Jack Posobiec claims Justice Kennedy will retire next week

The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.
A very snowflakey comment indeed. And what of the left? Republicans have a-far better track record of picking impartial SCJs.
It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?

Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh

Taking the Courts is the most important thing Trump can accomplish as President. The Judges run this country now. There can't be significant Immigration Reform without them. We've seen recently how easily Democrat Judges have killed his reforms.

Immigration and the Courts. The two issues that will decide our nation's fate. All other issues are insignificant in comparison. If Trump can deliver on those two issues, he'll always have my support.

The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.

Hey, i have to live and function in the current reality. It's not about what i want, or what i think is 'right and wrong.' The reality is, the Judiciary is running the country now. So it's vital Trump get control of the Courts. If he can get 2-3 Justices on the Supreme Court, it's Game Over for a long time. A 7-2 majority on the Supreme Court is an insurmountable disaster for the Left/Democrats.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?

Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh

Taking the Courts is the most important thing Trump can accomplish as President. The Judges run this country now. There can't be significant Immigration Reform without them. We've seen recently how easily Democrat Judges have killed his reforms.

Immigration and the Courts. The two issues that will decide our nation's fate. All other issues are insignificant in comparison. If Trump can deliver on those two issues, he'll always have my support.

The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.

Hey, i have to live and function in the current reality. It's not about what i want, or what i think is 'right and wrong.' The reality is, the Judiciary is running the country now. So it's vital Trump get control of the Courts. If he can get 2-3 Justices on the Supreme Court, it's Game Over for a long time. A 7-2 majority on the Supreme Court is an insurmountable disaster for the Left/Democrats.

Only if you are right, and the Supreme Court is no longer obligated to make rulings based on our laws. If that ever happens, our constitutional government will no longer function as the constitution said it would, and we will no longer be the United States. The reality you think you are in is just bullshit fed to you by right wing liars.
The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.
A very snowflakey comment indeed. And what of the left? Republicans have a-far better track record of picking impartial SCJs.

Make up your mind. Is the SC supposed to be impartial or not?
Fact is Roe v wade CAN be legislated out of existence by one swift act, and a bill of few words, "The act of abortion will be forever viewed as an act of murder, and at the moment of conception all children of this country will be considered to have all of the constitutional rights of a citizen." To expand you could In the same bill TO DEFINE A "NATURAL BORN and all CITIZENS "No person born within the boundaries of the USA without ONE parent, Maternal or Paternal being at the time of their birth a citizen of the USA shall be a citizen of the USA. No person shall be a citizen of this country unless they are born of both Maternal, and Paternal American citizens when born outside the boundaries of the USA, to also include they be born to a member of persons assigned in any position to a USA controlled installation abroad. No person of any other nationality is entitled to ANY right and has NO constitutional standing in any area of law, or claim of redress against any citizen or entity of the United States of America without the express consent of a writ of attainder against them from all agencies of the department of justice and a majority opinion of the US Supreme court. No person not a USA citizen will be afforded ANY benefit that is solely provided for the citizens of the USA at anytime under any circumstances except they be minors and just until their immediate repatriotation or temporary care till removed by family. Just a good start.

Well, it would do that except for the 14th Amendment saying otherwise.
It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?

Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh

Taking the Courts is the most important thing Trump can accomplish as President. The Judges run this country now. There can't be significant Immigration Reform without them. We've seen recently how easily Democrat Judges have killed his reforms.

Immigration and the Courts. The two issues that will decide our nation's fate. All other issues are insignificant in comparison. If Trump can deliver on those two issues, he'll always have my support.

The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.

How myopic can you be? The right and the left view the SCOTUS very similar. Why do you think both sides try to fill the court with judges of their choosing? The Supreme Court decisions are supposed to be made based on what is within the legal frame work of the constitution, and if it is not addressed in the constitution, then it is a state concern. Abortion, health insurance, education, et al are NOT addressed in the constitution, and this are individual state issues, IMO.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?

Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh

Taking the Courts is the most important thing Trump can accomplish as President. The Judges run this country now. There can't be significant Immigration Reform without them. We've seen recently how easily Democrat Judges have killed his reforms.

Immigration and the Courts. The two issues that will decide our nation's fate. All other issues are insignificant in comparison. If Trump can deliver on those two issues, he'll always have my support.

The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.

How myopic can you be? The right and the left view the SCOTUS very similar. Why do you think both sides try to fill the court with judges of their choosing? The Supreme Court decisions are supposed to be made based on what is within the legal frame work of the constitution, and if it is not addressed in the constitution, then it is a state concern. Abortion, health insurance, education, et al are NOT addressed in the constitution, and this are individual state issues, IMO.
I always heard the constitution was a very flexible instrument Justices on different sides can argue the same thing with each holding different opinions
Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh

Taking the Courts is the most important thing Trump can accomplish as President. The Judges run this country now. There can't be significant Immigration Reform without them. We've seen recently how easily Democrat Judges have killed his reforms.

Immigration and the Courts. The two issues that will decide our nation's fate. All other issues are insignificant in comparison. If Trump can deliver on those two issues, he'll always have my support.

The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.

How myopic can you be? The right and the left view the SCOTUS very similar. Why do you think both sides try to fill the court with judges of their choosing? The Supreme Court decisions are supposed to be made based on what is within the legal frame work of the constitution, and if it is not addressed in the constitution, then it is a state concern. Abortion, health insurance, education, et al are NOT addressed in the constitution, and this are individual state issues, IMO.
I always heard the constitution was a very flexible instrument Justices on different sides can argue the same thing with each holding different opinions

That is a more progressive view of the constitution. It wasn't intended to be flexible or a living document per the framers and founders. Here is a link where the founders express their view on this-
The Founders on a Living Constitution | What Would The Founders Think?

On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. —Thomas Jefferson
If Trump ends up getting two more supes, I wonder if the Regressive Left will look in the mirror, even if only for a brief moment.

Doubt it.
Fact is Roe v wade CAN be legislated out of existence by one swift act, and a bill of few words, "The act of abortion will be forever viewed as an act of murder, and at the moment of conception all children of this country will be considered to have all of the constitutional rights of a citizen." To expand you could In the same bill TO DEFINE A "NATURAL BORN and all CITIZENS "No person born within the boundaries of the USA without ONE parent, Maternal or Paternal being at the time of their birth a citizen of the USA shall be a citizen of the USA. No person shall be a citizen of this country unless they are born of both Maternal, and Paternal American citizens when born outside the boundaries of the USA, to also include they be born to a member of persons assigned in any position to a USA controlled installation abroad. No person of any other nationality is entitled to ANY right and has NO constitutional standing in any area of law, or claim of redress against any citizen or entity of the United States of America without the express consent of a writ of attainder against them from all agencies of the department of justice and a majority opinion of the US Supreme court. No person not a USA citizen will be afforded ANY benefit that is solely provided for the citizens of the USA at anytime under any circumstances except they be minors and just until their immediate repatriotation or temporary care till removed by family. Just a good start.

Sounds great. As long as you are making up a wish list, you might as well demand that everyone gets a free pony, and all the ice cream and cake you can eat for free on your birthday. If all that shit you listed would ever pass, the stuff I added shouldn't be a problem.
Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh

Taking the Courts is the most important thing Trump can accomplish as President. The Judges run this country now. There can't be significant Immigration Reform without them. We've seen recently how easily Democrat Judges have killed his reforms.

Immigration and the Courts. The two issues that will decide our nation's fate. All other issues are insignificant in comparison. If Trump can deliver on those two issues, he'll always have my support.

The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.

Hey, i have to live and function in the current reality. It's not about what i want, or what i think is 'right and wrong.' The reality is, the Judiciary is running the country now. So it's vital Trump get control of the Courts. If he can get 2-3 Justices on the Supreme Court, it's Game Over for a long time. A 7-2 majority on the Supreme Court is an insurmountable disaster for the Left/Democrats.

Only if you are right, and the Supreme Court is no longer obligated to make rulings based on our laws. If that ever happens, our constitutional government will no longer function as the constitution said it would, and we will no longer be the United States. The reality you think you are in is just bullshit fed to you by right wing liars.

Sorry, but many Judges have become political activists. That is the current reality. You get the Courts, you win. It is what it is.
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh

Taking the Courts is the most important thing Trump can accomplish as President. The Judges run this country now. There can't be significant Immigration Reform without them. We've seen recently how easily Democrat Judges have killed his reforms.

Immigration and the Courts. The two issues that will decide our nation's fate. All other issues are insignificant in comparison. If Trump can deliver on those two issues, he'll always have my support.

The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.

How myopic can you be? The right and the left view the SCOTUS very similar. Why do you think both sides try to fill the court with judges of their choosing? The Supreme Court decisions are supposed to be made based on what is within the legal frame work of the constitution, and if it is not addressed in the constitution, then it is a state concern. Abortion, health insurance, education, et al are NOT addressed in the constitution, and this are individual state issues, IMO.
I always heard the constitution was a very flexible instrument Justices on different sides can argue the same thing with each holding different opinions

That is a more progressive view of the constitution. It wasn't intended to be flexible or a living document per the framers and founders. Here is a link where the founders express their view on this-
The Founders on a Living Constitution | What Would The Founders Think?

On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. —Thomas Jefferson

Spot On. Thanks.

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