Jack Posobiec claims Justice Kennedy will retire next week

This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms. With that said, join with me, American patriot Steve McGarrett, in prayer for this joyous news. Bow your heads, my children.

Heavenly Father –

We thank You for our founders, whose faith in You and love of Your Word, enabled them to give birth to our nation more than 240 years ago.

As we approach the Fourth of July, may we never forget that You are the Author of Freedom and Liberty. May we remember who we are in You. And be Your ambassadors with the message of the Gospel in a fallen America due to Barack Obama's unholiness and Homosexuals.

We lift up our new leaders to You, Father. Grant Wisdom and courage to President Trump and Vice President Pence, and the 115th Congress. Protect them from harm on all fronts. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad.

Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit. Revive us, again. Spark a Fourth Great Awakening among Your people. Bring healing to our land.

In Jesus Name we pray,

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


One way to keep Ted Cruz from being an annoying Senator would be to appoint him to the Supreme Court.
His fellow Senators, both Republican and Democrat, will probably be glad to be rid of him.
Ginsberg won't retire. They'll have to take her out in the ole pine box. Same for Breyer.

Fortunately for America, both appear to be about ready to move to the other side of the grass.
Rejoice for the second amendment… An armed nation is a safe nation
The Right is hoping to get a Supreme Court that will repeal Roe v Wade,

in opposition to the opinion of almost 2 out of 3 Americans.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one.

We are a nation of law.

Roe v Wade is settled law.

There is no such thing. Any law can be revisited.

lol, go cry to Neil Gorsuch:

Gorsuch comments on ‘settled law’ unsettling to conservatives
Associated Press

And when Ginsburg retires, a 3rd pick?

All you christians need to pray Ginsburg and Breyer die and Kennedy retires or dies. :D 2 more jews off SC hell yeah!

Agreed, SCOTUS shouldn't be made up of only Jews and Catholics. More Protestants to better represent most of America.

So you would like the Court populated with more judges of the religious denominations more likely to be pro-choice on abortion and in support of gay marriage?

Associated Press

And when Ginsburg retires, a 3rd pick?

All you christians need to pray Ginsburg and Breyer die and Kennedy retires or dies. :D 2 more jews off SC hell yeah!

Agreed, SCOTUS shouldn't be made up of only Jews and Catholics. More Protestants to better represent most of America.

So you would like the Court populated with more judges of the religious denominations more likely to be pro-choice on abortion and in support of gay marriage?

The most important thing for the Supreme Court to do is strengthen the second and 10th amendments....
Wow, a Christian Taliban. Great. Just what we need to bring the nation together!
When do Christians behead people who aren't infidels?

I'm not sure, but it probably won't be long after Trump nominates another justice.

Sounds like a good progression to me, WARRIORS FOR JESUS!!!! Yeah let's see since about three quarters of the country identify as Christian, It would be three against one. Less than liberals like when they are beating up children and old people (about ten to one). Liberals don't want to be here for that!!! They need to get their ticket for Russia or Iran
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms.

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


What will the ratio be of that court if he retires and is replaced by a Conservative? Will the court have a Republican majority?
Kennedy has always been a swing vote on the court. Replacing him with a real conservative will mean the leftwing agenda has no chance at the SC.
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms. With that said, join with me, American patriot Steve McGarrett, in prayer for this joyous news. Bow your heads, my children.

Heavenly Father –

We thank You for our founders, whose faith in You and love of Your Word, enabled them to give birth to our nation more than 240 years ago.

As we approach the Fourth of July, may we never forget that You are the Author of Freedom and Liberty. May we remember who we are in You. And be Your ambassadors with the message of the Gospel in a fallen America due to Barack Obama's unholiness and Homosexuals.

We lift up our new leaders to You, Father. Grant Wisdom and courage to President Trump and Vice President Pence, and the 115th Congress. Protect them from harm on all fronts. Likewise, protect all those who put themselves in harm’s way to serve others, home and abroad.

Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit. Revive us, again. Spark a Fourth Great Awakening among Your people. Bring healing to our land.

In Jesus Name we pray,

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


As a conservative, I would be thrilled to have another conservative justice. As a sane and rational believer in the constitution, I hope the court would follow the sage wisdom of the great Anthony Scalia, and leave the abortion issue to the states. Watch the video below, pay particular attention to what Scalia says from 2:30- 3:10 time of video. It's brilliant!
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms.

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


What will the ratio be of that court if he retires and is replaced by a Conservative? Will the court have a Republican majority?
Kennedy has always been a swing vote on the court. Replacing him with a real conservative will mean the leftwing agenda has no chance at the SC.
Precisely! He needs to pick a young Christian conservative textualist justice that can have at least a 30+ year duration on the bench, especially if Ginsburg retires or takes her eternal dirt nap.
This will be great for the future of America. Once again, our glorious leader Donald Trump will have another chance to put another White Christian conservative (Hopefully a Southern Baptist) on the bench in order to transform America into a Nationalist nation with all the goodies included such as overturning Roe v Wade and most importantly, returning God back into our nations school rooms.

Another Supreme Court Justice Will Announce Retirement - NBC News Bombshell!


What will the ratio be of that court if he retires and is replaced by a Conservative? Will the court have a Republican majority?

Five conservative Constitutionalist and four liberal shitpiles. I say let him get a real young extreme right wing justice that will vote as a puritan, and then lets see if we cant get rid of kagan, and sotomayor and replace them with the same type and make it seven to two GINSBERG would make it eight to one. Then the liberal minority will have to go to war in the streets for about two days.

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