Jack Posobiec claims Justice Kennedy will retire next week

The Right is hoping to get a Supreme Court that will repeal Roe v Wade,

in opposition to the opinion of almost 2 out of 3 Americans.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one.

We are a nation of law.

Roe v Wade is settled law.

There is no such thing. Any law can be revisited.

lol, go cry to Neil Gorsuch:

Gorsuch comments on ‘settled law’ unsettling to conservatives

An opinion. Any law can be revisited. If you disagree, show me the legal mechanism that renders it so.
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms.

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


What will the ratio be of that court if he retires and is replaced by a Conservative? Will the court have a Republican majority?

Five conservative Constitutionalist and four liberal shitpiles. I say let him get a real young extreme right wing justice that will vote as a puritan, and then lets see if we cant get rid of kagan, and sotomayor and replace them with the same type and make it seven to two GINSBERG would make it eight to one. Then the liberal minority will have to go to war in the streets for about two days.
Kagan and Sotomayor are not going away anytime soon.
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms.

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


What will the ratio be of that court if he retires and is replaced by a Conservative? Will the court have a Republican majority?

Five conservative Constitutionalist and four liberal shitpiles. I say let him get a real young extreme right wing justice that will vote as a puritan, and then lets see if we cant get rid of kagan, and sotomayor and replace them with the same type and make it seven to two GINSBERG would make it eight to one. Then the liberal minority will have to go to war in the streets for about two days.
Kagan and Sotomayor are not going away anytime soon.


The SCOTUS is a lot like USMB. We actually need to keep a few token leftardz around. If nothing else but for entertainment's sake.
I don't care what his color or his religion is. I do, however; want him or her to be a Constitutional Constructionist.
The one we really need out of the court is Ginsberg! What a liberal witch she is!
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms.

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


What will the ratio be of that court if he retires and is replaced by a Conservative? Will the court have a Republican majority?

Five conservative Constitutionalist and four liberal shitpiles. I say let him get a real young extreme right wing justice that will vote as a puritan, and then lets see if we cant get rid of kagan, and sotomayor and replace them with the same type and make it seven to two GINSBERG would make it eight to one. Then the liberal minority will have to go to war in the streets for about two days.
Kagan and Sotomayor are not going away anytime soon.


The SCOTUS is a lot like USMB. We actually need to keep a few token leftardz around. If nothing else but for entertainment's sake.
That's like saying we need to keep a few million cases of smallpox around to remind us of how bad it is.
I don't care what his color or his religion is. I do, however; want him or her to be a Constitutional Constructionist.
I disagree, we don't need any more minorities, or Jews on the bench. Minorities tend to become tribal and turn against anything that favors White Christians, the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790..
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms.

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


What will the ratio be of that court if he retires and is replaced by a Conservative? Will the court have a Republican majority?

Five conservative Constitutionalist and four liberal shitpiles. I say let him get a real young extreme right wing justice that will vote as a puritan, and then lets see if we cant get rid of kagan, and sotomayor and replace them with the same type and make it seven to two GINSBERG would make it eight to one. Then the liberal minority will have to go to war in the streets for about two days.
Kagan and Sotomayor are not going away anytime soon.


The SCOTUS is a lot like USMB. We actually need to keep a few token leftardz around. If nothing else but for entertainment's sake.
That's like saying we need to keep a few million cases of smallpox around to remind us of how bad it is.

Good point. Maybe isolated and contained then .
Any reality to this or is Steve making it up?
I read that there is some sort of reunion that is taking place for his legal assistants. They are assuming that is an indicator that the announcement is nigh. But, no, nothing written about an actual resignation announcement.
Fact is Roe v wade CAN be legislated out of existence by one swift act, and a bill of few words, "The act of abortion will be forever viewed as an act of murder, and at the moment of conception all children of this country will be considered to have all of the constitutional rights of a citizen." To expand you could In the same bill TO DEFINE A "NATURAL BORN and all CITIZENS "No person born within the boundaries of the USA without ONE parent, Maternal or Paternal being at the time of their birth a citizen of the USA shall be a citizen of the USA. No person shall be a citizen of this country unless they are born of both Maternal, and Paternal American citizens when born outside the boundaries of the USA, to also include they be born to a member of persons assigned in any position to a USA controlled installation abroad. No person of any other nationality is entitled to ANY right and has NO constitutional standing in any area of law, or claim of redress against any citizen or entity of the United States of America without the express consent of a writ of attainder against them from all agencies of the department of justice and a majority opinion of the US Supreme court. No person not a USA citizen will be afforded ANY benefit that is solely provided for the citizens of the USA at anytime under any circumstances except they be minors and just until their immediate repatriotation or temporary care till removed by family. Just a good start.
Fact is Roe v wade CAN be legislated out of existence by one swift act, and a bill of few words, "The act of abortion will be forever viewed as an act of murder, and at the moment of conception all children of this country will be considered to have all of the constitutional rights of a citizen." To expand you could In the same bill TO DEFINE A "NATURAL BORN and all CITIZENS "No person born within the boundaries of the USA without ONE parent, Maternal or Paternal being at the time of their birth a citizen of the USA shall be a citizen of the USA. No person shall be a citizen of this country unless they are born of both Maternal, and Paternal American citizens when born outside the boundaries of the USA, to also include they be born to a member of persons assigned in any position to a USA controlled installation abroad. No person of any other nationality is entitled to ANY right and has NO constitutional standing in any area of law, or claim of redress against any citizen or entity of the United States of America without the express consent of a writ of attainder against them from all agencies of the department of justice and a majority opinion of the US Supreme court. No person not a USA citizen will be afforded ANY benefit that is solely provided for the citizens of the USA at anytime under any circumstances except they be minors and just until their immediate repatriotation or temporary care till removed by family. Just a good start.
Down with "anchor babies."

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