control.

If university funds were on the line, you can be sure administrations will crack down on professors instigating or encouraging these riots.

Also, if you don't want the American flag there or American military recruiters, you shouldn't want American taxpayer money either!
I got no issues with the flag being anywhere in the US. But it's rather rediculous to require it or strip funding from schools that choose not to fly it.

Aren't we the PC crybaby . Oh the irony .
The educated are the enemy.

Who said anything of the sort? Just curious why Harvard, Yale, etc., need billions of taxpayer $$.
To fund research projects

Then up the tuition.
Tuitions are already ridiculously high. Do you really think passing the costs into the students is the right call?

If they were truly research grants for medical, biomedical, etc. I'd have no issues.

Most of them are.
Given that Ivy League graduates make about 250 grand a year on average, and pay plenty of taxes on that income,
the return on a few student aid bucks seems rather good.
Given that Ivy League graduates make about 250 grand a year on average, and pay plenty of taxes on that income,
the return on a few student aid bucks seems rather good.
Well yeah, we used to invest in society, take the GI Bill for example, which was basically affirmative action for whites. Turns out we got a lot of societal mileage out of that. But that was then and this is now, we don’t invest in society anymore. We as a society invest in war and empire while the substantial people extract societal wealth.
In the scheme of spending by a government that spends over three trillion dollars a year, this is what someone thinks is worth griping about?


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