Jack Posobiec claims Justice Kennedy will retire next week

A sign of things to come?


The man who didn't bathe and lived in shitty pants to get out of the Nam war, yes he and DT have a lot in common, potty mind and mouth, and potty mouth, body and mind, both LOSERS. Look at their handholding, who would touch either with a hundred foot pole, gross.

You left out family man....here he is with his kid who shot a Bernie supporter....uh, I mean a feral hog. (same difference).

Sure, there are dozens of respected jurists who are probably more than "qualified" to become a Supreme. But since things have worked out the way they have over the last ten years, I see no reason to pick another lawyer for the job. Don't we have enough of them? We HATE lawyers don't we? You bet we do. So if a Manhattan billionaire who never held office can become president, why can't a noted celebrity and vaunted advocate for the 2nd Amendment become a Supreme? Therefore, I nominate a man we all know and love or love to hate for the seat....Ladies and Gents....Uncle Ted! :thup:

Why stop there? Let's go full throttle stupid! Kardashian for prez!

You're responding as if you think Tom is just joking. I fear that he and lots of others here are dead serious.
William Pryor will make the court a solid 5-4 for conservatives.

The shift in real power will come when they can no longer prop
Ginsberg up..

Blue Sky would be...Pryor for Kennedy.
Trump replacing Ginsberg
Trump replacing Thomas

That would ensure 5-4 for 20 years.

If he gets to replace Bryer. The court would be 6-3 for 20
and 5-4 for 30 years.
if Sarah Palin is the chosen one, I wonder what or if she will be wearing anything under her robe
I really hope this Kennedy rumor is true. Trump getting 2 Justices in there, is absolutely UUUGE. I'm even starting to get more optimistic about the prospect he may possibly get 3 Justices on the Court. If he gets 3 in there, that would amount to a Coup. Democrats and Globalists would be derailed for years. Go Trump! :thup:

It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.
He needs to appoint someone like Justice Roy Moore of Alabama. We need to stack the court with Christian conservatives so we can return this nation to God!
I really hope this Kennedy rumor is true. Trump getting 2 Justices in there, is absolutely UUUGE. I'm even starting to get more optimistic about the prospect he may possibly get 3 Justices on the Court. If he gets 3 in there, that would amount to a Coup. Democrats and Globalists would be derailed for years. Go Trump! :thup:

It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.

We've seen how easily Democrat Judges have thwarted his attempts at Immigration Reform. The Courts are running this country now. Getting the Courts back and Immigration, were my two main reasons i supported Trump.

The alternative was a nightmare. Hillary Clinton was poised to open the border floodgates and appoint numerous Left/Globalist Anti-American Judges. It had to be Trump. If he can accomplish anything on Immigration Reform and the Courts, he'll have my support if he chooses to run again.
Sure, there are dozens of respected jurists who are probably more than "qualified" to become a Supreme. But since things have worked out the way they have over the last ten years, I see no reason to pick another lawyer for the job. Don't we have enough of them? We HATE lawyers don't we? You bet we do. So if a Manhattan billionaire who never held office can become president, why can't a noted celebrity and vaunted advocate for the 2nd Amendment become a Supreme? Therefore, I nominate a man we all know and love or love to hate for the seat....Ladies and Gents....Uncle Ted! :thup:

bo dietl,,,,,,,,,trumps speed
I really hope this Kennedy rumor is true. Trump getting 2 Justices in there, is absolutely UUUGE. I'm even starting to get more optimistic about the prospect he may possibly get 3 Justices on the Court. If he gets 3 in there, that would amount to a Coup. Democrats and Globalists would be derailed for years. Go Trump! :thup:

It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?
I really hope this Kennedy rumor is true. Trump getting 2 Justices in there, is absolutely UUUGE. I'm even starting to get more optimistic about the prospect he may possibly get 3 Justices on the Court. If he gets 3 in there, that would amount to a Coup. Democrats and Globalists would be derailed for years. Go Trump! :thup:

It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?

Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
I really hope this Kennedy rumor is true. Trump getting 2 Justices in there, is absolutely UUUGE. I'm even starting to get more optimistic about the prospect he may possibly get 3 Justices on the Court. If he gets 3 in there, that would amount to a Coup. Democrats and Globalists would be derailed for years. Go Trump! :thup:

It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?

Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh
I really hope this Kennedy rumor is true. Trump getting 2 Justices in there, is absolutely UUUGE. I'm even starting to get more optimistic about the prospect he may possibly get 3 Justices on the Court. If he gets 3 in there, that would amount to a Coup. Democrats and Globalists would be derailed for years. Go Trump! :thup:

It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?

"can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?"


Mao Tse-tung was asked for his opinion on how he thinks Hillary looks in the uniform of the Peoples Liberation Army.

I really hope this Kennedy rumor is true. Trump getting 2 Justices in there, is absolutely UUUGE. I'm even starting to get more optimistic about the prospect he may possibly get 3 Justices on the Court. If he gets 3 in there, that would amount to a Coup. Democrats and Globalists would be derailed for years. Go Trump! :thup:

It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?

Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh

Taking the Courts is the most important thing Trump can accomplish as President. The Judges run this country now. There can't be significant Immigration Reform without them. We've seen recently how easily Democrat Judges have killed his reforms.

Immigration and the Courts. The two issues that will decide our nation's fate. All other issues are insignificant in comparison. If Trump can deliver on those two issues, he'll always have my support.
I really hope this Kennedy rumor is true. Trump getting 2 Justices in there, is absolutely UUUGE. I'm even starting to get more optimistic about the prospect he may possibly get 3 Justices on the Court. If he gets 3 in there, that would amount to a Coup. Democrats and Globalists would be derailed for years. Go Trump! :thup:

It is exactly why true conservatives had to overlook the obvious flaws in the orange clown and vote for him. Everything he does in office will be subject to being overturned by future presidents/congress except his appointments to the SCOTUS.
can you imagine if Hillary was Prez now, and she had to choose between Sean Hannity and Moe Tse Dong?

Yeah, Democrats still don't get it. Their Candidate was the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. They presented a dismal alternative. For me personally, i thank the Lord every day she didn't win.

Her Immigration plans were horrific, and she would have appointed numerous Anti-American Globalists to the Courts. Trump has a real chance here. He can take the Courts back. 2-3 Supreme Court Justices would shut the Democrats/Globalists down for many years. God bless the dude. :)
The more I read your posts the more I know how FOS you are Keep it up Good for a laugh

Taking the Courts is the most important thing Trump can accomplish as President. The Judges run this country now. There can't be significant Immigration Reform without them. We've seen recently how easily Democrat Judges have killed his reforms.

Immigration and the Courts. The two issues that will decide our nation's fate. All other issues are insignificant in comparison. If Trump can deliver on those two issues, he'll always have my support.

The right seems to think that the Supreme Court is just like a 2nd little congress where the members base their decisions on their personal beliefs and whims, and their own political beliefs, and if you can just get enough members from your party seated, everything will go your way. It's not, and it's not supposed to be. Their decisions are supposed to be made based on our laws and precedents. The result of new judges won't be what the right is hoping for.

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