Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Page three has been partially destroyed. I'll type out the missing parts for you. The Four Horsemen


The Roman who said stand still you traitors says: I think you dropped these stones, my friend. Haw haw........Nero will be proud of you!

The person he is speaking to replies: It was easy to gain his trust especially when he used the fish symbol to see if I was a believer.

The christian arrested replies: How did you find us?

The Roman soldier answers: You made it easy for us.......and your carelessness will cost you your life.
Prior to the using of the symbols, Christians would quote a random portion of scripture. If the other person could finish the passage, they knew he was a believer. Nero had quite a problem. His spies were studying the Scriptures in order to infiltrate the true believers, but as a result, many were getting saved. Something had to be done.

So Nero's deep plants set the pattern of using Christian symbols as an alternative to using scripture identification. The fish symbol is pictured on page. Also the rainbow symbol, a dove, a loaf of bread and a picture of a cluster of grapes.

This is from page 3 of The Four Horsemen by Jack Chick Publications
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Make sure to read this page carefully - it is all true and Dr. Alberto Rivera layed down his life for you to have this information.


The Four Horsemen
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This is how Dr. Alberto Rivera accessed the underground files of the Vatican uncovering the truth behind what they had done throughout history, the Inquisitions, the discovery of America, Nero, it was all there! Read carefully and click page to enlarge the print on page.


The Four Horsemen
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