(J)ames 4:17

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019
(J)ames 4:17 "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."

Rodrigo de Valer was a resident of Seville, being born in Lebrija. As a youth he lived a wicked, ungodly life. But after a long time of anguish and repentance for his past sins, he came to Christ and chose to serve him zealously.

This consisted of him daily traveling through the streets of Seville disputing and debating with the priests and clergy, blaming them for the cause of all the corruption in the church and rebuking them, calling them, “Scribes” and “Pharisees,” whom he claimed were entirely given over to “superstition” and “idolatry.”

At first the priests ignored him thinking him only to be crazy and a fool. But the more he persisted the more violent they become, demanding of him, just as the religious leaders did of Jesus in his day, “Who gave you the authority to talk about us like that?

Rodrigo answered back, “My authority is from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit of God!

As can be expected, Rodrigo eventually was called before the Spanish Inquisitors where he courageously spoke of the true Church, justification by faith, and other such things. The priests chose to let him go, but only after taking away all his earthly belongings, leaving him on the street, penniless. Still he persisted, and was later imprisoned in a religious jail, where he died of sickness around the year 1550, the victim of an intolerant religious organization.


I cursed God today. Out on the streets, as a man walking by mocked me, feigning to have compassion upon me, I cursed God. 'F You God'. If you're going to continue sending these 'feigners' of Yours, screw You!... That was what I was trying to say. Those that walked by acting coy were like the 'sent ones' of Him. Whether or not HE, God, was the One who sent such 'actors' of mercy and Love, I'm not sure... but whoever did, yup... not nice to feign care to any who actually are being killed for the feigning of such..
Matthew 4:17 "(J)esus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."

(J)ames 4:17 "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."

the problem is NOT when persons tempt, or test or even mock The LORD or God or even Christ Messiah. The problem arises when they are given 'fuel' and even 'momentum' and 'Authority', to have such 'way(s)' appear to be 'defended' by The Heavenly Kingdom and by God's Kingdom.

With such a way, there usually needs to be a 'victim'; the 'black' sheep to use as a 'reason' ....

Let us say that the discussion of monies came up and one side argued that monies in large amounts was not really necessary. The other side disagreed and said that such ways would be counter to personal capitalism. These two groups may have left out the other 70 percent or so of the entire world who live with less than and off of 10 dollars per day. Where is those 70 percents' voices in this monetary discussion?

7.6 billion +

70% of 7.6 billion +


5.32 billion +

that live with or with less than 10 dollars per day.

It's not MANDATORY that everyone take a pay cut to be more conscientious but it also is not MANDATORY that others need to be censored.
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At first the priests ignored him thinking him only to be crazy and a fool. But the more he persisted the more violent they become, demanding of him, just as the religious leaders did of Jesus in his day, “Who gave you the authority to talk about us like that?

Rodrigo answered back, “My authority is from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit of God!

Did The Holy Spirit of God agree though? Or was Mr. Rodrigo de Valer only tying to make publicity?

What was Mr. de Valer saying that was contrary to what was being 'taught' as a way or The Way to 'Salvation'; hence 'sanctification'?

Martin Luther defended sola Scriptura and the heart of each man...

Sola scriptura is a formal principle of many Protestant Christian denominations, and one of the five solae. It was a foundational doctrinal principle of the Protestant Reformation held by many of the Reformers, who taught that authentication of scripture is governed by the discernible excellence of the text as well as the personal witness of the Holy Spirit to the heart of each man.

Sola scriptura - Wikipedia

However, where in The Holy Bible does it ever say that The Holy Spirit is different for each man's personal needs and viewpoints rather than the Oneness of The Truth pertaining to The Man, Christ Messiah; The Only Begotten Son of The LORD of Whom God even declared to Be The Messiah... not in personal ideas or opinions.. not to any's hopes or interpretations.. but To The Truth of Who They knew and Know Him to Be.

Ideas such as these, that The Holy Spirit, Who Being in The Kingdom of Heaven with The Father and with The Word agree and Is as 1, only causes more of 'social' venues for different types of persons' needs rather than of Who and What They Truly Are. They are not a university handbook to peruse and see which 'classes' or courses one might be interested in. They Are Living Persons just like any Parent to their Own home would have his or her OWN ways to run his or her house.

I really can't think to walk into another's home and see which parts of that 'home' I enjoy and which parts I do not... The same applying if I travel abroad to another country who offers hospitality..

* I like that color.. but not that on that wall... this chair is a bit too drab... the china settings... well... let's see.. oh.. nice throw rug... etc...

When I was a child and a person such as this came into the home, I fussed and hollered worse than a sailor off ship in the wrong port... But supposedly when I got older, I became less?

Now whenever a person like this comes into the home, I holler and fuss like a sailor off ship in the correct port needing to protect home value and personal 'goods'.

Not EVERYTHING done as a child is childish, you know...

So why not, as an adult, NOT teach if not wanting to teach correctly or if not wanting to 'learn' additional material to what was already/personally learned?

(J)ames 3:1 "My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation."

my brothers in Christ, try not to become many 'teachers'.. especially seeing that we are all together as brothers in Christ already... One or two should suffice and with brotherly love included. Because it has been shown that when brothers in Christ seek their own, as did Korah in the Wilderness when confronting Moses about the leadership role he was entrusted with, many have received the greater condemnation.

Yet Korah, a 1st cousin of Moses, did not find it disrespectful to do so..

Strange though.. Because when Moses was called to lead Y'srael out of Egypt with the help of Aaron, Korah being among those that were still in Egypt enslaved, found the courage to 'rebel' against a person whom he really never knew; seeing that Moses was raised in Pharaoh's courts and not among the other 'Hebrews'.
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When King David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then had her husband, Uriah, sent into the battle ground where he was sure to be severely wounded, The LORD sent the Prophet Nathan to him.

After the conversation, when King David received of his 'punishment(s)', he at least was in knowledge of why he was being visited with 'punishment'. So in a way, it was easier to accept the punishment than if King David had not known. And as with Korah in the wilderness also.. But what of those times when there was no 'reason' given?

Or some off beaten reason.. Such as some 'spirit' of the 'deceased' told me this or that?
Rodrigo answered back, “My authority is from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit of God!

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis on the door of All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Germany in protest to the Roman Catholic doctrine of indulgences, which is nothing short of selling licenses to sin. His actions led to what many now call the “Protestant Reformation,” in which hundreds of thousands of Catholics sought to stamp out the corruption within their church. Some remained Romanists, while others separated themselves completely from the Catholic Church, and became known as Protestants.


King Alfonso X of Castile (1221-1284) commissioned the earliest known translation of the scriptures into the Spanish tongue, with an entire Old Testament produced in 1240 A.D. This version today is known as La Biblia Alfonsina or The Alfonsine Bible.

List of Spanish translations [8]
  • Biblia Alfonsina, 1280.
  • Biblia del Duque de Alba, 1430.
  • Antiguo Testamento del rabino Salomón, 1420.
  • Antiguo Testamento de traductor anónimo, 1420.
  • Nuevo Testamento de Francisco de Enzinas, 1543.
  • Ferrara Bible, 1553.
  • Nuevo Testamento de Juan Pérez de Pineda, 1556.
  • Reina o "Biblia del Oso" (RV), 1569, revised in 1602 by Cipriano de Valera (see Reina-Valera).
  • Biblia del padre Scío de San Miguel, 1793.
  • Valera1865, Valera 1602 reprinted by the America Bible Society, revised by Dr. Ángel de Mora, 1865.
  • Versión Moderna, 1893.
  • Biblia de Petisco y Torres Amat (1º TomoGenesis to Ruth), 5º TomoIsaiah to Ezekiel, 1825.
  • Nuevo Testamento versión hispanoamericana, 1916.
  • Biblia Nácar-Colunga, 1944.
  • Biblia Bóver-Cantera, 1947.
  • Nuevo Testamento de monseñor Straubinger, 1948.
  • Biblia de Jerusalén, 1966. Translation from French.
  • Biblia traducción del Nuevo Mundo, 1967. Translation from English.
  • Biblia de Editorial Labor, 1968.
  • Biblia Latinoamericana, elsewhere called "Biblia edición pastoral para Latinoamérica", 1972.
  • La Biblia de editorial Herder, 1975.
  • Nueva Biblia Española, 1976.
  • Sagrada Biblia de Magaña. 1978
  • Biblia Interconfesional, 1978.
  • Dios Habla Hoy o Versión Popular (DHH), 1979.
  • La Biblia al Día, 1979.
  • Biblia el libro del pueblo de Dios, 1980.
  • Biblia de la Universidad de Navarra, 1983-2004.
  • La Biblia de las Américas (LBLA), published by the Lockman Foundation, 1986, 1995, 1997.
  • Biblia, versión revisada por un equipo de traductores dirigido por Evaristo Martín Nieto. 1989.
  • Reina-Valera Actualizada (RVA), published by the Editorial Mundo Hispano, 1989.
  • Biblia Casa de la Biblia, 1992.
  • Biblia del Peregrino, 1993.
  • Nuevo Testamento versión Recobro, 1994.
  • Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI), 1999.
  • Nuevo Testamento traducción de Pedro Ortiz, 2000.
  • Nuevo Testamento la Palabra de Dios para Todos (PDT), 2000.
  • VALERA1865, revised by Dr. Ángel de Mora, 1865, reprinted by the Valera Bible Society, 2000.
  • Traducción en lenguaje actual (TLA), 2003.
  • Traducción del Nuevo Mundo de las Escrituras Griegas Cristianas, 1963. Based on English/Original Text.[9] Published by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
  • Traducción del Nuevo Mundo de las Santas Escrituras, 1987. Based on English/Original Text.[9] Published by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
  • La Biblia. Traducción del Nuevo Mundo, 2019. Based on English/Original Text.[10] Published by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
  • Reina Valera Gómez 2004 Publicada por Iglesia Bautista Libertad.
  • Biblia la Palabra de Dios para Todos (PDT), 2005.
  • Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy (NBLH), 2005. Formerly known as Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos.
  • Nueva Biblia al día (NBD), 2008 Published by Thomas Nelson.
  • Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV), 2010 Published by Tyndale Español.
  • Santa Biblia: Reina-Valera 2009, 2009 Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • Santa Biblia: Nueva Reina-Valera Versión Siglo XXI, 2009 Published by Sociedad Bíblica Emanuel.
  • Sagrada Biblia. Versión oficial de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, 2010. (SagradaBibliaCEE.com. Printed editions include ISBN 978-8422015017 = paperback, and ISBN 978-8422015611 = reforzada.)
  • Reina Valera Contemporánea, 2011 Published by Sociedades Biblicas Unidas (United Bible Societies).
  • Nuevo Testamento Judío, 2011 by Dr.David H. Stern published by Messianic Jewish Resources International.
  • Las Sagradas Escrituras, Versión Israelita Nazarena, 2012 Published by El Candelero de Luz,Inc. in Puerto Rico.
  • La Santa Biblia Rey Jacobo, 2017 Available at Www.reyjacobo.com

    Bible translations into Spanish - Wikipedia

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