Jack Black Says It Feels Like ‘The End Of The World’ If Voters Don’t Turn Out For Midterms

Jan 6th had nothing to do with any withdrawing of social needs. It was a Con job by the greatest con man the USA, dare I say the world,
The insurrectionists were ordinary Americans who were led astray by the fact that they were denied a piece of the American pie. Trump promised to eliminate that factor by bringing a fair share to the working class. He attracted many Democrats but just short of enough. Combined with cheating and gerrymandering and those who are still holding out hope that Trump will deliver, the R party will make it this time. But of course Trump can never deliver on account of the cost needing to be shared or funded by the wealthy he depends upon.
yeah Greatest con man in the world, pulled on the once Grand Old Party. We know more that we did 2 years ago so lets get the party started.
I don't disagree when it's stated that way. I've stated above what the conjob involved.
We'll know more next week what kind of party it's going to be.
If the R's grab enough power in congress then they will attempt to keep it forever. Democracy doesn't work indefinitely.l
It will be taken down by a military coup or a fascist regime that's accepted by the people.
Or the military will be called upon to uphold the country's democracy by force of arms.
To accept Fascism we would need to throw out the Constitution and I don't see that happening.
No, fascism can take hold and the Constitution thrown out over a period of time. In fact, America's Constitution has already been violated by Trump when he attempted a coup to overthrow government. And now the powers that uphold the Constitution, fear taking action against Trump. on account of the violence being threatened, not being worth the blood if the military are relied upon.

I'm predicting that the coming election will be the critical deciding factor. Democracy 'might' be upheld, depending on the size of the rout of the Democrats.
In the end
As you fade into the night
Who will tell the story of your life?
And who will remember your last goodbye

In the end
As my soul's laid to rest
What is left of my body
Or am I just a shell?

And I have fought
And with flesh and blood, I commanded an army
Through it all
I have given my heart for a moment of glory (I gave it all)

Born a saint
But with every sin, I still wanna be holy
I will live again
Who we are
Isn't how we live we are more than our bodies
If I fall I will rise back up and relive my glory

'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid...to die!

Jack Black is your hero? What kinda crap is that? What makes him smarter than the rest of us out here?

If you believe his OPINION is based on something he knows, tell us, lol.

If on the other hand, you believe we should listen to him because he is Jack Black, then while we laugh at you and him, go hide in shame, lolololololol!

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