Jackson MS - its like a 3rd world country

Yes I do.

People of different races can live together in peace. People of different cultures can't. You can't pen up a lion and a pack of hyenas. One will kill the other.
America is full of different “mini cultures” and blacks aren‘t “one culture”. Can a Texan live with a Vermonter?

When the left uses the word "racism" 99% of the time it's not racism at all by definition, it's indifference. Like the hyena and lion, blacks and whites are two totally different animals.

Forced segregation by race is racism. It has nothing to do with left right politics.

When whites flee areas where blacks move in, the left refers to it as racism, again, false by dictionary definition. White people flee because they don't want to live with the noise, the filth, and the crime that typically comes with blacks when they move in.

“White flight” started, not because of what blacks “bring in” but because whites didn’t want to live next to blacks. It is the result of “white flight” not blacks moving in that gradually leads to the deterioration of neighborhoods. Aspiring middle class black home owners begin to move in, whites start to move out. Similar homes in black neighbors are often undervalued compared to similar homes in white neighborhoods. As more move out, more properties become rentals instead of owned and the character of the neighborhood begins to change as more and more low income people move in. Rentals in low rent areas are typically not well maintained and owned by out of state landlords with no investment in the community. Additionally homes Maintaining a high of home ownership to rentals is important, not race. I’ve driven through plenty of trashy unkempt neighborhoods in WV, OH, PA that are predominantly white. 40% of black families live in the suburbs, or in neighborhoods like these:


For comparison here are some homes in white majority areas that also fit what you object to with blacks.


I'm sure you'll make some claim of racism here, so let me ask: If blacks were renown for the upkeep of their property, support for law and order and their police, clean and quiet people, do you think any so-called racism (as defined by the left) would exist?
Homeowners, overall, tend to keep their property up. Renters don’t.

You don't have to be honest with me, but be honest to yourself. And if you can't be honest with yourself and claim the same problems would still exist, why is it whites can live with other groups like middle-east people, Asians, Jewish, Hispanics?
Whites have issues with Hispanics…and in past Jews and Asians.

This problem can't be solved until the left comes to terms with the fact skin color has zero to do with it. It's that blacks will never change as a majority. Maybe someday they will assimilate, I don't know. But for now, as long as they can't, I support a return to segregation.
I call anyone who calls for segregation based on color alone, a racist.

Ray is advocating segregation based on culture. In some ways I can support that. Culture crosses races. I don't care to be around beer swilling rednecks. I don't care for their music, in general, I don't care for their choice of beverages, and the sports they like bore me.

The same goes for gangbangers. Don't like their music, their cars, or their drugs.

Black, white, yellow, or blue. I don't like that culture.

Do you?

Culture, as Ray uses it, is Race. He lumps all blacks into one “culture” and support segregation based on race, not culture.
Correct, it won't happen. So we have to keep on suffering property value losses, businesses closing down, having to be armed some or most of the time, schools going from places of education to war zones, the noise, the filth all because not enough people are willing to solve these problems which could be easily done.
Are you talking back of the bus segregation?
Are you talking back of the bus segregation?

Not at all, just living. Nobody is harmed by where they sit on a bus or what water fountain they drink out of. People are seriously harmed financially and physically (at times) when the move into a white area.
Culture, as Ray uses it, is Race. He lumps all blacks into one “culture” and support segregation based on race, not culture.

Not at all. I would say 75% of blacks are not too much of a problem. But in my suburb, our population is around 27,000, let's say 20,000 are black. 25% of those are problem makers, and 25% of around 20,000 is a hell of a lot of people.
America is full of different “mini cultures” and blacks aren‘t “one culture”. Can a Texan live with a Vermonter?

Forced segregation by race is racism. It has nothing to do with left right politics.

“White flight” started, not because of what blacks “bring in” but because whites didn’t want to live next to blacks. It is the result of “white flight” not blacks moving in that gradually leads to the deterioration of neighborhoods. Aspiring middle class black home owners begin to move in, whites start to move out. Similar homes in black neighbors are often undervalued compared to similar homes in white neighborhoods. As more move out, more properties become rentals instead of owned and the character of the neighborhood begins to change as more and more low income people move in. Rentals in low rent areas are typically not well maintained and owned by out of state landlords with no investment in the community. Additionally homes Maintaining a high of home ownership to rentals is important, not race. I’ve driven through plenty of trashy unkempt neighborhoods in WV, OH, PA that are predominantly white. 40% of black families live in the suburbs, or in neighborhoods like these:

View attachment 660621View attachment 660622View attachment 660623View attachment 660624

For comparison here are some homes in white majority areas that also fit what you object to with blacks.

View attachment 660625View attachment 660626

Homeowners, overall, tend to keep their property up. Renters don’t.

Whites have issues with Hispanics…and in past Jews and Asians.


Why is it you people always talk about 1955 when discussing current race issues? Yes, I know people didn't sell or rent to blacks back then. That's how they preserved the neighborhood for generations. I was born and raised in those neighborhoods. Not that we didn't have our problems, but you didn't lose 10K in property value because the neighbors kid keeps turning on your garden hose. And yes, we had our mini-cultures as well. But we didn't insist the rest of the USA adapt to our culture. People back then were thankful for the opportunity to come to this country. Before the internet, VCR's, cable television, immigrants had to learn English from the new friends they made of the same culture or in night school after working 10 hours in the shop. They came here legally.

Landlords not taking care of their property is a myth. Most suburbs will send you warnings and fines if a landlord is letting their place go to hell. The problem for landlords is who they are forced to rent to, and with our laws we've had the last 45 years or so, they really have no choice. If applicant is a minority that can afford the place you will find yourself in court getting sued if you rented to a white person or family instead. It doesn't matter the bad feelings you have about them like you do with some whites, you are renting or selling to them and doing otherwise puts you in financial jeopardy.
“White flight” started, not because of what blacks “bring in” but because whites didn’t want to live next to blacks. It is the result of “white flight” not blacks moving in that gradually leads to the deterioration of neighborhoods. Aspiring middle class black home owners begin to move in, whites start to move out. Similar homes in black neighbors are often undervalued compared to similar homes in white neighborhoods

When they first move in. No one cares........Seem like decent people. Then the crime goes up as their friends show up. As crime goes up the neighborhood starts Community watches to stop crime. Eventually people get tired of patrolling........Then people get tired of the crime.....Sell their homes as the prices drop. More move in.........MORE CRIME.......more leave....and finally it's a shit hole .

We sold our parents home after they passed. All of us wanted one of us to move in because it was a nice house. 3 Bedroom, 2 living rooms, a added on Kitchen with an upstairs add on large bedroom. 15 by 40 patio with shade. 20 x 40 barn with 4 rooms...........A swimming pool. 20 x 40 In ground.

Because of the crime it sold for 55000. Yes 550000. And the pool was vandalized while waiting for sale. Used a dolly to rip the liner. The dolly in the bottom of the pool. Was a VA loan had to add the repair in to the deal.

When you have lived this shit you get back to me and tell me how it is. You are DISREGARDED.
I think I've already shared my wife's mom story on this too. Their neighborhood was destroyed.
What is wrong with that?
It's a LIe............As in my Mother N Laws case she was the last white there. Had many black friends. But the element there was robbing and KILLING........

The house was burned to the ground after it was sold for the price of a shed. It was burned because a WHITE LIVED THERE.........OMFG.

When they first move in. No one cares........Seem like decent people. Then the crime goes up as their friends show up. As crime goes up the neighborhood starts Community watches to stop crime. Eventually people get tired of patrolling........Then people get tired of the crime.....Sell their homes as the prices drop. More move in.........MORE CRIME.......more leave....and finally it's a shit hole .

We sold our parents home after they passed. All of us wanted one of us to move in because it was a nice house. 3 Bedroom, 2 living rooms, a added on Kitchen with an upstairs add on large bedroom. 15 by 40 patio with shade. 20 x 40 barn with 4 rooms...........A swimming pool. 20 x 40 In ground.

Because of the crime it sold for 55000. Yes 550000. And the pool was vandalized while waiting for sale. Used a dolly to rip the liner. The dolly in the bottom of the pool. Was a VA loan had to add the repair in to the deal.

When you have lived this shit you get back to me and tell me how it is. You are DISREGARDED.
Sure, all because blacks moved in. :rolleyes:
Why is it you people always talk about 1955 when discussing current race issues? Yes, I know people didn't sell or rent to blacks back then. That's how they preserved the neighborhood for generations. I was born and raised in those neighborhoods. Not that we didn't have our problems, but you didn't lose 10K in property value because the neighbors kid keeps turning on your garden hose. And yes, we had our mini-cultures as well. But we didn't insist the rest of the USA adapt to our culture.

You sure as hell did, why else did you send Native American kids to boarding schools to have their culture beaten out of them?

People back then were thankful for the opportunity to come to this country. Before the internet, VCR's, cable television, immigrants had to learn English from the new friends they made of the same culture or in night school after working 10 hours in the shop. They came here legally.

There is a lot of myth there, much of that is still true.

Landlords not taking care of their property is a myth. Most suburbs will send you warnings and fines if a landlord is letting their place go to hell. The problem for landlords is who they are forced to rent to, and with our laws we've had the last 45 years or so, they really have no choice. If applicant is a minority that can afford the place you will find yourself in court getting sued if you rented to a white person or family instead. It doesn't matter the bad feelings you have about them like you do with some whites, you are renting or selling to them and doing otherwise puts you in financial jeopardy.
It absolutely is not a myth, there are landlords who are total slumlords. I know people who can’t get major repairs done for years much less routine maintenance.

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