Jackson MS - its like a 3rd world country

It wouldn't bother me either way. But segregated schools would come with segregated neighborhoods. Schools are occupied by the people of that suburb or area. It would be automatic.
Awesome. So you’re only behind the times by about 70 years.

At least you admit that you want segregation back.
That should tell you something about the people you run with.

But it won't. People like you are the reason this Country is the way it is. It ain't 1950 for you assholes. Too fuckin bad. Don't like minorities? Go build a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

Correct, the people I run with don't like losing a lot of money on their property either. But leftists being stupid and all, they don't mind losing money. Oh, that's right, they were the first to sell their house when they seen the first black guy walking down the street.
Awesome. So you’re only behind the times by about 70 years.

At least you admit that you want segregation back.

Yes, I do want it back, not only by race, but by political affiliation as well. I'd like to see us agree to divide this country in half; one side for you, and the other side for us. If we chose my side for the conservatives and you people had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight.
Yes, I do want it back, not only by race, but by political affiliation as well. I'd like to see us agree to divide this country in half; one side for you, and the other side for us. If we chose my side for the conservatives and you people had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight.

When you buy houses in Atlanta in the 3-5 million dollar price range, you are likely to have black neighbors.
When you buy houses in Atlanta in the 3-5 million dollar price range, you are likely to have black neighbors.

Perhaps, but those are probably actors or jocks and very few at that. The problem is when they become a near majority. That's when you see the real changes. Trust me, I live in one of those suburbs, I grew up in one of those suburbs. They are not the same places.

But I'm glad you brought it up. I now remember to watch the high speed police chase after a motorcycle that went by my security cameras. I was outside and only heard it. One of my neighbors said he went right down a hill, and the cop car went down after him. Hope there's nothing better to watch on television tonight.
Perhaps, but those are probably actors or jocks and very few at that. The problem is when they become a near majority. That's when you see the real changes. Trust me, I live in one of those suburbs, I grew up in one of those suburbs. They are not the same places.

But I'm glad you brought it up. I now remember to watch the high speed police chase after a motorcycle that went by my security cameras. I was outside and only heard it. One of my neighbors said he went right down a hill, and the cop car went down after him. Hope there's nothing better to watch on television tonight.

Actually there's lots of them.
Some of you guys sound like my great grandfather who was born in 1870 in York Pennsylvania. My Grandmother, a very fine lady said 'don't listen to that old fool'.
Yes, I do want it back, not only by race, but by political affiliation as well. I'd like to see us agree to divide this country in half; one side for you, and the other side for us. If we chose my side for the conservatives and you people had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight.
Your desire to go back to segregation isn't happening. Your desire to split the country isn't going to happen either.

Sucks for you.
Yes, I do want it back, not only by race, but by political affiliation as well. I'd like to see us agree to divide this country in half; one side for you, and the other side for us. If we chose my side for the conservatives and you people had to move out, my property value would more than double overnight.
Is it ok if blacks don't have to sit in the back of the bus or am I asking too much?

Coffee shops?
The first half of the video is a drive around the city

And its very depressing

So I wondered what the demographics were

Answer: 82% black


so here blacks are in total control and its a train wreck

Desegregation was the worst idea we ever came up with. Hundreds of billions of dollars in lost property value and businesses not to mention lost lives. If anybody deserves reparations, it's white people for what government did to (and still doing) to us.
You seriously think we should back to segregated housing, schools, and drinking fountains?
The only way to solve these kinds of problems is to admit them.

Truth is not racist. I've helped the working poor with financial problems and ideas for yrs.

I've been in some of the shittiest places imaginable. I've been in homes where you would puke within 3 min
Why are you even spending time talking to a sockpuppet shill from Langley that hates America Hang on Sloopy :cuckoo:
This is why we believe as we believe. No matter how much we give these people they can never build, construct or govern. They can only demand more and more and more and more!!!! They will fail every single time. They commit crime because they think they're owed something and they can't do it any other way...They're violent and murderous because they have no impulse control and have no value on life.

They make me sick. It is up to them to prove me wrong.
I don’t know what is worse…that you espouse this, Storm(front) lover, or that folks actually agree with your parroting of old racist canards.

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