Jackson MS - its like a 3rd world country

“Desegregation was the worst idea we ever came up with.”

What does this statement mean to you? Did we not desegregate based on race?

Is it racist or not racist to want to go back to segregated schools, houses, and drinking fountains?

Yes, we did. And there are plenty of black folks who's company I enjoy.

Like Chris Rock says, I love black people, but hate niggaz.

And guess what, being a niggaz is a way of life, it ain't a color.
Yes, we did. And there are plenty of black folks who's company I enjoy.

Like Chris Rock says, I love black people, but hate niggaz.

And guess what, being a niggaz is a way of life, it ain't a color.
Is it racist or not racist to want to go back to segregated schools, houses, and drinking fountains?
I visited Jackson in 1981, the downtown area was clean including the Bus Station. People were friendly. I am not sure if it is still there but a drug store on the main street has working 1940s, and 50s Soda Fountain, chocolate ice cream soda I had was the best. A family-owned BBQ joint across the street had some top-class bbq. As far as poor goes you should have seen the east side of orange county Florida where I grew up. It was the worst poverty you could imagine and it was all white people on that side of the county. So I don't think skin pigmentation has anything to do with it. What causes poverty for one group is the same for all.
Yes, we did. And there are plenty of black folks who's company I enjoy.

Like Chris Rock says, I love black people, but hate niggaz.

And guess what, being a niggaz is a way of life, it ain't a color.
Yes thank you , ha ha !!
It’s real.

Your fantasies of segregated drinking fountains and separating the country aren’t going to happen. It’s a magical fairy-tale for your twisted mindset.

Correct, it won't happen. So we have to keep on suffering property value losses, businesses closing down, having to be armed some or most of the time, schools going from places of education to war zones, the noise, the filth all because not enough people are willing to solve these problems which could be easily done.
Correct, it won't happen. So we have to keep on suffering property value losses, businesses closing down, having to be armed some or most of the time, schools going from places of education to war zones, the noise, the filth all because not enough people are willing to solve these problems which could be easily done.
If it's so easy we're ready for you to come up with solutions instead of drivel.I

let's have it.
If it's so easy we're ready for you to come up with solutions instead of drivel.I

let's have it.

I gave it repeatedly: We need to divide this country in half and have two countries instead. One side for the left and the other side for us on the right.
I gave it repeatedly: We need to divide this country in half and have two countries instead. One side for the left and the other side for us on the right.
My ancestors tried that once before and the goddamn big government Liberals killed a lot of Americans for it.

Of course this time we have most of the nukes in our part of the country so maybe it will work.
My ancestors tried that once before and the goddamn big government Liberals killed a lot of Americans for it.

Of course this time we have most of the nukes in our part of the country so maybe it will work.

Unfortunately it will never happen. The commies can't live without us. Look at what's going on now. They destroyed NY and California, and now they are migrating to our states. Not such a bad thing if they learned their lesson, but chances are they will vote for the same kind of people that ruined their former state and then ruin our conservative states.

They know if we divided the country into two countries, each with their own constitution, theirs would be shot in less than five years. They would be paying so much for putting everybody on welfare, so much for taking care of illegals, government healthcare, weak or helpless police, no guns for people to protect themselves, it would only be a short time until they reach their utopia and turn their country into a giant Baltimore or Detroit. They'd have nobody to tax since the taxes would be so high, corporations and businesses would all move to our country.

That's why they are so against it.
Unfortunately it will never happen. The commies can't live without us. Look at what's going on now. They destroyed NY and California, and now they are migrating to our states. Not such a bad thing if they learned their lesson, but chances are they will vote for the same kind of people that ruined their former state and then ruin our conservative states.

They know if we divided the country into two countries, each with their own constitution, theirs would be shot in less than five years. They would be paying so much for putting everybody on welfare, so much for taking care of illegals, government healthcare, weak or helpless police, no guns for people to protect themselves, it would only be a short time until they reach their utopia and turn their country into a giant Baltimore or Detroit. They'd have nobody to tax since the taxes would be so high, corporations and businesses would all move to our country.

That's why they are so against it.
A Liberal America would fast become another Venezuela and, like you said, they know it. They need us real Americans to pay their welfare bill.
A Liberal America would fast become another Venezuela and, like you said, they know it. They need us real Americans to pay their welfare bill.
Too bad for you the plans of you Nazi fucks went down the toilet when your Fascist leader got his ass beat.a

Head over to Moscow & take your fucking mob with you. See how you assholes like living under a madman.
Unfortunately it will never happen. The commies can't live without us. Look at what's going on now. They destroyed NY and California, and now they are migrating to our states. Not such a bad thing if they learned their lesson, but chances are they will vote for the same kind of people that ruined their former state and then ruin our conservative states.

They know if we divided the country into two countries, each with their own constitution, theirs would be shot in less than five years. They would be paying so much for putting everybody on welfare, so much for taking care of illegals, government healthcare, weak or helpless police, no guns for people to protect themselves, it would only be a short time until they reach their utopia and turn their country into a giant Baltimore or Detroit. They'd have nobody to tax since the taxes would be so high, corporations and businesses would all move to our country.

That's why they are so against it.
Move to Moscow. You'd fit right in.
Too bad for you the plans of you Nazi fucks went down the toilet when your Fascist leader got his ass beat.a

Head over to Moscow & take your fucking mob with you. See how you assholes like living under a madman.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch. We all know that. Even you Moon Bats know it and that is why you don't want us Americans to secede from you Socialist paradise.

Look how this Potatohead that you stupid Libtards supported caused massive inflation, reduced family income, high cost of fuel, millions of Illegals flooding in, high cost of food, higher taxation, tanking stock market and a near recession economy.

Complete failure of Liberal polices and we warned you Moon Bats that Potatohead was going to fuck it up but you had your head up your Moon Bat asses. We told you that he never got anything right in his life but it was like you had peanut butter in your ears. Now we all are suffering. What the hell were you morons thinking? That Socialism and bat shit crazy Environmental Wacko policies were somehow going to work in the US even though they have failed every place else?

You owe us an apology.

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