Jack Posobiec claims Justice Kennedy will retire next week

I don't care if he nominates a multi-racial, bi-sexual, tree frog, as long as the person understands and respects the U.S. Constitution.

Next, maybe Ginsburg will give it up. One can only hope.
This has been one of my predictions for the summer. Kennedy goes and we get a reliable 5 to 4 conservative court. I think this will hasten Ginsburg’s departure because her power will be dramatically lowered. When she goes, our people will have a dominant 6-3 conservative court.
Wow, a Christian Taliban. Great. Just what we need to bring the nation together!
When do Christians behead people who aren't infidels?
They want to. Here is a list of a few pastors who call for the execution of gays:

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

I'm Christian, and I have never heard of any of them.

How did you?
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms.

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


What will the ratio be of that court if he retires and is replaced by a Conservative? Will the court have a Republican majority?

5-4. Sanity dominates. He'll get at least one more pick after that, and that will seal it for a generation or so.
No better time to retire than when the Republicans have the House Senate and WH.....................He's known as the decider. The Hurdle to go over in close decisions. He sides with both sides in that aspect. Sometimes he votes with conservative principles and sometimes with the liberal side of view.

Roe versus Wade being a prime example.

Either way.....it denies the Dems the chance to make the replacement.........and there are others who may very well have to retire soon.......they are getting very old.

This was the NUMBER 1 REASON Clinton couldn't win the election.........and best result of the election by a long shot.
indeed good news if true

if so

this will surely bring out the leftists kooks

in full force once again for awhile


She is 84. Kennedy is 80. No doubt that this will come into play before Trump's time is up.
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms. With that said, join with me, American patriot Steve McGarrett, in prayer for this joyous news. Bow your heads, my children.

Heavenly Father –

We thank You for our founders, whose faith in You and love of Your Word, enabled them to give birth to our nation more than 240 years ago.

As we approach the Fourth of July, may we never forget that You are the Author of Freedom and Liberty. May we remember who we are in You. And be Your ambassadors with the message of the Gospel in a fallen America due to Barack Obama's unholiness and Homosexuals.

We lift up our new leaders to You, Father. Grant Wisdom and courage to President Trump and Vice President Pence, and the 115th Congress. Protect them from harm on all fronts. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad.

Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit. Revive us, again. Spark a Fourth Great Awakening among Your people. Bring healing to our land.

In Jesus Name we pray,

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


I have to wonder if this post is serious or just trolling? I mean, really, you are way over the top here, IMO, with the butt kissing. Lol!
Wow, a Christian Taliban. Great. Just what we need to bring the nation together!
When do Christians behead people who aren't infidels?
They want to. Here is a list of a few pastors who call for the execution of gays:

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

Oh good grief, nobody is going to start executing gays

but calling out to kill the president is,ok to many here.

its all wrong n needs to stop.
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms. With that said, join with me, American patriot Steve McGarrett, in prayer for this joyous news. Bow your heads, my children.

Heavenly Father –

We thank You for our founders, whose faith in You and love of Your Word, enabled them to give birth to our nation more than 240 years ago.

As we approach the Fourth of July, may we never forget that You are the Author of Freedom and Liberty. May we remember who we are in You. And be Your ambassadors with the message of the Gospel in a fallen America due to Barack Obama's unholiness and Homosexuals.

We lift up our new leaders to You, Father. Grant Wisdom and courage to President Trump and Vice President Pence, and the 115th Congress. Protect them from harm on all fronts. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad.

Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit. Revive us, again. Spark a Fourth Great Awakening among Your people. Bring healing to our land.

In Jesus Name we pray,

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


Time for ALL racist whites to rejoice.......???
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms. With that said, join with me, American patriot Steve McGarrett, in prayer for this joyous news. Bow your heads, my children.

Heavenly Father –

We thank You for our founders, whose faith in You and love of Your Word, enabled them to give birth to our nation more than 240 years ago.

As we approach the Fourth of July, may we never forget that You are the Author of Freedom and Liberty. May we remember who we are in You. And be Your ambassadors with the message of the Gospel in a fallen America due to Barack Obama's unholiness and Homosexuals.

We lift up our new leaders to You, Father. Grant Wisdom and courage to President Trump and Vice President Pence, and the 115th Congress. Protect them from harm on all fronts. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad.

Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit. Revive us, again. Spark a Fourth Great Awakening among Your people. Bring healing to our land.

In Jesus Name we pray,

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


Time for ALL racist whites to rejoice.......???

Time for constitutionalists to rejoice
Well, finally, a thread worth replying to.

I guess this is good news, but Kennedy according to the data was a pretty middle of the road sort of guy. Slightly conservative. Usually the swing vote. Sometimes swung to the liberal side. It would be better if it were Breyer or Ginsberg that was retiring though I hear that Ginsberg might this fall.

The good news is that replacing Kennedy will offer the chance for somebody younger that will be more conservative and around a lot longer, though this again puts the SC in a 4:4 status for a while just when Trump needs a 5:4 leaning, and again will depend on Pence as a nuclear option as democrats simply resist everything. Now if Ginsberg finally leaves this fall, that will really be something! Hopefully this Gorsuch will turn out as hoped, but you know that not all conservative justices have always worked out as expected. But with Ginsberg gone, that will be a real low blow, as it only leaves Obama's two picks Kagan and Sotomayor, plus Breyer for a 6:3 split. Not bad. Maybe with some luck, Breyer will leave in a few years to make it a 7:2 split.

What always got me though is that the law is the law. How can two groups look at the same laws and come to two such widely different conclusions? You have the conservative branch that looks at the original intent of the law, then you have the liberal branch that always looks for social change.

But the great untold story is that while many rail against Trump for various reasons, if he does little else other than appoint 1, 2 or 3 conservative justices, he will have earned his keep over the alternative, Hillary.
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