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Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ had her husband killed

the question here is why Jackie might have thought LBJ was involved.

everyone around government knew the Kennedys and LBJ hated each other.
Jackie probably wouldn't have known about too much inner workings of the govenment, but of course her opinion is very valuable.
it would have been great to know what is in her 100-year letter before the government has a chance to edit it.

with the fact it happened in Dallas, it is logical to conclude LBJ would have known about it.

with the second film , made by Orville Nix, Nix says , which you can see in a youtube video, that he was friends with the head ofthe Secret Service in Dallas.
no wonder why he was frantically running through Dealey Plaza trying to keep his camera on JFK.
i have good reason to believe a lot of people new JFK was going to be shot, including LBJ, the heads of Secret Service, Nix , Zapruder, and several other people standing around Dealey Plaza.
seemed to me it was more of a public execution.

politicians were being murdered left and right in Russia, did Americans really believe it couldn't happen here?

LBJ didn't only reverse JFK's policy in Vietnam, he reversed his policy in everything.
JFK's role in Civil Rights was exaggerated.
after he was dead, LBJ started to pass all kinds of nutzo Marxist laws
the question here is why Jackie might have thought LBJ was involved.

everyone around government knew the Kennedys and LBJ hated each other.
Jackie probably wouldn't have known about too much inner workings of the govenment, but of course her opinion is very valuable.
it would have been great to know what is in her 100-year letter before the government has a chance to edit it.

with the fact it happened in Dallas, it is logical to conclude LBJ would have known about it.

with the second film , made by Orville Nix, Nix says , which you can see in a youtube video, that he was friends with the head ofthe Secret Service in Dallas.
no wonder why he was frantically running through Dealey Plaza trying to keep his camera on JFK.
i have good reason to believe a lot of people new JFK was going to be shot, including LBJ, the heads of Secret Service, Nix , Zapruder, and several other people standing around Dealey Plaza.
seemed to me it was more of a public execution.

politicians were being murdered left and right in Russia, did Americans really believe it couldn't happen here?

LBJ didn't only reverse JFK's policy in Vietnam, he reversed his policy in everything.
JFK's role in Civil Rights was exaggerated.
after he was dead, LBJ started to pass all kinds of nutzo Marxist laws

You hit the nail on almost everything especially on what you mentioned on Lbj not only reversing his policy on vietnam but also his policy in everything like his executive order that would have abolished the federal reserve that no other president since then has reinstated sadly.

Johnson reversed his executive order where are money was backed by silver for five months when he was president.the coverup never would have worked if it had not been in texas where Johnson was able to use his texas connections to control the main police in the investigation.

yeah the secret service were definetely in on it.They hated Kennedy.They were a bunch of red neck racists.Kennedy hired the first black secret service agent in america and he left the white house and asked to be reassigned because of many racist comments he was getting from them.

He came out and said the ss agents always talked how they hated Kennedy and they would never take a bullet for him.they were not just kidding obviously because they violated all protocals that day,slowing the car down at 11 miles and hour and not having agents on the ground allowing someone with an umbrella on the streets and lowering the protection not having men on the back running boards or any running boards.

That was UNPRECEDENTED for a city like dallas that was hostile hitting adlai stephenson the week before on the head with a sign and then running ads in the paper that morning saying he was a traiter and calling him MR KENNEDY instead of the proper President Kennedy and except for one agent,the ss agents did not react one bit at all.where they reacted properly with Johnson.With him,the agent next to him threw himself over Johnson to cover him like he was suppose to.

Thats what Kellerman should have done but did not.People will say they were just being careless that day but thats B.S. If they were just careless that day,they would have been fired for their alleged incompetence but not on single agent was fired like they should have been.

The members of the warren commission should all have been tried and sent to jail as well because many witnesses said they altered their testimonys.a crime itself.
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LBJ was removed from power from the JFK adminstration.
The Kennedy's send a letter to all of the embassies saying that what ever promises LBJ makes, it's not bindind unless it's approved by the Kennedys.

There is news footage of JFK saying words to honor LBJ and LBJ is glaring at him, giving him the dirtiest look.

But LBJ wouldn't have acted on his own, he was just one of many Marxist leaning members of government who hated the Kenendys with a passion

Yeah LBj did not orchestrate it and put it all together.It was carried out by the CIA.However the coverup more than likely would not have worked if it had not been in dallas.Lbj had the connections in dallas to cover it up.you also got to remember he was long time pals since early his early 20's with J edgar hoover who participated in the coverup.Him,Nixon,and Lbj were long time friends.

Its no wonder that JFK and Lbj got in a huge heated argument on the seating arrangements of the motorcade.Johnson wanted Jfk's friend senator ralph yarbrough to ride with Kennedy and his friend John connolly-also involved,,to ride with him.Kennedy wanted Connolly to ride with him and Yarbrough to ride with Johnson and Kennedy in the end had his way.

we know beyond a doubt that Johnson was involved cause he reversed Kennedys policy on vietnam.two months before his assassination,JFK signed document# 263 which would have pulled out all vietnam personal by 1965.two days later after the assassination,Johnson signed document # 273 which REVERSED kennedys policy on vietnam and esculated it with the phony gulf of tonkin incident.

Good to see there are at least a couple people on here who read this and understand it unlike trolls candyass and diliduck.Connolly when he was hit,he shouted out-Oh my god,they're going to kill us all!!!!! which is very strange for someone who has no knowledge of a conspiracy which is what he DID have. When he was shot,he was thinking to himself-"holy shit,they're not just going to kill Kennedy,they are going to kill us all." hense his words their going to kill us ALL!!!!!:D He started to shit his pants at that point.:D
I have just been reading an interesting book from the library, by Russ Baker, Family of Secrets, about the Bush Dynasty -- who were, and are, just one of the many, many cancers eating away the substance of the American nation.

It's a small, cozy world up at the top of American society. CIA agent G. H.W. Bush was in Dallas the morning Kennedy was shot, though he cleverly set up some alibis that made it appear that he had been elsewhere. Oswald's handler, George de Mohrenschildt [discrete associate of CIA éminence grise George H.W. Bush], also made a get-away so as not to be there that day.

The rich, conservative White Russian immigrants in Dallas, like de Mohrenschildt, were hand-in-glove with

"the city's right-wing oilmen and bankers, and all clustered together under the remarkable leadership of Poppy [George H.W.] Bush's "uncle," Neil Mallon. In 1951, Mallon launched the Dallas Council on World Affairs. Under this umbrella, Mallon brought together many Dallas's most powerful citizens, from oilmen and titans of the burgeoning military-contracting industry to German scientists who had fled the wreckage of Hitler's Germany to help fashion weapons....

The Dallas Council on World Affairs shared many influential members with the

"Texas chapter of the Crusade for Freedom, a private conduit for laundered money to be sent to 'freedom fighters'"....

Members of the Texas Crusade for Freedom would become a who's-who of Texans connected to the events surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. In addition to Neil Mallon, members included Raigorodsky
[White Russian son-in-law of the founder of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, and close friend of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover], MacNaughton [Dresser Industries oilman connected with introducing de Mohrenschildt to Oswald], Everette DeGolyer [oil wunderkind and intelligence agent], and Dallas mayor Earle Cabell, brother of Charles Cabel, who was Allen Dulles's deputy CIA director."

Then there was financial wheeler-dealer Jack Chrichton, another intelligence agent with ties to de Mohrenschildt, who made himself instantly responsible for the Russian translation of Marina Oswald's testimony about her husband. So patriotic of him to do so! One might have thought that such a high-flyer had many more important affairs than mixing in the dealings of small-fry!

And, of course, one must not forget another important member of the "Texas Raj" -- as the small coterie of wealthy, extreme right-wingers who ran Texas were called -- D. Harold Byrd, who owned the building which housed the Texas School Book Depository!!

To a man, these scions of wealth and privilege and power were deeply concerned about the fate of the Oil Depletion Allowance.
yeah thats an excellent book.I just finished reading it as well myself a few months ago.Matter of fact he was down in dallas not too long ago talking about that book.a friend of mine got to meet him and discuss the book with him.Lucky dog.That video i posted THE JFK/BUSH CONNECTION just scatches the suurface about Bush.

It doesnt go into all the immense details on it like that book does.The one thing I dont like about that video is its obviously republican driven.It only talks about Bush and Nixons involvement in it but not a word about LBJ.True that not near as many people are aware of Nixons involvement in it like they are LBJ'S but still thats no excuse.they should have talked much more about it.How he had a long standing friendship with Dick Nixon.

Thats why I highly recommend that book to people out there like yourself to read because its much more objective than THE JFK/BUSH CONNECTION video is.Its not republican driven because Baker doesnt leave out the involvement of Lbj in it or Connolly.Matter of fact as you know,he details Johnsons connections to Bush sr's father Prescott Bush who also had CIA connections. very objective book.Not republican driven at all.
Thats a given.

Reagan Assassination Attempt ~ Neil Bush and John Hinkley's Brother Scott ~ News Coverage


Reagan was shot because in the beginning he wasnt going along with establishment boys.Not serving them like they wanted him to.After his assassination though,his policys drastically changed and he started serving the elite like they wanted him to do.

this author whether you want to believe it or not-and you obviously dont-hit the nail on the head in his last sentence here in that second link saying this-Because I know how these things have happened ever since they "took out" John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I think maybe JFK was the last honest President that we had... ]
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Thats a given.

Reagan Assassination Attempt ~ Neil Bush and John Hinkley's Brother Scott ~ News Coverage

Reagan was shot because in the beginning he wasnt going along with establishment boys.Not serving them like they wanted him to.After his assassination though,his policys drastically changed and he started serving the elite like they wanted him to do.

I don't see where Reagan drastically altered anything, he remained dedicated to liberating the people of Eastern Europe from the horrible oppression of Progressive economics.

If anything, I think Reagan gave out orders that "if some unlucky accident should befall me" well, I'm not really sure what ...whack the Bushes and nuke Bilderberg...hmmm
Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ had her husband killed

When something like murder happens normally the police look at who stands to gain the most from the crime.

It's not really a tin foil hat theory. It's SOP in any serious crime investigation.
you'll probably remove the thanks after you see this last sentence in that second link I am about to post that you might not have seen. :D

which says-

Well, just some kind of a fluke." But I'm a skeptic. Because I know how these things have happened ever since they "took out" John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I think maybe JFK was the last honest President that we had... ]

so very true.:D:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: The thumbs up sign is to that author for saying that above just so you know.lol. we'll never have a president anything like Kennedy ever again.
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Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ had her husband killed

When something like murder happens normally the police look at who stands to gain the most from the crime.

It's not really a tin foil hat theory. It's SOP in any serious crime investigation.

Yeah the investigation into the Jfk assassiantion,just like so many other political assassinations such as MLK,RFK and other government and political corruption was the biggest joke and con job and its STILL going on today.

The Jfk assassiantion was such a joke of an investigation because Johnson had more to gain by it than ANYBODY did easily and yet he was not investigated one bit at all.

The warren commission was such a joke as well because the members of the commission were termed THE PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION in the fact that Johnson handpicked and appointed them all.

Johnson handpicked his presidential commission because members of congress were demanding an investigation when facts emerged that Oswald was not the lone assassin.So Johnson handpicked his presidential investigation which became the warren commission headed by Earl Warren. a racist red neck who called blacks *******.

as i said earlier,there were many others back then as well who knew about Johnsons involvement.This one friend of mine who was alive back then told me his immediate thoughts were-That bastard got him.

When it happend in texas,he said he knew for sure Johnson had a huge hand in it.
Reagan Assassination Attempt ~ Neil Bush and John Hinkley's Brother Scott ~ News Coverage


Reagan was shot because, in the beginning, he wasnt going along with establishment boys. Not serving them like they wanted him to. After his assassination though, his policies drastically changed, and he started serving the elite like they wanted him to do.
Those considerations have, on occasion, fueled the possibly extravagant speculation that Reagan was, in fact, killed -- and that an obedient Double was inserted in his place.

This may seem to be impossible, but remember, he was an actor, and always played to a script in public. As for looks and features -- an academic acquaintance who was at a lunch table with him when he was Governor of California remarked, "If I wore that much make-up, my mother wouldn't have let me out of the house."

I think it would be relatively easy for a double to have replaced Reagan -- and these political-doubles are very, very good. I remember one whom George W. Bush trotted out on television at one of his Washington "comedy" dinners. The abilities of the double were uncanny -- very few people -- if any -- could have distinguished them.

Of course, in the case of Reagan, Nancy would have needed to be in on the deal -- but I think that would have been quite possible. And don't forget, after his Presidency, Reagan was pretty well kept under wraps due to his supposed Altzheimers.
thats always possible but I dont get into that cause I like to stick with facts.Thats very possile but i dont think thats the case cause reagan was extremely corrupt even as governor and like Ford,he participated in the coverup of Jfk. Its funny that you mentioned that because I have my suspecions that the REAL JFK was not killed that day as well.That it was a look alike double.

There have been reports that have circulated from people that knew Jfk that he knew about the plot to kill him and that he was alive for many years in some far away island.Now whether or not thats true,will never know but it would not surprise me one bit.

That was his reward for doing so,office of the presidency as it was for Bush and Ford and senator arlen spector.many people got handsomely rewarded for their participation.Have you seen this video of wildcards that talks about how reagan blocked Jim Garrisons subpeona as governor of california?

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I don't take such unsupported speculations seriously either -- there are already too many dark dealings for which there is a lot of evidence.

But I think it is interesting that there is so much skullduggery in modern America that almost nothing that the proles are brainwashed to believe can be trusted to be true.
I cant believe I somehow missed this thread.

RFK believed it as well.There is this pic out that shows a few days later after the assassination,RFK goes up to LBj and he is seen slamming some pamplets aginst a wall yelling at LBJ and according to the photographer that took the photo,he yelled out-why did you kill my brother god damn you!!!!!

The assassination never would have worked it if had not been in texas.Johnsons home state.He was able to use all his vast resources in texas and in dallas to make the coverup work.

He was warned not to go to dallas as well.

Here it is,what i was talking about on this.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzWNDPx4Pm0&list=PLPkieKNUZNP4fmePgEHRqNpt-NIFfVn8k]RFK to Johnson: "Why did you kill you have my brother killed - YouTube[/ame]
more on LBJs involvement. Like the video says,it was LBJ's pal John Connolly was instrumental in persuading Kennedy to come to dallas.Once they got him into texas,Johnsons home state,they were able to control the investigation.It wouldnt have worked in any other state.

Even Jack Ruby as you can see in the video,said that if his friend Adlai Stevenson had been president,the coverup never would have worked.It was shorly after Ruby made that statement that he conveinetly died in prison.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiqnU3rbsow]History is proving LBJ killed Kennedy - YouTube[/ame]
Way back in the 60's, my grandfather was convinced that LBJ had something to do with JFK's assassination. I think he may have been on to something.
I wonder what Jackie believed before her husband was shot? Didn't she know he was a philandering drug abusing jerk?
I wonder what Jackie believed before her husband was shot? Didn't she know he was a philandering drug abusing jerk?

thanks so much for contributing to this conversation being so much on the topic here.what an informative post.:clap2::clap2::D:lol::cuckoo::lmao::lmao:
Way back in the 60's, my grandfather was convinced that LBJ had something to do with JFK's assassination. I think he may have been on to something.

He was.Like I mentioned before,you should read the book THE TEXAS CONNECTION.there is also a new book out as well that really exposes his involvement in it along with Dick Nixon as well.
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