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Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ had her husband killed

I cant believe I somehow missed this thread.

RFK believed it as well.There is this pic out that shows a few days later after the assassination,RFK goes up to LBj and he is seen slamming some pamplets aginst a wall yelling at LBJ and according to the photographer that took the photo,he yelled out-why did you kill my brother god damn you!!!!!

The assassination never would have worked it if had not been in texas.Johnsons home state.He was able to use all his vast resources in texas and in dallas to make the coverup work.

He was warned not to go to dallas as well.
What the Kennedy's thought happened has nothing to do with what really happened. Sure the Kennedy's and the Johnson's hated each other. Past that it's pure speculation.
The Kennedy's were not alone on that thought. On hearing Kennedy had been killed it was my instant gut feeling. I was living and working in Washington at the time for the FBI. I think it was the only way LBJ was going to get into the White House and that's were he wanted to be.
Everyone had suspicions--they were wrong. Oswald acted alone.

Like all lone nut theorists,you prove you have reading comprehension problems.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


that seems to be a common trait with you lone nut theorists.actually THEY were right,YOU are wrong.deal with it.

your so ignorant of these events, your not even aware that the lead investigater of the HSCA investigation concluded that there was a second gunman involved.He even wrote a book about it all.:cuckoo:
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The Kennedy's were not alone on that thought. On hearing Kennedy had been killed it was my instant gut feeling. I was living and working in Washington at the time for the FBI. I think it was the only way LBJ was going to get into the White House and that's were he wanted to be.

seriously? really? yeah i have talked to a lot of people that were around back then and they not being as knowledgheable as you were knew it as well.this one father of a friend of mine was telling me when it happend he said-that bastard got him.there is alot of great books out there that deal with LBJ's involvement in it.one really good one is THE TEXAS CONNECTION.

Just ask Obama.

Your close,it was G H WALKER Bush that killed him.sr not jr.the evidence is overwhelming.you wont watch it though since you know its the truth and you want to live in denial with your head buried in the sand.

Oh and Obama is even more evil than Bush is so of course he is going to continue the coverup.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSakrYOpJ5s]JFK 2: The Bush Connection [newer release] - YouTube[/ame]

Just ask Obama.

Your close,it was G H WALKER Bush that killed him.sr not jr.the evidence is overwhelming.you wont watch it though since you know its the truth and you want to live in denial with your head buried in the sand.

Oh and Obama is even more evil than Bush is so of course he is going to continue the coverup.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSakrYOpJ5s]JFK 2: The Bush Connection [newer release] - YouTube[/ame]

this is a video that every poster here should view as a matter of fact,but sadly,many people looking at this thread seeing this video,even THEY wont which is the really sad part.
LBJ was removed from power from the JFK adminstration.
The Kennedy's send a letter to all of the embassies saying that what ever promises LBJ makes, it's not bindind unless it's approved by the Kennedys.

There is news footage of JFK saying words to honor LBJ and LBJ is glaring at him, giving him the dirtiest look.

But LBJ wouldn't have acted on his own, he was just one of many Marxist leaning members of government who hated the Kenendys with a passion
LBJ was removed from power from the JFK adminstration.
The Kennedy's send a letter to all of the embassies saying that what ever promises LBJ makes, it's not bindind unless it's approved by the Kennedys.

There is news footage of JFK saying words to honor LBJ and LBJ is glaring at him, giving him the dirtiest look.

But LBJ wouldn't have acted on his own, he was just one of many Marxist leaning members of government who hated the Kenendys with a passion

Yeah LBj did not orchestrate it and put it all together.It was carried out by the CIA.However the coverup more than likely would not have worked if it had not been in dallas.Lbj had the connections in dallas to cover it up.you also got to remember he was long time pals since early his early 20's with J edgar hoover who participated in the coverup.Him,Nixon,and Lbj were long time friends.

Its no wonder that JFK and Lbj got in a huge heated argument on the seating arrangements of the motorcade.Johnson wanted Jfk's friend senator ralph yarbrough to ride with Kennedy and his friend John connolly-also involved,,to ride with him.Kennedy wanted Connolly to ride with him and Yarbrough to ride with Johnson and Kennedy in the end had his way.

we know beyond a doubt that Johnson was involved cause he reversed Kennedys policy on vietnam.two months before his assassination,JFK signed document# 263 which would have pulled out all vietnam personal by 1965.two days later after the assassination,Johnson signed document # 273 which REVERSED kennedys policy on vietnam and esculated it with the phony gulf of tonkin incident.
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What the Kennedy's thought happened has nothing to do with what really happened. Sure the Kennedy's and the Johnson's hated each other. Past that it's pure speculation.
I imagine they had better sources of information than you have.

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I notice from the article that Caroline Kennedy released the tapes early, so she presumably believes LBJ was guilty also.

The article says that Jacky believed that "a cabal of Texas tycoons" were also involved -- I suppose they were determined not to lose the Oil Depletion Allowance.

I would like to know more about those Texas tycoons. They must have had a lot of power to remain so shadowy. They appear (shown, but not named) in what I think is the best movie on the Kennedy Assassination, Executive Action (Don't confuse it with "Executive Decision," a similarly named minor Hollywood movie).

Executive Action was a well crafted movie, based on Mark Lane's research, with a stellar cast -- Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan, Will Geer, screenplay by Dalton Trumbo. Funny how hard it was to find in video stores -- just coincidence, I suppose. · ·

The movie dealt very well with a number of the tricks and ploys which the cabal used to trick and mislead people.
Yeah few people here no about that movie im sure.Have you ever read that book I mentioned THE TEXAS CONNECTION? that was where I learned of the seating arrangement shouting match between Johnson and Kennedy.You just know Connolly was scared to ride in the limo with Jfk and did not want to get in there.:D

Thats why after he got shot,his mind was thinking they were not just going to kill Kennedy,they were going to kill them ALL.:D

Hense his words he spoke after getting shot-Oh my god,THEY are going to kill us ALL!!!!!!! strange words to mutter for someone who has no knowledge of a conspiracy. that video THE BUSH CONNECTION is a must see video everybody at this site should view.Before I saw that video,I was not aware that Connolly,LBJ's long time pal,had jumped over when Nixon was president to be a republican because Nixon was his pal as well.That shocked the nation that he switched parties like that.Because that was unheard of back then.

What americans did not know back then was that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the american sheople think they have a choice.that video The Bush connection,does a great job of explaining Nixons involvement in it as well.matter of fact there is a new book out now as well that talks all about Johnson AND Nixons involvement that I want to get soon.It talks all about Jack Ruby who Nixon was connected to because of his mob ties,had Ruby sent to dallas in 1947 to work for the mob down there and he had a long standing relationship with him as well as Jimmy Hoffa who the kennedys sent to prison and Nixon pardoned after becoming president.
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LBJ was a crooked sob but he was a democrat so it didn't count. Congress could have withdrawn funding for the Vietnam war any time but the democrats waited for a republican before they pulled the plug and left our Military in limbo and left our allies to be killed. LBJ was a legendary crook but there was no way he could have manufactured the killing of his boss. JFK was murdered by a foreign agent that the CIA invited back into the country after he defected. JFK was murdered by the CIA's incompetence and the Warren Commission was an exercise in CYA.

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