Jack Welch Suggests Jobs Report Rigged


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
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Jack Welch, the lionized former chairman of General Electric Co, provoked cries of outrage in Washington on Friday when he appeared to accuse the White House of manipulating September job figures for political gains.

White House officials dismissed as "ludicrous" a tweet Welch sent to his more than 1.3 million followers that suggested U.S. President Barack Obama's administration rigged the data as a way of recovering from a poor Wednesday night showing in a debate against Mitt Romney, his Republican challenger for the White House.

"Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can't debate so change numbers," Welch said in a posting on Twitter, apparently referring to Obama, who formerly served as a senator from Illinois.

Obama cooks the books to get reelected, Our liar in Chief

It is impossible for any administration to cook the books of a Bureau of Labor Statistics report. The BLS is, by design, beyond political influence. Even the Romney camp is wisely distancing itself from the conspiracy theory, because they know the report is beyond reproach. Jack Welch's accusation would be insulting to the trained economists of the BLS if it weren't so embarrassingly transparent.

As a Republican myself I am glad to see the unemployment rate go down, because I care about my country's well-being. I also know that Obama had almost nothing to do with it. What patriotic American worth his or her salt would actually WANT America to fail just to prove a political point? It's shameful.

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