Jack Lew: Architect of Obama’s Trillion-Dollar-Deficit Budgets


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Looks like a beady eyed commie...

Jack Lew: Architect of Obama’s Trillion-Dollar-Deficit Budgets

January 10, 2013
By Tom Blumer

On Wednesday, Julie Pace and Martin Crutsinger, two of the usual suspects at the Associated Press, began paving the way for what they clearly hope will be a worry-free Senate confirmation of current Obama administration Chief of Staff Jack Lew to become the nation’s next Treasury Secretary.

Towards that end, the AP pair larded on the compliments and historical revisionism with reckless abandon. Among other things, their report lauded Lew as ”one of Washington’s most knowledgeable budget experts to manage prickly fiscal negotiations with Congress and steer the still-shaky national economy,” said that he would “bring to Treasury a mastery of federal budget mechanics,” claimed that he had “helped negotiate a balanced budget agreement with Congress, something that has eluded Washington ever since,” and described Lew as “a pragmatic liberal … [who] is well-liked in Washington by both Democrats and Republicans[.]”


The Lew nomination tells us that we can expect four more years of “debt denial and complacency.” Moves like this lend further credence to the idea that Obama really doesn’t mind if the country falls apart financially by the time he leaves the White House — assuming he plans to.

Jack Lew: Architect of Obama’s Trillion-Dollar-Deficit Budgets
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Lew is a CitiGroup De-Regulator who had a hand in repealing Glass Steagal.

It's quite telling that Obama would nominate for the Head of the Treasury Dept a man who should be thrown in jail.

Liberals should be marching in the streets over this but they're too busy worshiping the Dear Reader and don't wanna' be called "racist" for criticizing our Emperor with No Clothes.

Wake up Liberals and admit you've been screwed.
Lew is a CitiGroup De-Regulator who had a hand in repealing Glass Steagal.

It's quite telling that Obama would nominate for the Head of the Treasury Dept a man who should be thrown in jail.

Liberals should be marching in the streets over this but they're too busy worshiping the Dear Reader and don't wanna' be called "racist" for criticizing our Emperor with No Clothes.

Wake up Liberals and admit you've been screwed.



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